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  1. L

    Any coffee drinkers around?

    Is Javaberry considered to be the gourmet coffee? I mean is "gourmet coffee" is a term or any good coffee can be named "gourmet"? I advise to taste Javaberry. It istill seems to me fantastic! It is really fresh and has deep flavor. Its taste is unforgettable.
  2. L

    Any coffee drinkers around?

    My favorite is Javaberry. It can't be compared with Starbucks because of really good coffee taste and flavor. So rich. Saturated. As for children I'm sure that we have no right to give coffee for them. Coffee is a pleasure for adults.
  3. L

    strict dad

    Help her with smth she needs very much. May be her father would understand that you are SERIOS.
  4. L

    Men sex drive and arousal

    My husband uses Extagen in these days. Very effective.
  5. L

    Dating rules for men

    What about love?
  6. L

    i can't get my girl to orgasm... help

    The problem you speak about is a lack of sexual desire. She can increase it with special supplements (I have used Sentia, it's OK). I don't want to push any product I only want to say that a lot of people try to find the solution of this problem but they are way off the beam sometimes.
  7. L

    This guy calls my friend (girl) 10 times and it worked. I'm shocked.

    I think the fact is that she likes him.