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  1. F

    Can a relationship/ family work if your gone 180 days throughout the year?

    Damn really? Do you think Foreign chicks with traditional values are the way to go??? Or will that sh*t backfire as well??? Thanks
  2. F

    Can a relationship/ family work if your gone 180 days throughout the year?

    Thanks for the not BSing with me and telling it straight. Wow really? not even if you're being A DJ and not an Apologetic AFC??
  3. F

    Can a relationship/ family work if your gone 180 days throughout the year?

    I'm in the Millitary and when I get out I thought about being an Air Marshal. I like its benefits- the security, the travel and the millitary culture attach to it. The problem is though it requires you to be gone 180 something days throughout the year- thats 15 days per month. Can that...
  4. F

    Finishing College while in the Reserves ?

    I can't say that I enjoy it, but it's DEFINITELY made a Man out of me and gave me time to think about what I'd like to do with my life. It's made me more discipline, made me more socialy aware especialy with dealing with a diverse group of people everyday and gave me the confidence to know that...
  5. F

    Finishing College while in the Reserves ?

    I'm in the Millitary ( Air Force). I plan on staying in but I'm going to be in the Reserves so I can go to college and get my bachelors and finally pursue my goals. While I go to College, I want to atleast get some sort of Job that would be great for my resume ( I'm going to major in...
  6. F

    How do you attract the Quality Women?

    My "game" has gotten better in a sense. But I've noticed a trend, I keep attracting these Hot trailer trash women or slutty women with "boyfriends" they keep in the closet. WTF?? It seems like I can't have my cake and eat it too. I sort of have to learn to "give" and be a better person...
  7. F

    Should you tape it to avoid a rape accusation charge?

    I'm beginning to ponder whether I should tape all my sessions in order to avoid getting accused of rape. Is this a good idea? Sh*t, I know you can get charge for invasion of privacy, but I'd rather take that than spend 25 years of my life in jail for freakin crime I did not committ...
  8. F

    Got rejected by a Below average looking girl on Facebook. Ego took a hit.

    Thanks Thanks A lot FS brother. You nailed this one on the spot. I should be out working on more game consistently as if I was learning how to be a great basketball playerr. You can only get better by going in there and play.
  9. F

    Got rejected by a Below average looking girl on Facebook. Ego took a hit.

    It freakin sucks. I was just lookin for a chick I could screw here and there just to get my confidence up and I got rejected by a below average looking nerdy chick when I asked her for a coffee date on Starbucks. WTF?? Is the biotch playing hard to get??? I know hotter girls have displayed...
  10. F

    How do you handle workplace backstabbers??

    She's a Southern Girl from Texas and probably a hardcore hypocrite Baptist from the impression and stories of her life that she's told me. I happen to work in a somewhat laid back environment dealing with Customer service. I get the impression that she discriminates against me because...
  11. F

    How do you handle workplace backstabbers??

    Theres this southern girl I work with, she's very nice to my face and jokes around with me but talks behind my back when the boss is in. I don't freakin know why, but it seems like I'm a sole target for her. I do good at my job, I don't slack off like a lot of co workers I know yet this...
  12. F

    Asking a woman out at work

    Agree with Sodbuster. Don't freakin do it Brotha you will get your ass in hot water when things dont turn out well. Currently one of my young hot supervisor is into me and giving me flirting signals, will I flirt back? Yes. Will I hit it? Absalutely not. My job is my priority and with...
  13. F

    Leadership 101: Why is Phil Jackson's coaching style so effective?

    I've been thinking about this. Phil Jackson who happens to have won 11 Nba championships is not your typical coach. He's the Zen Master. He's very laid back, he's not an autocratic my way or the highway Bobby Knight Personality. He gives his players meditation sessions, he introduces them to...
  14. F

    Is it wrong to think of women in the context of Food?

    Is it? I'm a Man with a diverse taste with women. I just love women from all sorts of backgrounds and ethnicities. The downside to this, I get bored just staying and being with one race of women. I need variety in my life. Its like food you know. You just cant have hamburgers and fries...
  15. F

    How do you get Like and status at Work?

    Anazon, In my opinion Being Liked and getting along with your co workers will get you far than the dude whose a douche and have this " my way or the highway" mentality. Things just get done a lot quicker, more efficiently if theres less drama and tension in the workplace. I understand...
  16. F

    How do you get Like and status at Work?

    I've been working at a new job that really requires some social intelligence and knowledge of workplace politics. Some things I've noticed: - No matter how competent you are, if you're a tattle tale **** and c*nt, not to mention a bossy know it all, you will not get much respect from...
  17. F

    Seriously... WTF is going on in Mexico

    How much do vigilante snipers get paid these days???......:p Mexico seems like the perfect place to pull that off.
  18. F

    Proof " Looks' don't really matter.

    @ ROGUE. LOL.....dude you look decent but you're definitely no Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom. What type of disease are you sufferring??.. The Average dude's narcissistic syndrome? Hell you're good enough to qualify and be a contenstant for that show Average Joe. Post another pic with...
  19. F

    Proof " Looks' don't really matter.

    Ultimately success does not depends on the clothes you wear, nor how you "look". Ultimately it depends on your Innergame, VIBE, Social intelligence and State of Mind you have to present for each situation, you have to have CHARISMA. If you look at guys throughout history like Charles...
  20. F

    Proof " Looks' don't really matter.

    Hell no. Soldiers, fire fighters, marines and Men of heroism will ALWAYS be adimired. Have you checked out Average looking dudes with uniform on getting 9 or above ratings. You on the otherhand, Bigjimb is probably nothing more than a geeky herb relying on your bank...