Proof " Looks' don't really matter.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score

Dude , with a face like that...this fellow still manage to get a decent looking girl. He's now married and have a child with this girl. Yes, she had sex with this ...this disfigured dude.

What does this have to do with anything?? EVERYTHING.

If your average looking and not freakin disfigured like this dude, you can get beautiful women. Cause if this dude can pull a decent lookin chick, you definitey CAN get your fantasy Megan Fox, Jessica Biel or a Cindy Crawford in her prime. Its just as possible as Shaq making a free throw.

Ultimimately looks = Just taking care of yourself, having good hygiene, dressing well and bein stylish. Don't appear like a slob, unless you want women who happens to be slobs themselves.

The vibe that you put out, also transcends.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
No man, he was already established with the girl before he looked like that plus he's a fvcking hero

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Chances that she would marry him if they just met like that are slim to none. Looks ALWAYS matter, I find it funny that this is even a debate.

Having looks without persistence or confidence wont get you very far though. Also there are other factors outside the physical which can up the ante of attraction (confidence, power, "swagger") Women are much more forgiving than men when it comes to physical appearance. You can be fat, bald or old and still be a "catch" - the same can't be said for women.

One of the best players I know is short, has a bit of a gut and a hook nose. He dresses well and stays groomed, but he's definitely not turning any heads. His success comes from his directness and the sheer size of his balls. He will approach any woman at any time and even return to said woman after she shoots him down on some "okay I know you was just playing, whats really good" vibe. I love that guy, he takes nothing seriously and is a HOOT to hang out with.

So yeah, looks matter - they are just not everything like some misguided people like to believe.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Man bites dog, film at eleven,..


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Soldiers are lame in 2011. Very 2002. Get with the program.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Soldiers are lame in 2011. Very 2002. Get with the program.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hell no. Soldiers, fire fighters, marines and Men of heroism will ALWAYS be adimired.

Have you checked out Average looking dudes with uniform on getting 9 or above ratings.

You on the otherhand, Bigjimb is probably nothing more than a geeky herb relying on your bank account to get desperate women in foreign countries.

Grow some balls man, learn to be independent and stop putting the p*ssy on the pedestal which is probably the reasons why you can't get any.


Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
From my experience, before a girl even gives me the opportunity to display ANY amount of game, etc., she first examines how I look. If I'm ugly, there's NOTHING I can say to move that girl forward. If I'm attractive (which most of them say I am), then the conversation continues.

When I say attractive I'm talking about looks in general, also how I'm dressed, the car I'm driving, etc. That stuff NEEDS to be on point first, following that my personality, game, convo, etc. is what closes the deal.

So in my opinion and from my experience, LOOKS matter first, GAME second.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
FieldReportGuy7 said:
Hell no. Soldiers, fire fighters, marines and Men of heroism will ALWAYS be adimired.

Have you checked out Average looking dudes with uniform on getting 9 or above ratings.

You on the otherhand, Bigjimb is probably nothing more than a geeky herb relying on your bank account to get desperate women in foreign countries.

Grow some balls man, learn to be independent and stop putting the p*ssy on the pedestal which is probably the reasons why you can't get any.
You actually took me from watching Season 1 (for the 55th time I might add) of "Sweet Valley High" for a reference to hotornot? I bet Todd Wilkins would have scored SUPER HIGH on that site. Ever notice how in "Sweet Valley High" you never see a parent? Stranger yet is how some of the male students are about 40 years of age! And that Japanese dude that just appears in the middle of Season 1!! The Moon Beach was cool as hell though. Uh, back to my viewing.
Best opening credits EVER for a TV series. I have the glossy DVD set. :rock: Buy it! In 20 minutes of this episode you see fights, drunk driving, death, a hot girl in a coma, personality disorders, wealth, and never a parent. Hell, take away the hot guys and add more hot girls and it is a weekend in Ukraine. And that song..."Life is too short they say, lets find a way to prove them wrong...To prove them wrong." F---- brilliant. Why the hell did this show never win an Emmy?


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
It's a false dilemma fallacy to debate a unilateral position. Looks matter. Game matters. Money matters. It's all an interwoven interplay.

As Adam Carolla explains here, chicks are like casting agents and select from typecasts. A chick might think to herself, for example, "We need a tough brother from the inner city." Every guy needs a direction, a thing, a schtick, a gimmick—some edge for a chick to latch herself onto. This embodies good looks and fashion but can also include motorcycles.

Looks win you an audition but game lands you the role. But by around the age of 40, game loses its firepower—you must also have resources, i.e. build a kingdom, i.e. have earnings potential, i.e. money, to remain in competition.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Ultimately success does not depends on the clothes you wear, nor how you "look".

Ultimately it depends on your Innergame, VIBE, Social intelligence and State of Mind you have to present for each situation, you have to have CHARISMA.

If you look at guys throughout history like Charles Manson and Rasputin...what did these guys had in common? They were broke, homeless and ugly as F*ck! They wore crappy torn clothes, they smelled, they didnt shower, they didn't brush their teeth but they HAD AWESOME VIBE and GAME. They were soooo Charamastic and suave that the girls they gamed offered them their apartments and homes to stay. That's really the power one's inner vibe can pull.

And that in itself made them have more tail than probably 100 % of the guys here in this forum.

And they did it in pretty much a time frame similar to ours- When being broke and ugly is look down upon.

So stop making excuses regarding your looks and just go out there.


Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Ultimately success does not depends on the clothes you wear, nor how you "look".

Ultimately it depends on your Innergame, VIBE, Social intelligence and State of Mind you have to present for each situation, you have to have CHARISMA.
I don't think anybody is saying those things are not important, THEY ARE. But they are not exclusively ALL that you need.

You should be striving to look the best you can physically, financially, and internally (the game portion). Despite what the gurus teach, I have NEVER seen an ugly, out of shape, totally broke with no potential for being anything, type of guy with any girl desirable to be with. Of course you can get a "girl" being ugly, ambition-less, 30 years old still staying at home with momma and broke, but I doubt it would be a girl worth looking at.

If you look at guys throughout history like Charles Manson and Rasputin...what did these guys had in common? They were broke, homeless and ugly as F*ck! They wore crappy torn clothes, they smelled, they didnt shower, they didn't brush their teeth but they HAD AWESOME VIBE and GAME. They were soooo Charamastic and suave that the girls they gamed offered them their apartments and homes to stay. That's really the power one's inner vibe can pull.

And that in itself made them have more tail than probably 100 % of the guys here in this forum.

And they did it in pretty much a time frame similar to ours- When being broke and ugly is look down upon.

So stop making excuses regarding your looks and just go out there
Are you advocating that guys should be losers? I guess I'm confused by this post. Please post pics from the field of you or any guy that you KNOW that is totally fashion-less, ugly, broke, and homeless, that smells and has bad breath, who is dating a HB 8 and above. That's what you described as a guy that can get HBs so it wouldn't be difficult for you to post pics from your area of this right? :rolleyes:

Bottom line, if you want the hot girl, you have to be a hot guy, PERIOD.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
So stop making excuses regarding your looks and just go out there.
I myself am a very handsome, good-looking guy and have no problem attracting women—literally about 98% of women check me out. I've had ladies swoon over me that I was the "sexiest guy." And when I carry around my motorcycle helmet, which I do out of necessity, I get hit on every week.

Yes, having inner game is very important but looks are also another component. Simply put, good looks makes things easier. Probably just about every guy who bulks up with muscles can attest just how much easier things got with the ladies after they started hitting the gym. Having weak inner game still screws a guy in the long-run but for the good-looking there's a wider margin of error—the difference perhaps between getting a few bangs and no bangs at all. And a good-looking guy with tight inner game will get many more hotter opportunities than an ugly guy who possesses equally comparable game.
If you look at guys throughout history like Charles Manson and Rasputin...what did these guys had in common? They were broke, homeless and ugly as F*ck! They wore crappy torn clothes, they smelled, they didnt shower, they didn't brush their teeth but they HAD AWESOME VIBE and GAME. They were soooo Charamastic and suave that the girls they gamed offered them their apartments and homes to stay. That's really the power one's inner vibe can pull.
Leaders of cults commonly have harems because being the leader of a cult wields high social power (within the cult, at least)—it's access to resources, which, like I said, having resources becomes necessary when game loses power. The ladies Charles Manson pulled were ugly, not exactly the cup of tea of most affluent harem directors. Charles Manson was no Hugh Heffner.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Southern States
Don't post **** unless your perpared to post a picture of yourself. Until you do your an ugly **** and full of total bull crap dude..


Rogue said:
I myself am a very handsome, good-looking guy and have no problem attracting women—literally about 98% of women check me out. I've had ladies swoon over me that I was the "sexiest guy." And when I carry around my motorcycle helmet, which I do out of necessity, I get hit on every week.

Yes, having inner game is very important but looks are also another component. Simply put, good looks makes things easier. Probably just about every guy who bulks up with muscles can attest just how much easier things got with the ladies after they started hitting the gym. Having weak inner game still screws a guy in the long-run but for the good-looking there's a wider margin of error—the difference perhaps between getting a few bangs and no bangs at all. And a good-looking guy with tight inner game will get many more hotter opportunities than an ugly guy who possesses equally comparable game.Leaders of cults commonly have harems because being the leader of a cult wields high social power (within the cult, at least)—it's access to resources, which, like I said, having resources becomes necessary when game loses power. The ladies Charles Manson pulled were ugly, not exactly the cup of tea of most affluent harem directors. Charles Manson was no Hugh Heffner.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Razor Sharp said:
Chances that she would marry him if they just met like that are slim to none. Looks ALWAYS matter, I find it funny that this is even a debate.

Having looks without persistence or confidence wont get you very far though. Also there are other factors outside the physical which can up the ante of attraction (confidence, power, "swagger") Women are much more forgiving than men when it comes to physical appearance. You can be fat, bald or old and still be a "catch" - the same can't be said for women.

One of the best players I know is short, has a bit of a gut and a hook nose. He dresses well and stays groomed, but he's definitely not turning any heads. His success comes from his directness and the sheer size of his balls. He will approach any woman at any time and even return to said woman after she shoots him down on some "okay I know you was just playing, whats really good" vibe. I love that guy, he takes nothing seriously and is a HOOT to hang out with.

So yeah, looks matter - they are just not everything like some misguided people like to believe.
^^ This.

Example was out of context since they knew each other before the injuries.

Mods, close this BS thread down please.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Powerlifter said:
Don't post **** unless your perpared to post a picture of yourself. Until you do your an ugly **** and full of total bull crap dude..

Fair enough. Click here.

You can also ask Rollo Tomassi since I know him.

(I do want to clarify that I usually don't directly catch women checking me out, because they do so discreetly, but the "98%" has been independently confirmed by multiple trusted friends. For years I was skeptical, until I began improving my inner game. I also don't hold claim to be the "sexiest guy" but the point was that's what the ladies claimed.)
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Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score

LOL.....dude you look decent but you're definitely no Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom.

What type of disease are you sufferring??.. The Average dude's narcissistic syndrome? Hell you're good enough to qualify and be a contenstant for that show Average Joe.

Post another pic with you wearin a mop top or something and Maaayyyybeee i'll believe ....lmao


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
I perhaps should have left off the word 'very' in handsome, which I guess wrongly implied 'handsome as a male model', but still the point remains. Looks do play a significant role. While game secures a deal, looks help win you an audition. Women are like casting agents and each has their own typecast, a certain unique 'love map' template etched into brains of their ideal lover. The closer the adherence to this typecast, the more the woman will be drawn to the guy in particular. When you're a lock (at least in looks), the chick will swoon you're the 'sexiest guy' in her eyes (not of women in general). There have occasionally been chicks who I've encountered with many months or years in-between encounters and each time they reacted with the same response as before; they surely didn't remember who I was but I had locked into their typecast and so they responded in the same predictable pattern.
What this reader is hinting about is known as The Template, (or, in more poetic language, the Ideal Lover). Every person, man and woman, has a template etched into their brains from birth that, upon the pubertal blossoming, guides them like an invisible genital towards certain types of people who most closely match their ideal. The Template is a force to be reckoned with, because it derives its power from deeply embedded genetic imprinting passed down from generations of ancestors following their own similar templates.

Master seducers beware: once a girl has laid eyes on her ideal man she will swat away the importunings from objectively superior suitors like so many buzzing flies. Not even Jedi game has the force to distract a girl from pursuing with single-minded focus the man of her Template dreams. The good news is that The Template is very rarely fulfilled; out of 1,000 men a woman might meet over many years perhaps one or two of them will press all her buttons. So as a practical matter, The Template is no barricade to free and easy sex for a fly by night womanizer.
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