How do you handle workplace backstabbers??


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
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Theres this southern girl I work with, she's very nice to my face and jokes around with me but talks behind my back when the boss is in.

I don't freakin know why, but it seems like I'm a sole target for her. I do good at my job, I don't slack off like a lot of co workers I know yet this biotch seems to have an eye for me and will report every little mistake and exaggerate the living daylights out of it.

Do anyone here have some classic tactics for this situation??


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
I can't advice you on a specific tactic, as I don't have any. I just got across this, and doing something, and it seems to be working. Things that don't work, getting down over it, missing work over it, getting emotional over it, talking to a boss over it.

What works is not talking to the rat, I don't mean rude type of ignoring, no. Keep it simple stupid and professional. Rat asks you something about work, answer. Rat asks you something that isn't work related, ignore. But don't be like a pissed off afc, try to forget that thing exists. I don't even say hi to my rat, I just ignore, and wait for my moment. Moment will come when I will put that piece of crap down right in front of our boss (her husband). You know what else, I will get away with it, because I analyzed situation and can see she's not doing great work and crazy emotions get in her way, a lot. This last part might not work for you.

Most important part is not to do what she does, don't lower yourself to her level. Those types of people are in a hole, right in front of everyone, and their false fronts don't last. Clutch your teeth and outlive.

Her tactic is to do things that will make you fvck up. Your tactic is ignore, not do better, not do worst, just be. Time will put things into place.

Ignore that rat unless it's job related, don't even say hi, unless you have to.

P.S. You also have to understand her better. What nationality, what religion?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
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She's a Southern Girl from Texas and probably a hardcore hypocrite Baptist from the impression and stories of her life that she's told me.

I happen to work in a somewhat laid back environment dealing with Customer service.

I get the impression that she discriminates against me because I'm probably the most different of the crew. I have a very liberal attitude about several things ( which I think was a mistake on my part, I should have kept my mouth shut when it comes to politics and debates.) I'm not into the stuf they talk about - Hunting, cars, bbq, shotgun weddings etc. I have a hardcore California accent, I've lived in the City all my life and because of the lack of commonality..I just think she just have an eye out for me.

Plus I'm the 'new guy" even though I've been working there for six months way before she came along.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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I get the impression that she discriminates against me because I'm probably the most different of the crew. I have a very liberal attitude about several things ( which I think was a mistake on my part, I should have kept my mouth shut when it comes to politics and debates.) I'm not into the stuf they talk about - Hunting, cars, bbq, shotgun weddings etc. I have a hardcore California accent, I've lived in the City all my life and because of the lack of commonality..I just think she just have an eye out for me.
Law 38: Think as you like but Behave like others
"If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness."


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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The only tactic you operate by, at work, is your prime directive: perform your work with the greatest productivity and competence, always enhance your contribution to the success of your employer, always do more than you are paid for.

This is the devotion of your intellect, imagination, and initiative: how can I create more success for this company? Because whether you own the company or you work for someone else, that is your mission. Take upon yourself the responsibility of expanding this company, that's how success is created. You stand nothing to gain by engaging in pointless power struggles with your peers.

You want to deal with your co-workers? Blow them out of the water with your performance, because that's all that matters; everything else is conversation. They talk, you act. No sneaking around, no alliances, no gossip. Your focus is solely reserved for your mission.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I have a secretary at work who hates me. She was promoted to office manager and thinks she runs the place. She straight up lied and said I was doing freelance work on the job. Management came down and made a general threat to fire anyone caught doing that. Everyone knew they were talking about me because she had been telling every tattle tale in the company.

What did I do about it? First I followed her back trail. I ended up tracking down the the chain of gossip. I spoke to the main person who spread it to management and had heard it directly from her. He verfied that she told him this as fact. Since he was the IT guy, he had secretly checked my machine but found no evidence, yet he still spread the rumor.

Next I talked to human resources about harrasement in the work place and filed a complaint.

Next I called a meeting with management and my supervisor and a witness. There I laid it all out for them. It came out squarely on her and the IT for spreading malicious rumors. I hinted at a possible lawsuit and that I had contacted my attorney (talked to my cousin who is in law school).

They basically chewed her a new one for spreading rumors, sent out memos about it and had her talk to human resources. She still hates my guts but she doesn't F with me now. She has now been branded a liar and her reign of terror is coming to an end.

And like Julius Seizeher said, be on your A game at work. I am, which went a long way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Some people crave drama and conflict. Others are just bullies. How you deal with them might be different. Without more detail, its hard to suggest what to do. In the case of someone who thrives on drama, be vaporous and give them nothing to hit. Inaction and lack of a target will make them increasingly frustrated and they will tire and move on to someone else. However, if its a bully who knows they are irritating you, inaction won't work. Actually, it'll make it worse. Some people simply have to keep coming at you. Believe me, I used to be the poster child of 'letting it go', until I learned that people can be malicious. In the case of these people, 74's tactic seemed to work. Be more trouble than they are worth. Make it a nightmare for them to pull their ****, and they will move on to a new easy soft target ; the path of least resistance.

Listen, I am not a professional in dealing with workplace crap. I just want to do my work. My first job I did a bad job doing this and created more problems for myself than I solved. I disobeyed Greenes first law and pretty much set out to prove I was smarter than all my bosses and this was the quickest and easiest way to get on a perminant ****list, let me tell you. After reading 48, I stopped talking, gave props to bosses, and started making some ground ( a bad reputation is a killer). After leaving and joining a new company and keeping my head down , I never had a problem at work again.

We all have some growing pains when it comes to work. You will always have negative dealings with people who won't like you. Part of maturing is knowing how to handle these people, and its certainly not an easy thing. Not that 48 needs another plug on this forum, but its general outlines have helped me so much in my dealings with people. There are good stories in 33 strategies of war about workplace dealings too.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Keep a journal and begin documenting her behavior in writing. Include the dates and times the accusations took place. Once you feel you have enough written documentation you can bring a formal harassment complaint against the employee with your company's HR Department or Corporate HQ. The complaint will be investigated by your company's HR Department or Corporate HQ will send someone down to investigate.

Even if no action is taken against the employee I've found just having them placed under investigation and interrogated by HR is enough to stop the harassment.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
Warrior74 said:
She straight up lied and said I was doing freelance work on the job.
Bawhahaha.. they won't let you do freelance? Lol man that's so sad. I once in a while do freelance work and not hide it.

Not in every organization there is HR.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Drdeee said:
Bawhahaha.. they won't let you do freelance? Lol man that's so sad. I once in a while do freelance work and not hide it.

Not in every organization there is HR.
Yah well I work for a state agency. So doing freelance work on company equipment during work hours is a fire-able offense. In fact, that's been the case at every studio or design shop I've worked at. A few might not have minded after hours work, but not while you're on the clock. Where do you work were they care so little about their bottom line?


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Julius_Seizeher said:
The only tactic you operate by, at work, is your prime directive: perform your work with the greatest productivity and competence, always enhance your contribution to the success of your employer, always do more than you are paid for.

This is the devotion of your intellect, imagination, and initiative: how can I create more success for this company? Because whether you own the company or you work for someone else, that is your mission. Take upon yourself the responsibility of expanding this company, that's how success is created. You stand nothing to gain by engaging in pointless power struggles with your peers.

You want to deal with your co-workers? Blow them out of the water with your performance, because that's all that matters; everything else is conversation. They talk, you act. No sneaking around, no alliances, no gossip. Your focus is solely reserved for your mission.

And, ignore her.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
Oh I work in a mom pap IT outsourcing, engineering, shop. There is a husband and wife. Wifie is a ****ing piece of ****.

How to handle this?

Well I realize today, you can't handle this, the only thing you could do is leave and find a new job, or in my case start a business and don't take crap from anyone else. I'm now waiting for my pay, they paying half officially and the other half cash, so I get my money and don't come back, their loss. Working for these bastards is bad for my health.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Julius_Seizeher said:
The only tactic you operate by, at work, is your prime directive: perform your work with the greatest productivity and competence, always enhance your contribution to the success of your employer, always do more than you are paid for.

This is the devotion of your intellect, imagination, and initiative: how can I create more success for this company? Because whether you own the company or you work for someone else, that is your mission. Take upon yourself the responsibility of expanding this company, that's how success is created. You stand nothing to gain by engaging in pointless power struggles with your peers.

You want to deal with your co-workers? Blow them out of the water with your performance, because that's all that matters; everything else is conversation. They talk, you act. No sneaking around, no alliances, no gossip. Your focus is solely reserved for your mission.

and when you feel like they use you or that the company is full of rhetoric but no real work, Q U I T, because the company will go down eventually.
One toxic person in your workplace can and will poison the air so badly, it will get to you in one way or the other.

I have nothing against women in workplace in general, because lot of the bad stuff they do can be said about guys too and since your life does not depend on them it does not really matter. But I have to say I saw so much of woman made gossip, lame excuses, evil-speaking, conspiring, envy and hate I wonder where they take time to actually work. And the woman office mafia will bring you down, especially when you are a girl or a creep (not a bad thing). I have no problems since I do my work and women generally like me but I have to tell you they are mean.
And I often chuckle when someone mentions the need for more women in workplace in order to bring some niceness, empathy and altruistic cooperation.
Yeah right, and a few scratched out eyes.

Only problem I do have with women in workplace is their obsessive need to control guys. There is no bigger pleasure for them than to have a guy do something for them. Is it a shyt test? No it is not. It is loose loose situation. Either you do something for them and their ego grows or you don't and they get pissed. And you are forced to be aware of it and always think twice before you say "No problem, mam" because they will enslave you eventually.
A guy has no problem to do something manual like move a table....but for some/most women it is major status setback as it is for some "managers".


DanelMadr said:
I have nothing against women in workplace in general, because lot of the bad stuff they do can be said about guys too and since your life does not depend on them it does not really matter. But I have to say I saw so much of woman made gossip, lame excuses, evil-speaking, conspiring, envy and hate I wonder where they take time to actually work. And the woman office mafia will bring you down, especially when you are a girl or a creep (not a bad thing). I have no problems since I do my work and women generally like me but I have to tell you they are mean.
And I often chuckle when someone mentions the need for more women in workplace in order to bring some niceness, empathy and altruistic cooperation.
Yeah right, and a few scratched out eyes.

Only problem I do have with women in workplace is their obsessive need to control guys. There is no bigger pleasure for them than to have a guy do something for them. Is it a shyt test? No it is not. It is loose loose situation. Either you do something for them and their ego grows or you don't and they get pissed. And you are forced to be aware of it and always think twice before you say "No problem, mam" because they will enslave you eventually.
A guy has no problem to do something manual like move a table....but for some/most women it is major status setback as it is for some "managers".
Right on, dude. I used to work for a state agency and this was my experience exactly. Women can be down right vicious. Their weapons of choice are gossip and social maneuvering.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
I absolutely hate working with women period! And will generally do anything to avoid it. They are usually toxic to any work environment, normally if a womn at our job hates your guts you are "SOL"! Esp is she is pretty..