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  1. C

    why not pay for it?

    EFFORT- so is that for or against
  2. C

    why not pay for it?

    the hot 7,8,9 or 10's that everyones after have high p***y value, does anyone think that p***y is virgin territory, its probably more loose than a single moms whos had 10 kids
  3. C

    more miss than hit!

    times and location of spotting a mark can be very random too, i wish there was a set time and place it would save me a hell lot of time and energy wasted on the hunt but it doesnt work like that there should be a timetable like for buses but for girls
  4. C

    more miss than hit!

    cold approaches i'm finding more miss than hit i've been doing day cold approaches for a solid 2+ years and what i have learnt is that its very hit and miss, mostly miss , strange thing if something did happen it was on a day that i wasn't bothering to sarge,my game was off, i was in a...
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    why not pay for it?

    even girls who arent escorts, pros, hookers have already been around the bushes, what makes them clean, they're no angels either
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    why not pay for it?

    eventually we all pay for it one way or another, maybe not in hard cash but something more valuable... time i'm 31 years and i'm not getting any younger, time is too precious to me think of it like this, in the stone-age times, caveman had to go hunt for there food, now fast forward to the...
  7. C

    Have you been talked into it?

    Has there ever been a case where a girl that you was not sexually attracted to talked you into F*%£ing her
  8. C

    New Anxiety to my approach

    its not so much as the routine, but that i literally dont remember them, i dont dwell on those girl who i had a bad approach with and thats where the problem lies girls who i have had bad approachs with should have a sign on there forehead, a red flag saying "approached already save your breath"
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    New Anxiety to my approach

    I've practically faced and conquered my AA, your standard AA that everyone has but in doing so i've come face to face with a new Anxiety in its place basically i think i may have approached nearly every girl in my city (ok not every single one but the ones that tickle my fancy) if my...
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    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    couple of quick question when you are in a sh!t@y mood do you bother gaming girls? (i go on trooping dispite feeling like crap which comes to my next question) has gaming whilst in a bad mood resulted in anything good? (personally i have found gaming whilst feeling like crap has never...
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    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    i use something to the same affect aswell , if i'm in ladieswere i will say its my sisters birthday , i need to pick her up a dress, jacket,t-shirt etc and since she (the target) is a girl she should know whats hot and whats not in ladies fashion, if in homewere i will say i or a friend...
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    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    a great place to find girls are bra shops but its really hard to approach with out looking like a pervert and attracting security :(
  13. C

    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    give me a run down of you woman clothes store approach, any logistical nightmares, -do you spend a few min, an hour walking around the shop ( if theres a chick that tickled your fancy and goes into store thats empty but has loads of staff standing, watching doing nothing, do you carry on or...