more miss than hit!


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
cold approaches i'm finding more miss than hit

i've been doing day cold approaches for a solid 2+ years and what i have learnt is that its very hit and miss, mostly miss , strange thing if something did happen it was on a day that i wasn't bothering to sarge,my game was off, i was in a ****ty mood, i wasn't even looking and those time i had my best non approach with a girl, it just happened, what made that approach any different than the other aprroaches i have made in the past, i dont know, even after alot of analysing

whenever i put fourth my best 100% effort i would most of the time get nowhere and as a fellow introvert interacting can be very draining


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
times and location of spotting a mark can be very random too, i wish there was a set time and place it would save me a hell lot of time and energy wasted on the hunt but it doesnt work like that

there should be a timetable like for buses but for girls


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
It's totally luck based when you don't know what you're doing. Try improving your quality. Trying is like powerball, If you play, you have a chance. If not, you're a loser.

Women don't come with instruction manuals.

Have you tried bringing a girl with you to social settings? That'll boost your value.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
yea the only time i like doing cold approaches is at clubs or bars. on the street it has been a big waste of time for me. if a girl doesnt give me that look or a smile i dont even want to talk to her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
In my experience, the only setting in which you will have more hit than miss is in social circle game. Think about it...they are already "warmed up" to you, so if you got some game, you should be able to pull it off the majority of the time ;)

Cold approaching is just that...cold. Therefore, the women are usually gonna be cold. This statement might be a bit of a KBJ theory but I think the best of the best won't have THAT great of a percentage with cold approaches. I know mine isn't all that great. But guess what? You have to be in it to win it (credit Judge Nismo up there, whom I'd rep if I could...gotta spread it around haha).

SO, what do you prefer? 10% or 0%?

It's a numbers game of large numbers, ever heard of it? Given enough trials (cold approaches), your success rate is going to move UP towards YOUR average...and as long as you are committed to improving YOURSELF and YOUR GAME, that average will be a lot better than 0%.

SO are you going to pity yourself, whine, complain, and cry "woe is me!"?

OR, are you gonna grab your balls, realize you're a man, and keep approaching???

Because if COMPLEMENT your cold approaching with all other aspects of the dating scene (ie social circle game, bar/club game, online dating), you'll find that each little approach means NOTHING. Remember...plate theory. Spin plates. The more women, the less each one matters. Same thing here...the more approaches, the less each one matters. And therefore, the MORE SUCCESS!! :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
As someone who's also been doing a lot of "cold approaches" recently, I find this sort of thread disturbing. Too many people here have too little technique to offer...

nismo-4 said:
It's totally luck based when you don't know what you're doing. Try improving your quality. Trying is like powerball, If you play, you have a chance. If not, you're a loser. this. Are you going to actually offer anyone a way to "know what he's doing"?

nismo-4 said:
Have you tried bringing a girl with you to social settings? That'll boost your value.
...or this. If the OP can't even locate attractive single girls with reasonable reliability, and is currently incapable of getting the few he does find to meet him again in any fashion, just who then do you expect him to bring to the social events?

ARrocket said:
OR, are you gonna grab your balls, realize you're a man, and keep approaching???
...or this. I don't see where the OP stated any intention to quit.

People, you might want to realize that mindlessly offering mere exhortation is pointless. Maybe he'd have an easier time if someone taught him how to stop banging his head on a wall and how to do his cold approaches more effectively and efficiently, and which venues have higher concentrations of desirables.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
those time i had my best non approach with a girl, it just happened, what made that approach any different than the other aprroaches i have made in the past, i dont know, even after alot of analysing
Maybe the difference was the girl. Maybe you just finally hit upon a target that was receptive to being approached, or that found you more attractive than the others for whatever reason.

Maybe on those days you felt your game was off and you weren't trying, you came across as more authentic.