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  1. U

    don't know what to do in this situation...

    So I've been with my girlfriend for around a year and things have had highs and lows, but recently, she's been really low and sayong things like "you dont spend enough money on me" or " my friends boyfriends always take them out." She then lied to me about something and is now stalking my ex on...
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    anyone up for a challenge?

    When I went to see her last night it turns put she's lied to me for the 4th time in a year. She told me she'd gotten rid of all the pictures etc of her ex which I did not tell her to do. Then when she was cleaning her bedside a whole box of pictures of them and jewellery fell on yhe floor and...
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    anyone up for a challenge?

    So as you can see from my earlier posts, my girlfriend is pretty difficult to work out at times. Atm she keeps seeming to say and do things for a reaction, like sayong things she knows will piss me off and I really don't get it. Whenever I pick up on it and do react she apologises and cries and...
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    in need of some RELIABLE advice

    Right guys, after a while of doing the same old, she keeps coming out with the same **** as before. She told me the other day that she feels threatened by one of my female friends and tried to make me promise her I'd never speak to her again, to which i promptly told her where to put it. She...
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    in need of some RELIABLE advice

    She's now cancelled our date for tonight saying that she loves me but thinks an evening to ourselves will be a good thing... any suggestions?
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    in need of some RELIABLE advice

    Whats BDP mate, sorry, not good with abbreviations!
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    in need of some RELIABLE advice

    I've been with my girlfriend a little over 8 months and it's occasionally been rocky as all relationships are, but on the whole, It's been great. Recently she's been very up and down again and been moping around the house for the last week or so. She isn't on her period and prior to this she's...
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    Is this behaviour out of the ordinary?

    Why is it so bad that I said that to her? She's always talking about marrying me and moving in together so I dont see the issue with me saying she wasnt giving me 100%?
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    Is this behaviour out of the ordinary?

    So ive been with my girlfriend 7 months, im at university, she's at school and we spend a lot of time together. She does some amazing things for me, she chose her uni based on where I am so she can stay at home and be close, she buys me really nice spontaneous gifts and we spend loads of time...
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    way of finding out roughly where her IL is?

    Well we have sex 2-3 times a week and see each other 4 or 5 times?
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    way of finding out roughly where her IL is?

    Anyone know a reliable way to find out how high a girls IL is?
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    Fastest way to get a girl to chase you?

    Yeah mate, as in, its a girl i've been with and seen regularly for 6 months, not a chick im dating
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    Fastest way to get a girl to chase you?

    Is going ghost on a girlfriend of 6 months a great idea? Surely it'll just convey a lack of interest to her?
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    Can anyone solve this dilemma?

    I'm 20 Espi and my issue is that her behaviour lacks consistency! She doesn't always put me first and she blows very hot and cold as the exception mentioned which just confuses the hell out of me! I'm trying to work out her behaviour and why she goes through "phases" of being amazingly happy and...
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    Fastest way to get a girl to chase you?

    Any suggestions just as a general question, been with her 6 months and I think ive made the mistake of chasing her yoo much recently, how can I spin this round?
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    Can anyone solve this dilemma?

    Right guys, I've done a couple posts on here before but I thought it might be a good place to get some reliable info/advice on my situation, I just can't work it out. So basically, I've been with a few girls before and have read plenty of books such as The Game, 3% man, The System etc.. and I...
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    Advice Needed!

    Well I'd love a future with this girl and she says she would to but I dont see any explanation as to her behaviour
  18. U

    Advice Needed!

    Right guys, I've done a couple posts on here before but I thought it might be a good place to get some reliable info/advice on my situation, I just can't work it out. So basically, I've been with a few girls before and have read plenty of books such as The Game, 3% man, The System etc.. and I...
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    how to boost my girlfriends IL

    Well we had sex 4 times last night and an argument because she was looking through my phone! Any suggestions now? It's a pretty weird case in my eyes, I've dated a fair few girls and had a long term relationshio before but this is really weird behavioir to me!
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    how to boost my girlfriends IL

    So after a long "discussion" last night (basically me listening to her) she told me that she was scared of losing me recently and because she knows she's upset me a lot, she thought if she spoke to me she might upset me again. To be fair, i pulled back for just 1 night and got about 4 messages...