Can anyone solve this dilemma?


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Right guys, I've done a couple posts on here before but I thought it might be a good place to get some reliable info/advice on my situation, I just can't work it out.
So basically, I've been with a few girls before and have read plenty of books such as The Game, 3% man, The System etc.. and I just can't work my girlfriend out. We've been together 6 months and when we started going out obvs had the honeymoon period etc. I then noticed some mixed signals but assumed they were probably attention seeking so ignored them and a few weeks later, over the Christmas period everything was amazing. 2 months later, so a few weeks ago, I noticed the mixed signals again so I pulled back, normally this works making the girl chase but it made her pull back too I made myself less available, then so did she.
It's really confusing because none of my techniques seem to work and we've had a few arguments recently but she always cries and makes me feel pretty bad so we both compromise on a solution and meet in the middle. But she never cancels dates, never doesn't return a call or a text and her family and friends all sing my praises to her and her brother (one of my best mates) she never says a bad word to him about me so I don't know what her problem is. I have however noticed recently that her mum and dad wait on her hand and foot and she is a VERY jealous person, she had a very bad relationship with her ex and she seems to want me to be there for her all the time whilst not always doing the same in return.
Sorry for the long post guys but im coming up to some very important university exams and I need to understand and fix this problem, nothing seems to work. Any suggestions as to why she is behaving like this or how I can make her treat me better again would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Also, she's 19 years old and we have a kind of routine of seeing each other every wednesday to sunday, she has also said on many occasions she wants to marry me etc


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
ukboy1 said:
I need to understand and fix this problem
Illusion of action. You dont need to "fix" anything.

Women may go through periods of hot and cold with a guy. She may not be lovey dovey 24/7/365.....

Some of the actions she does are high quality. As long as she has more of these than red flags than everything is ok. Periods of hot and cold usually work themselves out as long as you dont overcompensate and try to fix every little problem. It will come off as needy.

If she wants some space.....give her space. She will miss you and come back.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
I'm 20 Espi and my issue is that her behaviour lacks consistency! She doesn't always put me first and she blows very hot and cold as the exception mentioned which just confuses the hell out of me! I'm trying to work out her behaviour and why she goes through "phases" of being amazingly happy and lovey dovey to almost depressed within a few days.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
ukboy1 said:
I'm 20 Espi and my issue is that her behaviour lacks consistency! She doesn't always put me first and she blows very hot and cold as the exception mentioned which just confuses the hell out of me! I'm trying to work out her behaviour and why she goes through "phases" of being amazingly happy and lovey dovey to almost depressed within a few days.
Estrogen :p