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  1. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/23/12 - Thursday Just had one of the most, maybe the most confusing text convo I've ever had. I really don't get it... HB Megan was out again today, so to open her I texted: Bold: Hey, still alive? Megan: Ha yes Bold: Damn. Jk. Not really, actually Megan: You're so nice Bold...
  2. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/20/12 - Monday Chilled with two of my friends for about half the day, spent the other half finishing up hw. 2/21/12 - Tuesday Didn't get enough sleep the night before, so wasn't feeling 100% during the day. Learned my lesson though, I can't be my best self while running off just a few...
  3. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/19/12 - Sunday So basically, not going out with her on Monday: Megan: I hurt my knee at lacrosse today so I have to go to the orthopedic's tomorrow, what days are you free next weekend? Bold: I'm pretty much busy all of Sunday, but Saturday looks good Megan: Okay that will probably work, the...
  4. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/17/12 - Friday Went to the knicks game, of course it was the night that they snapped their winning streak. Whatever. 2/18/12 - Saturday Texted HB Megan: Bold: So, picking you up Monday at 3 Megan: I need to check my work schedule and figure out when my pt is Bold: Okay Megan...
  5. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    Thanks for the advice, but she ended up replying though. I'll post it below. 2/16/12 Did almost no work in school today. Everyone, including myself, was just in the mood for the four day weekend. HB Megan texted me back early this morning: "Yeah either sunday or monday work for me, just let...
  6. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/15/12 HB Megan texted me late tonight, around 11pm Megan: Sooo wanna tell me if the math test is hard? Bold: Maybe. You out tomorrow? Megan: Yeah skipping just because of the test. Jk. I'm going to visit [college she's going to] Bold: Nice, for the whole weekend? Megan: I'm coming...
  7. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/10/12 Gotta update this more frequently, because I don't remember what happened. Judging from this though, nothing particularly important. Besides Jeremy Lin's 38 points of course. 2/11/12 and 2/12/12 Chill weekend, spent time with my friends and also did massive amounts of homework...
  8. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/9/12 Bought and made the cards for the roses today (prom invite). Was sitting at the table coloring in the letter 'P' when one of the white-knights in my school came over to buy a few cards too. Had to hide my cards with some David Copperfield moves until he left, because I knew that if he...
  9. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/8/12 Same old happened for most of today, until Lit class. We started reading a play that had only four characters, but one was played by the teacher, so there was 1 guy and 2 girl roles up for grabs. To keep things interesting, the teacher asked the class to nominate who they thought would...
  10. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/7/12 Thought about what you guys said about the prom invitation, and I've changed my mind. After thinking about it, I would want my date to have something to say when all of her girlfriends are gossiping and what not, and I've realized that girls also get a huge kick out of the validation...
  11. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    Thanks LearningSlowly and Nino-Tk for telling me to basically just go out with her already, but I ended not having time: 2/3/12 Before I went out with my friends, my parents told me about a change of plans for weekend. Originally, we were going to see our relatives on Sunday, but now we...
  12. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    Thanks for the input guys, I see what I need to work on. Anyway, as I'm typing this, it's Friday afternoon. I have plans for tonight to chill with my friends, but do you think I should text Megan to see if she wants to do something this weekend? Her plans might already be set though, but...
  13. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    I completely understand where you're coming from, I shouldn't have added the "lol". Don't know why I did that, because I definitely wasn't finding it funny that she cried. Probably a combination of the awkwardness that amohield referenced in his post as well as my tiredness when writing that...
  14. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    2/1/12 First day back from midterms. Just getting back into the groove of things, not used to spending more than a few hours in school lol. Got almost all of my midterm grades back actually, mostly A's, one B+. The one B+ bugs me a little, because I see it sort of like a blemish on my record...
  15. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    1/31/12 Last day of midterms today. Again, I was only in school for two hours so not much happened. Spent some time after school scheduling a few college interviews. I also worked on finalizing a contract for a house during Prom Weekend with some friends, should be awesome. I'll write...
  16. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    Thanks for the advice on the summer job guys. 1/30/12 In the middle of midterms right now. Took my calc midterm today, was in school for a grand total of two hours. I don't usually do this, but because we got out at around 12, I went to go get lunch with this girl Rachel, who's a 6 and...
  17. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    Thanks amohield. You're right, I did forget to include some of my goals that don't involve women. Besides the ones on your list like the grades/gym/friends, I'm also working on finding a summer job. Preferably one that is fun/interesting and doesn't suck the life out of me.
  18. B

    ---Bold's Journal---

    So I've been thinking about starting a journal for a few weeks now, but haven't had the time to sit down and type up an introduction. But now it's time for me to get to it. No lies, no bullsh*t, just the facts. Let's do this. I'm currently a senior at a large public high school in NJ. I have...
  19. B

    Conflicted Thoughts

    trust your gut