---Bold's Journal---

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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I'd be epic. "Hey, you going with anyone? No." Then I'd sing her a battle hymn and run forth shouting my lust in jubilation.

I feel like prom is the one time the pedestal tactic beats the casual approach.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score

Thought about what you guys said about the prom invitation, and I've changed my mind. After thinking about it, I would want my date to have something to say when all of her girlfriends are gossiping and what not, and I've realized that girls also get a huge kick out of the validation they receive from being asked to prom in an special way.

It's still not in my nature to do something tremendously over the top or elaborate though, but I still have a lot of room to be creative. I did some thinking today, and I came up with something that I like. There's a club in my school that's selling roses all this week, to be delivered next Tuesday (V-day).

When you buy the rose(s), you write whatever you want on the card(s) in advance, and the club later attaches the cards to roses and delivers them next week. I was thinking that I would get 5 roses, and write the 5 characters in "Prom?" really large on each of the 5 cards. She'd know who they were from by the label on the back of the card, but maybe I'd send a 6th one with a short note on it too.

It's kinda cheesy and stereotypical, but I think that she'd still love it. Say what you will, but girls like flowers. Plus I know girls always like to walk around on that day showing off their roses. Any thoughts? I have until the end of the week to buy (would only cost me like $13/$15 for 5/6 roses).


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score

Same old happened for most of today, until Lit class. We started reading a play that had only four characters, but one was played by the teacher, so there was 1 guy and 2 girl roles up for grabs. To keep things interesting, the teacher asked the class to nominate who they thought would be appropriate for each role.

For the guy role, he basically said that it needs a male who is slightly arrogant and conceited, and can get angry. There was a one second pause after he said that, and then literally a third of the girls in my class shouted my name and I got picked. Felt good, you know. Anyway, was a fun period.

About the prom invitation idea: Will be going through with it tomorrow (Thursday). Thanks for the feedback guys.
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Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score

Bought and made the cards for the roses today (prom invite). Was sitting at the table coloring in the letter 'P' when one of the white-knights in my school came over to buy a few cards too. Had to hide my cards with some David Copperfield moves until he left, because I knew that if he saw what was going on, there was 99.99% chance he would run off and tell the girl, ruining the surprise. But other than that, no issues.

Don't think anything else worth writing about happened in school today. However, I do need to concentrate more on HW/studying, as I've been slowly slacking off more and more as the year goes on. Just gotta buckle down and do what I got to do, I guess.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score

Gotta update this more frequently, because I don't remember what happened. Judging from this though, nothing particularly important. Besides Jeremy Lin's 38 points of course.

2/11/12 and 2/12/12

Chill weekend, spent time with my friends and also did massive amounts of homework (don't you hate it when teachers seem to synchronize their homework or tests).


A few of my friends in the club that was selling the roses started coming up to me and saying they knew who I was going to ask to prom. (They were able to find out because they had to read through all of the cards to make sure everything was school-appropriate). Anyway, just had to convince them not to spill, and thankfully none of them did. I really wanted it to be a surprise, and it ended up working out, good to know that a few people on this planet still have the ability to hold a secret.


Wow, I don't think I mentioned who I chose to ask to prom. Well, it was HB Megan. Anyway, she texted me "Yes :)" immediately after she got the cards in homeroom. Good sh*t.

So throughout the day as the news spread, people I knew came up to me and congratulated me (?) or whatever. Wanted to help my bros out, so I encouraged them to make a move and ask someone soon before all of the attractive girls are taken. Hope they take my advice.

I definitely want to hang out with Megan soon though, I don't to wait for months until the after-prom party to hook up with her.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score

HB Megan texted me late tonight, around 11pm

Megan: Sooo wanna tell me if the math test is hard?
Bold: Maybe. You out tomorrow?
Megan: Yeah skipping just because of the test. Jk. I'm going to visit [college she's going to]
Bold: Nice, for the whole weekend?
Megan: I'm coming back sunday morning
Bold: We should chill later this weekend. I have stories to tell you.

So as you can see, she didn't reply, but it was close to midnight. I'm not trying to sit here and hypothesize 1000 reasons why she didn't, but it was probably because she fell asleep.

She'll probably reply tomorrow, at which I'll make definite plans for a place/time. Either for Sunday or Monday (no school).

But how do I hit her up on the off chance (pretty sure this is not the case) that she really did ignore that last text?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Bold said:
But how do I hit her up on the off chance (pretty sure this is not the case) that she really did ignore that last text?
You enjoy your weekend, don't mention it, wait a week, then call her.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
LearningSlowly said:
You enjoy your weekend, don't mention it, wait a week, then call her.
Thanks for the advice, but she ended up replying though. I'll post it below.


Did almost no work in school today. Everyone, including myself, was just in the mood for the four day weekend.

HB Megan texted me back early this morning: "Yeah either sunday or monday work for me, just let me know"

My plans for these two days aren't 100% set yet, I know my friends and I are planning to do something one of those days, so I'll probably go out with her on the other day. I'll know within a day or so exactly when I'm free.

So that gives me time to think about where I want to go with her. Doing something outside isn't good, with high temp around 40 these days. I was thinking about going to a local cafe to get dessert during the afternoon. Mall is also an option. Feel like I'm blanking out on some other options right now though.

I know there are threads on this that I can search later, but any suggestions/advice guys?


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
2/17/12 - Friday

Went to the knicks game, of course it was the night that they snapped their winning streak. Whatever.

2/18/12 - Saturday

Texted HB Megan:

Bold: So, picking you up Monday at 3
Megan: I need to check my work schedule and figure out when my pt is
Bold: Okay
Megan: At a computer, checking right now
Megan: I'm working 6-10
Bold: Sure, we should be fine
Megan: Okay lol

I'll text her later to get her address. She hasn't even asked me where we're going yet lol.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
2/19/12 - Sunday

So basically, not going out with her on Monday:

Megan: I hurt my knee at lacrosse today so I have to go to the orthopedic's tomorrow, what days are you free next weekend?
Bold: I'm pretty much busy all of Sunday, but Saturday looks good
Megan: Okay that will probably work, the only thing I think I'm doing is prom dress shopping
**[Note for people who haven't read all my posts: I'm going to prom with her]

Didn't bother replying after that. Regarding her cancelling: it seemed like a legit excuse to me, and she counteroffered (sort of). I guess I'll hit her up around Wednesday to plan for Saturday. I do see her in school everyday as well, but we seem to always to make plans over texts.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Mix up the pattern man. Be spontaneous. That's probably why she likes you, but I'm assuming you guys barely talked before this.

So yeah. See her in the hallways. Grab her. Regale her with tales of Adventure/and average morning then walk off. Bee cool.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
Mix up the pattern man. Be spontaneous. That's probably why she likes you, but I'm assuming you guys barely talked before this.

So yeah. See her in the hallways. Grab her. Regale her with tales of Adventure/and average morning then walk off. Bee cool.
This is exactly what I need. Thanks!


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
2/20/12 - Monday

Chilled with two of my friends for about half the day, spent the other half finishing up hw.

2/21/12 - Tuesday

Didn't get enough sleep the night before, so wasn't feeling 100% during the day. Learned my lesson though, I can't be my best self while running off just a few hours of rest.

2/22/12 - Wednesday

One of my good friends and I spent most of the time in our Senior Health class talking to the two hot girls in the class. Mostly teased and flirted with them. I think both of them have boyfriends, but I don't care - even if we don't get anywhere them, at least my friend and I will have some entertainment in the most boring class in our schedules.

HB Megan wasn't in school today. I was really busy after school today, so I didn't remember that I wanted to text her about Saturday until really late today. No big deal though, I'll just text her tomorrow (Thursday) night about meeting up on Saturday. I won't try to bs around or anything when I text her, instead I'll just get straight to the point.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
2/23/12 - Thursday

Just had one of the most, maybe the most confusing text convo I've ever had. I really don't get it...
HB Megan was out again today, so to open her I texted:

Bold: Hey, still alive?
Megan: Ha yes
Bold: Damn. Jk. Not really, actually
Megan: You're so nice
Bold: Thanks, I'm always nice. So, Saturday?
Megan: I have work :/
Megan: Sunday is no good?
Bold: I have early afternoon open on Sunday
Megan: Bummer
Bold: Why
Megan: ?
Bold: You said bummer
Megan: Sarcasm. Jk. Not really, actually
Bold: I didn't know we were allowed to quote each other. Also, I'm pretty sure you're not making sense right now.
Megan: Maybe you're just not getting it **Damn right I'm not getting it
Bold: Let me take a guess. You're good for Sunday
Megan: Um no lol, I am, but I already said that **So you're not good. But you are. What?
Bold: What's going on here. No, but you are. What
Megan: Nvm
Bold: Don't understand
Megan: I'm not making sense **Damn straight
Bold: Let's try this out. Why don't you say, as clearly as possible, what you're trying to communicate
Megan: I'm tired, night **Okay



Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
She's not interested. Find 3 others. Also be more sure of yourself.
"Bold: Damn. Jk. Not really, actually"
Bold: I didn't know we were allowed to quote each other. Also, I'm pretty sure you're not making sense right now."

Anyway, find 3 new hotties.