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  1. D

    Going out tonight and need some advice to get PSYCHED!

    What's that supposed to mean?
  2. D

    Going out tonight and need some advice to get PSYCHED!

    I usually do affirmations for about an hour while listening to some rock music (Linkin Park, Sum 41 all hardcore stuff) with some alcohol sometimes, but It's starting to get old and I'm losing my edge. I need some tips for stuff to do before going out! What kind of rituals do you guys do?
  3. D

    Best quotes in pickup

    Don't really know if this is off-topic or not, but there's a lot of great ones out there. I honestly think some of the greatest men who have ever lived exist in this business. I'll start: "To get a woman you have to risk losing her." -Mystery ****ing truth right there, something to keep in...
  4. D

    What is not acceptable on a one night stand with random girl

    Afc stuff like giving obvious IOIs. **** that **** go alpha and natural
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    Peacocking: Does it lower your value?

    Like what tatoos and stuff? Got any examples?
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    Peacocking: Does it lower your value?

    I don't get it did DNA change or what it's supposed to be evolutionary psychology right?
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    What are some friendzone signs

    Typical sign is: Responding well to rapport seeking vocal tonality and getting uncomfortable around neutral tonality(breaking rapport). It's because she sees you as a girlfriend and then you go getting all sexual and she gets cognitive dissonance from it. Either that or she'll friendlykino...
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    Peacocking: Does it lower your value?

    I'm all natural game but still I keep thinking it's more high value to be like the coolest fitting in you know, trends and stuff. I mean I think dressing like an A&F model would be mad value. But I don't give a **** what I wear, it's all on the inside baby :rockon:
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    Walk into a bar/club/ w.e social scene, see this, what do you do?

    **** all the methods, go up tell her straight up my intentions with her and if she doesn't like it well her loss, have fun with the afcs
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    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    It's not trolling dude you gotta realize it's dumb to try to amog people online, there are no girls here mate...
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    Peacocking: Does it lower your value?

    I hate MM and stuff like that but I was thinking the other day, doesn't peacocking actually act as a DLV? I mean It's not like peacocks actually seperate themselves from the crowd with their tails, they're more like muscles on men if I've understodd right. So wouldn't actually fitting in be more...
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    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    What ebook did you get that from? Sounds like a rehearsed line. NATURAL GAME FYI