Walk into a bar/club/ w.e social scene, see this, what do you do?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score

It ALWAYS happens too. The only girl in the pic is your target, GO!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
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lol Kerpal, any other takers? (edit: also, EXPECT to see this when you go out rofl, this is why I hang out at different Barnes & Nobles in NY now)

I am seriously blanking out at what to do here....

Just imagine: You were walking into the bar or what have you, then BAM! You see her! The most beautiful being you have ever seen in your life perfect everything! plus you dreamt about her for 3 nights straight before that very moment as if the Universe is telling you that she is the one, your heart is racing, you start to sweat, your d!ck is trying to punch a hole through your pants, you start shaking etc. etc.

.....Geez, I think I just pee'd a little.

DJs that girl might be your wife! All that is standing between you and happy ever after are those three guys that are taller, more ripped and better looking than you are (just generally better than you) all trying to talk to her at once......All those pages you read on sosuave and pua-material all goes down to THIS moment! Its like the bar exam for DJs, extreme worst case scenario

What do you do?


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
walk directly past her and mumble "uh oh! Someone's in love with attention" just loud enough for her to hear. Then sit down with my friends and enjoy my night whether that includes her or not.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
Find another decent girl that isn't pestered by guys. Grind with her or hang out with her for a bit. Make sure first girl sees.

Then sit somewhat close to first girl at bar. If she glances over at you talk to her and get her to come to you. If she does you win! Beta chumps will realize something is on and all leave cause they are beta.

If the above scenario doesn't happen...you still win cause you didn't waste your whole night obsessing over the girl like the 3 other guys there. In this case you go back with the hot girl that isn't being orbited like the sun.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
Build major social proof.

take a short detour from enjoying an awesome time with your friends, new friends, new hot ***** social proof to make eye contact and kind of laugh at her.

**** works pretty much every time. thank you evolution and preselection.


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
tryin to holler at a chick that is surrounded by dudes is lame. All you become is another dog trying to get the bone.

I would just say screw her and find another chick and later if she is finally able to breath i would go maybe talk to her. But by that time she's gotten her attention filled up and her shields are gonna be less receptive of you even if you seem to have better game,looks, or whatever

there's more fish in the see. Don't obsess over on chick like the 3 dudes in the picture


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Go to a bar with more women?

If there's only one woman in the ENTIRE bar that you want to talk to, it's either a sh*tty bar or you're creating obstacles for yourself.

Rule #1
No girl - especially one you know nothing about aside from her face and possibly cup size (based on what she's wearing) - is worth more than casual easy effort.

Rule #2
Rule #1 is not an excuse to put in zero effort. Just that you should do a little for a lot of women rather than a lot for a single woman. Your effort should be spread around to multiple women to maximize your chance of finding ones that are actually worth seeing.

Honestly, meeting women in bars has never worked that well for me. I can pull well enough, but it requires a lot more peacocking, hoop-jumping, and all the other stuff that reminds me that I should be spending my effort on becoming awesome, like learning dance, shooting guns, writing the next great American novel, and retiring by 35. Not to say it isn't fun sometimes, but put yourself in situations where you know it will be fun. One girl in the whole bar

Meeting women in dance class, however... yeah. When you're a straight male dancer, that photo the OP posted becomes three hot chicks talkin' to one dude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
BlackMack177 said:
tryin to holler at a chick that is surrounded by dudes is lame. All you become is another dog trying to get the bone.

I would just say screw her and find another chick and later if she is finally able to breath i would go maybe talk to her. But by that time she's gotten her attention filled up and her shields are gonna be less receptive of you even if you seem to have better game,looks, or whatever

there's more fish in the see. Don't obsess over on chick like the 3 dudes in the picture


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
basically if you're in a bar and there's only one chick or only one hot chick ... ist definitely not the place where you wanna be !

maybe i'll try the same thing taken from hitch (the movie)
just go straight to her and order some drinks for my friend and i ... and without her answer i'll go back to my friend
me: 'hey 2 beer and 1 vodka redbull'
she: follow me so she is isolate 'i'm not the bartender'
and then i'll handle the situation
if she's not coming so can alway go back to her and ask her what about the drinks
i don't know if it's working but i like to try new things

what do you think ? someone here tested it ?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Good answers! However, as I said, this is that ONE chick that you cannot just let go or replace YOU GOTTA HAVE HER OR YOUR PEN!S WILL HATE YOU AND BE FLACCID FOREVER, so stay in the rules bros lol

TheMale said:
what do you think ? someone here tested it ?
Don't do it, I am sure by this time a lot of people already saw that movie. It will just make you look unoriginal


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
so why not use a little social proof and make other girl look at you
and then you choose a place to sit when you can actually look at evreyone and everyone can look at you
so i used that some times ... took that from gambler
you walk in and every gchick who crosse your way you just make a little physical contact
i mean just touch her hand with yours or push her gently by putting your hand on her lower back when you just walkin to your table
so that way they look at you and everyone look at you cause the other chicks look at you
and you're actually intriguing them


Don Juan
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
**** all the methods, go up tell her straight up my intentions with her and if she doesn't like it well her loss, have fun with the afcs


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
TheMale said:
basically if you're in a bar and there's only one chick or only one hot chick ... ist definitely not the place where you wanna be !

maybe i'll try the same thing taken from hitch (the movie)
just go straight to her and order some drinks for my friend and i ... and without her answer i'll go back to my friend
me: 'hey 2 beer and 1 vodka redbull'
she: follow me so she is isolate 'i'm not the bartender'
and then i'll handle the situation
if she's not coming so can alway go back to her and ask her what about the drinks
i don't know if it's working but i like to try new things

what do you think ? someone here tested it ?
lol, you pretty much just described a scene from the movie "Hitch"


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sabol said:
lol, you pretty much just described a scene from the movie "Hitch"
^ thats what he just said. lol.

but i think all the people sayin they wouldnt try because they dont want to be just-anther-guy are lame.

IMO game ISNT about playin the numbers and going for the easy stuff. if you got game, you can get what you want when you want.

I would try for it, probably hang out with my firends first and slowly try to move in as she starts to assume that im not interested. maybe play a loud drinking game that attracts her attention.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
dudewut said:
Good answers! However, as I said, this is that ONE chick that you cannot just let go or replace YOU GOTTA HAVE HER OR YOUR PEN!S WILL HATE YOU AND BE FLACCID FOREVER
Hahaha! Gee, pedestaling much? :D

In reply to the situation, what if she doesn't dig me? What if she's not interested in me? How you considered that situation? ;)

What has worked for me in the past is to sit with my friends kind of far from her but in her line of sight and wait for her to make eye contact. If I get the vibe that she might be interested (IOIs, BL, etc.), when eyes are locked I give her my trademark sly half-smile and signal her with my hand to come over. When this has worked, it's told me two things:
  • Her IL in me is high-enough to actually get up, walk and sit next to me and start a conversation.
  • She is willing and able to leave the attention being received in order to talk to me, being flexible and cooperating with the isolation part of the pick up.
  • Any further interactions with this woman might just be worth it.
When it hasn't worked, it tells me that:
  • She might just be a flirt with little to no physical attraction towards me.
  • Her IL in me might be relatively high BUT she prefers the attention of the orbiters.
  • If I were to attempt to further interactions with this woman, it'd probably just be a waste of time, money and effort.
Remember, nowadays almost every good-looking woman will have orbiters when she's out and about. The key thing is identifying flexible, high-IL women and work on those.