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  1. G

    Must Watch South Park Episode

    re wow, great episode!!
  2. G

    Why? -.-

    re In already read everything I could in the "bible", I think I know WHAT to do, but not HOW! I guess I'll read it all again and keep trying and trying, until I achieve something! Thanks :D
  3. G

    Why? -.-

    re Well Igetit!, I get it now! (xD) I'll use the brilliant info you provided and see what I can do. Thank you so much for putting that effort in the reply! I was hoping simple answer and you proved to me that that this forum is very good. If I achieve something, I'll let you know. For...
  4. G

    Why? -.-

    re I don't like girl friends (it's irritating having to hear sh1t xD) so when I see I'm getting in the friend zone I cut contact with the girl in cause. Cold approaches? I'll see about it... Thank you guys for replies :) But please continue giving opinions
  5. G

    Why? -.-

    re I tried to believe many times, I tried to have high value also many times, and it didn't work. But I'm a bit emotionally unstable, I can be very happy and 1minute after very lonely and lazy (not sad), I can't keep a mindset for many time if I have no results... I'm human xD
  6. G

    Why? -.-

    re Ok, I'll give an example... At "nightgame", I spend all the time with my friends so I still need to improve that... At "daygame" if there are many people around, I tend not to approach...because I do care about what others can say (sometimes they say things very loud and the target may...
  7. G

    Why? -.-

    Well guys, I want to talk to you a bit...about my romantic life. I don't know why I still can't get a girl. I know it does not fix a life, but it would be a good thing. And I can't complain about my life: I'm a rock musician (with band, and we have concerts), I'm a sportsman, I'm athletic...
  8. G

    Help me guys

    re And I don't wanna be with my cellphone all the time just to sms her... I'll give her two more weeks, if she keeps with those timid thoughts I'll stop trying her. After all, there are plenty more on the sea :rock:
  9. G

    Help me guys

    re Sorry, I wrote ask i the 1st post but in fact I told her in a statement, not question. As smsing, I -HATE- talking by sms as I said, but she is rare to find, so the cellphone is the only thing I can use. Timid girls are such a challenge -.-
  10. G

    Help me guys

    Hey DJs! I'm talking to a girl by sms (oh how I hate virtual talk) 2 weeks ago, so I *asked her to a walk. She said "another time, maybe, because I don't know you that well for us to date". What is this? Is she timid? I think she is, because she's a 7 and never had a guy. And you my friends...
  11. G

    what should i do

    re Thanks dude, you rock :rockon:
  12. G

    what should i do

    Well im talking via sms to a girl and i would like to ask her for a "date". I dont know her very well, it makes 8 days today i think. Do you guys think its a good idea to ask now? and how? Thanks in advance :) Btw i'm new to this forum and sorry for bad english ! Stay cool :rockon: