Why? -.-


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Well guys, I want to talk to you a bit...about my romantic life.

I don't know why I still can't get a girl. I know it does not fix a life, but it would be a good thing. And I can't complain about my life: I'm a rock musician (with band, and we have concerts), I'm a sportsman, I'm athletic, above average good looking, have many friends, smart, funny, etc... The only negative thing is that I sometimes become nervous with girls I don't know, but usually I can hold the nervousness.

When I think of all the good things I have, it doesn't make sense why I can't get any girl! I once had a depression, but I overcame it by myself and never had another.

As result I read everything I could about dating and PUA and those kind of things, but I can't get any results...

What do you guys think about this? 'Cause I would want to know what's happening...

Btw, I have acne. Is it because of that? :cry:

Thanks in advance :rock:


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
genao said:
Well guys, I want to talk to you a bit...about my romantic life.

I don't know why I still can't get a girl. I know it does not fix a life, but it would be a good thing. And I can't complain about my life: I'm a rock musician (with band, and we have concerts), I'm a sportsman, I'm athletic, above average good looking, have many friends, smart, funny, etc... The only negative thing is that I sometimes become nervous with girls I don't know, but usually I can hold the nervousness.

When I think of all the good things I have, it doesn't make sense why I can't get any girl! I once had a depression, but I overcame it by myself and never had another.

As result I read everything I could about dating and PUA and those kind of things, but I can't get any results...

What do you guys think about this? 'Cause I would want to know what's happening...
There isn't enough information here to help you out.

Maybe if you can give us an example of how you approach a girl we can find out were the problems is.

If you can,please...PLEASE be exact in your description. Tell us...

What you normally say
How the girls usually respond
DO YOU ASK THEM OUT,or do you "just flirt"?
If you do ask them out,what do they say in response?

Btw, I have acne. Is it because of that? :cry:

I DOUBT it's because of acne. Unless you look like Rudolph the RED NOSED REINDEER or something.

More than likely,it's not the acne that's the problem,it's how the acne MAKES YOU FEEL around the girls that tripping you up.

If it makes you insecure or uneasy around girls,the girls will pick up on it,and that (the insecurity) will turn them off.

They'll sense it before you even open your mouth.

But this is just a guess. Once you give an example of how you approach,it'll be easier to aid you.
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Have you tried accutane or benzoyl peroxide?

If you are in a good mood, have eye contact with a girl, smile and try not to be too overly eager, you are creating sexual tension without seeming desperate. Works for me at the very least.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

Ok, I'll give an example...

At "nightgame", I spend all the time with my friends so I still need to improve that...

At "daygame" if there are many people around, I tend not to approach...because I do care about what others can say (sometimes they say things very loud and the target may feel bad). When I do approach, I try to do it when we are doing related stuff, f.ex. at the school there are "football in a box" (I don't know how do you call it in english but see this- here . Me and a hb8 were playing in diff teams and I started saying "not bad for a girl" and making eye contact, and then "you alone have no chances against me" and then I had maths so I asked her number and we played the game later. Then goes the confort, etc... And seducing, this may be the problem. I can't take things to "another level". And after failing at that, I lose the will to talk to her again, and I start losing interest. I read about seducing, like negs, treating her like a brat, etc, but I still can't close the deal...

Keep replying :)


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

I tried to believe many times, I tried to have high value also many times, and it didn't work.
But I'm a bit emotionally unstable, I can be very happy and 1minute after very lonely and lazy (not sad), I can't keep a mindset for many time if I have no results... I'm human xD


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I'll bet you're just failing to escalate. Do you end up in the FZ a lot? Read the DJ bible, or do a search. That, and you need to do some cold approaches. Do those two things, and you'll be getting tail in no time.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

I don't like girl friends (it's irritating having to hear sh1t xD) so when I see I'm getting in the friend zone I cut contact with the girl in cause.
Cold approaches? I'll see about it...

Thank you guys for replies :)

But please continue giving opinions


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
slaog said:
Its your mindset. Simple as that.

You're nervous around girls because you have limiting beliefs. Change your mindset to a high value one and once you start to believe it you'll be fine.
I agree with you Slaog,but just telling him this won't help him out.

You told him what to do,but not HOW to do it.

My suggestion would be to alter your approach Genao.

You're flirting and teasing,but there's nothing SEXUAL there.

If you're teasing her over some game,then say something like,"Ok,here's the deal...When I win...uh...I mean if I win,I get your name and phone number. If I lose,then...well I guess I owe you a massage".

You have to make the flirting PERSONAL,about you and her.

You seem too vague,like you're beating around the bush/hesitating.
And the girl can probably sense it.

Just come straight out with it. Just be like,"Alright,so when are we going out?" You'd be surprised at how just being direct instead of playing games would create attraction in a girl.

I remember one time I approach this one girl who I had seen working at a fast food place before,but she was at a retail store working there.

Here's how the conversation went.....

Me:Hey,did you used to work at so and so place?
her:God,I hated that place. How did you know I used to work there?
Me:Because everytime I went off in there,I wanted to talk to you.
her: (surprised look on her face)
me:Are you married?
Me:You have a boyfriend?
Me:Good,them we can go out.

After I said that to her,she was like,"Woah,woah...wait a minute...".

Anyway,we ended up dating for a little over a year,but my point is that if you keep hanging around a girl,WITHOUT ASKING HER OUT,eventually she'll put 2 and 2 together and realize that you may like her,but are too afraid to make a move.

And that will turn her off.

It's ok to tease a flirt a little,but you need to ask her girl out DIRECTLY.

If you want to throw in a neg,fine. Tell her that's a nice shirt she's wearing,but she might want to iron it the next time she decides to wear it out. Then ask her when you two are going out.

Throw out the neg,then GO STRAIGHT into asking her out. Don't give her time to respond to the neg.

The neg and the asking her out back to back will shake her emotionally.

Just give it a try.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

Well Igetit!, I get it now! (xD)
I'll use the brilliant info you provided and see what I can do.
Thank you so much for putting that effort in the reply! I was hoping simple answer and you proved to me that that this forum is very good.

If I achieve something, I'll let you know.

For now, I'm gonna practice ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
Genao said:
I tried to believe many times, I tried to have high value also many times, and it didn't work.
But I'm a bit emotionally unstable, I can be very happy and 1minute after very lonely and lazy (not sad), I can't keep a mindset for many time if I have no results... I'm human xD

I'll now try to explain HOW to do it. ;) Or at least try to explain.

There's lot of ways of developing a high value mindset. Its mainly about changing your beliefs. To do that you need to start looking at things from a different angles and looking at things logically.

If you think you're not good looking then look for examples of all the beautiful women with ugly men. It's not hard to find examples. Likewise some men date ugly women.
If you think you're poor look for examples of broke guys with women hanging off them.
If you're small look for examples of small men with hot taller women.

It'll only matter if you think it matters. Its all about making women FEEL good. They want you to be a real man. You need to be a masculine man to bring out their feminine side. Thats what they love. You need to keep in mind some simple things like treat women like little girls, be a man, be masculine, be positive etc.

Stick around the site read lots and you'll soon start to get it. :up:


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

In already read everything I could in the "bible", I think I know WHAT to do, but not HOW!
I guess I'll read it all again and keep trying and trying, until I achieve something!

Thanks :D