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  1. P

    I can, but don't. Should I want to b@ng lots of girls?

    OP, you ever heard of the myer briggs test? If not, check it out. You definitely sound like an NF male.
  2. P

    What's a deal breaker/ red flag(s) for you?

    Haha, you may be right SpecialEDy, but you are clearly not an introverted intuitive by what you have written.
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    What's a deal breaker/ red flag(s) for you?

    Royalflush, Very interesting. I am a cross between INTP/INFP, but I can be illogical so maybe more towards the latter, lol. I also understand what you mean about needing crutches with an INTP personality type. Who wants small and flirty talk when there is the universe bearing itself on your...
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    What's a deal breaker/ red flag(s) for you?

    Royalflush, what do you mean by extroverted + perceiving personality type?
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    Grey Peacoat

    Hey guys (and gals), What would y'all consider wearing with a grey peacoat? Thanks.
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    How about light khakis with a blue, brown, and yellow striped button down under a dark blue sweater, brown belt, and brown shoes? I really want to bust out the brown belt and brown shoes. Also, I might just save the dark grey and blue sweater for the combo you have advised Mike.
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    Hey guys, Need advice on clothing. I was planning on wearing light khakis with a dark blue and grey sweater, brown belt, and brown shoes at this ceremony I have to attend. Does this sound like a decent combo?
  8. P

    Why get into an LTR?

    ^^^Right on Many still respond rationally to a world they understand and recognize, but which 'never' existed.
  9. P

    An Idea on Approaching

    Hey guys [and some gals], I am considering approaching gals, building up their comfort level, and then giving them my number, while telling them "hey, [whatever their name is] you're pretty fun and cool, here's my number. text me and then we can continue the fun." Seems like a pretty good way...
  10. P

    How to let a girl down easily?

    How do I let a girl down easily. There is this girl I have known for three years. I liked her on an off for the three years. She friended me explicitly this past September. With my natural temperment, I simply went my way and became very disinterested in her. Come late October, she was highly...
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    Texting causes problems

    Personally, I am not sure if texting does kill relationships with women or not, though I am leaning towards they definitely can damage "em. I am a non-texting type. The only time I initiate a text is when I want something, or am looking to meet up with someone. Last night, I tried to joke and...
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    Ambiguous relationship

    Hey guys, So, yesterday I posted about texting problems with this one girl. See However, when we saw each other last night, we talked, I kissed and hugged her. She ended up telling me that she feels like I don't take her seriously. I...
  13. P

    Texting causes problems

    Okay, so to we returned to her room around 12 after her finding me. Some kissing and hugging. I asked her why she was so sensitive to the sandwich joke. She responded it was rude and unoriginal haha, so you guys are correct. She switched to talking about her thoughts on religion, and other...
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    Texting causes problems

    I received a text from her saying she had come to my room. I had left to go somewhere else by then. didn't respond. she found where I was and I asked her if she was done being sensitive? she smiled, and then I told her she received an extra 3 hours to make me a.....stopped there and I made her...
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    Texting causes problems

    Haha, indeed. She just texted me, are you in your room? I replied yep.
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    Texting causes problems

    Okay, hey guys. In college. Taking it slow with this one girl. No relationships on my mind as of now. Earlier today 'round 4 I told her let's meet to eat at her place for dinner. She said yea. Went for a run. Came back to a text saying she wants to eat 'round 8. I texted back, as long as you...
  17. P

    Keeping it light and fun.

    didn't text her at all today. saw her at dinner. we talked a little. then left. saw each other in the library. she sat with me for awhile then left. didn't really talk about last night. should i do so, or just go with the flow? thanks!
  18. P

    Keeping it light and fun.

    Alright, so I am a junior in college. A girl, call her Lia, I have known since freshman year went out with me last night. Mind you months earlier we had started getting close and she told me that she had feelings for me, only to later tell me she had mixed it up with her feelings of me as a...
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    Texting her

    omega05: at the time she texted me, I was surfing the web and decided to ask this site how to respond. no one responded after checking an hour later, so I just formed my own response.
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    Texting her

    I forgot to text her back til an hour later. Told her "naw, that's school and to focus on her homework." Saw her today, while talking with another girl. I approached her afterwards. She seemed kind of irritated. Ah, oh well. Not my problem.