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  1. B

    Have some fun with your BPD ex

    Op has anti-social personality disorder.. But just because he has a mental disorder as well doesn't make it right to abuse another with a real medical issue. I hope ur reincarnated into a sh*t fly
  2. B

    3 girls 1 party

    When he loses his plates it'll be 1 guy 1 jar
  3. B

    how to reply to this????

    No disrespect mate, but you are showing the forum that you need validation with those pics youre posting, why do u care what random people on the interent think about u? you are trying way to hard for us to make you feel like your a boss or something, or surrounded by hot chicks. You seem like...
  4. B

    Post what you plan to be in 1 year!

    good stuff everyone. I hope more people fill up this thread. That way others can be motivated by everyones year plan. I have already seen a couple things that you guys wrote that i want to do now haha in reply to grewd. You are completely right. Jumping into overdrive from underdrive is a...
  5. B

    Post what you plan to be in 1 year!

    Thanks buddy! Just want to give out some positive vibes to the people on this forum. I have noticed that most of the questions people pose on here and most of the threads that are created are for quick fix advice and how to handle certain situations with one certain girl. I think that...
  6. B

    Post what you plan to be in 1 year!

    What up guys? Decided a couple days ago that i am going to start posting in this amazing thread! Been lurking for the past 2 years. It has been an a defining factor of who i have become. So I am glad that i am going to try my hardest to contribute positive sh-t to this environment in...