Post what you plan to be in 1 year!


New Member
Apr 7, 2014
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What up guys?

Decided a couple days ago that i am going to start posting in this amazing thread!

Been lurking for the past 2 years. It has been an a defining factor of who i have become.

So I am glad that i am going to try my hardest to contribute positive sh-t to this environment in hopes that we can all gain more experience and knowledge and lead more positive fruitful lives.

Starting today, i am taking control of my life 100%. In 1 year I am going to be a fxcking boss. No question asked. No fxcking excuses. I will be what i intend to be and or i will die fxcking trying.

I will work out like i injected fxcking heroin into my arm and become a MONSTER.

I will eat to become a beast.

I will hit on every fxcking girl i see and sleep with all of them

I will set goals and achieve every single one of them

I will do whatever it takes to get perfect grades

I will connect with copious amounts of people and grow my social network beyond extrodinary.

I will be the coolest most positive mother fxcker out there.

What ever it takes to achieve being the best me, i will do it. Read books, get numbers, wear the most fly clothing, make girls wet just by looking at them. IT WILL HAPPEN, I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN.

No more bullsh-t its time to get up and live life to the fullest. One day you will be gone. Build a legacy, create a person that people will REVERE, RESPECT, AND HONOR.


I will not live one day that doesnt better me as a person.

I want to look back on this post in one year and be astounded by how far ive come.

In one year i want to look at the women i find attractive now and scoff, because i will be able to pick up 9s and 10s.

No more fxcking around. Time to build a monumental legacy.

I want you all to post in this thread what you want to be like one year from today. get up and achieve your goals no excuses. IN ONE YEAR BRUHS, were gunna look back and be amazed.

Lets do it

The time to change and become the best you IS NOW!


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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BISHOP TO C4 said:
What up guys?

Decided a couple days ago that i am going to start posting in this amazing thread!

Been lurking for the past 2 years. It has been an a defining factor of who i have become.

So I am glad that i am going to try my hardest to contribute positive sh-t to this environment in hopes that we can all gain more experience and knowledge and lead more positive fruitful lives.

Starting today, i am taking control of my life 100%. In 1 year I am going to be a fxcking boss. No question asked. No fxcking excuses. I will be what i intend to be and or i will die fxcking trying.

I will work out like i injected fxcking heroin into my arm and become a MONSTER.

I will eat to become a beast.

I will hit on every fxcking girl i see and sleep with all of them

I will set goals and achieve every single one of them

I will do whatever it takes to get perfect grades

I will connect with copious amounts of people and grow my social network beyond extrodinary.

I will be the coolest most positive mother fxcker out there.

What ever it takes to achieve being the best me, i will do it. Read books, get numbers, wear the most fly clothing, make girls wet just by looking at them. IT WILL HAPPEN, I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN.

No more bullsh-t its time to get up and live life to the fullest. One day you will be gone. Build a legacy, create a person that people will REVERE, RESPECT, AND HONOR.


I will not live one day that doesnt better me as a person.

I want to look back on this post in one year and be astounded by how far ive come.

In one year i want to look at the women i find attractive now and scoff, because i will be able to pick up 9s and 10s.

No more fxcking around. Time to build a monumental legacy.

I want you all to post in this thread what you want to be like one year from today. get up and achieve your goals no excuses. IN ONE YEAR BRUHS, were gunna look back and be amazed.

Lets do it

The time to change and become the best you IS NOW!
Great attitude.

SoSuave needs more members like you....everyone has the power to change anything in their lives that they do not like. Quit making excuses and start making change.....its really that simple. Good post and I hope others are encouraged to post in here with the same attitude.


New Member
Apr 7, 2014
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Thanks buddy!

Just want to give out some positive vibes to the people on this forum.

I have noticed that most of the questions people pose on here and most of the threads that are created are for quick fix advice and how to handle certain situations with one certain girl.

I think that it would be more helpful for all of us to concretely write down 3 goals for the next year and work on accomplishing them relentlessly.

As you better yourself you become WAYYYY better with women.

As I started achieving my goals i noticed that i was getting ALOT more women around me because they can sense high value.

But nonetheless i find it amazing how not one person has written down their goals in here or what they plan on doing for the next year in terms of bettering themselves. It just goes to show that a good majority of us are more interested in QUICK FIXES. BUT creating yourself into a masterpiece takes time and energy and effort, along with concrete goals and a vision to achieve it. It will not come with a couple quick tactics.

ESPECIALLY with women. Quick tactics don't work. You have to build confidence. How do you build confidence? you build yourself. How do you build yourself? hard work, dedication, and a will to be the best you can be.

Anyways i really hope some of you post in here. It is good to diverge from the women questions once in a while and focus more on your life and what you want to achieve.

REMEMBER, women are a periphery to life, you are the prize and your main job is to make you the best fxcking prize out there.

peace brothas :) please post in here your goals for the next year. It will do you good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
1 year Goals:
- lose 20 more lbs, stay in the gym (already lost 45 over last 15 months)
- finish paying off all debt but home
- hike 22mi trail in Cumberland gap
- increase head count in my dept at work by 2 (new areas of responsibility)
- learn salsa dancing
- record some original music
- bang Latinas

On my way on all of them.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
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By this time next year I will have the following:

- A $15K/Month business in place.
- No braces on my teeth
- A reconstructed jaw to correct my overbite
- Laser Eye surgery
- Graduating university with a 1st in my degree
- A solid plan in place for after graduation
- The physique I've strived for these past 2 years.
- My own rented place.

These are easy to obtain. I know exactly what I have to do to get there. It's not going to be easy, life never is but I will take the steps required of me to make my dream a reality.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Not going to stop you, this is great. There's one thing though, remember to take time to just relax. This might be hard for someone switching from underdrive to overdrive, but constantly being high energy isn't really sustainable in the long run. This requires some training to limit. You might be different though, I don't know.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
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Ruler of the known universe.

In reality;
- still at uni (may be getting kicked out) and working part-time; otherwise working full-time
- break double-digits girls-wise (4 so far)
- increase flag-count to 5 (3 so far)
- gain at least 10 lbs of muscle
- write several decent songs, poems, maybe some short stories or even a novel(la)

The last one is kinda vague but it's hard to make a specific goal. Anyone could write 100 terrible poems.


New Member
Apr 7, 2014
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good stuff everyone. I hope more people fill up this thread. That way others can be motivated by everyones year plan. I have already seen a couple things that you guys wrote that i want to do now haha

in reply to grewd. You are completely right. Jumping into overdrive from underdrive is a horrible way to approach things and in fact with create exhaustion.

I have been bettering myself at the gym, with school, with girls, socially, intellectually, etc. etc. for the past 2 years, and im just going to increase the intensity of those things incrementally so i dont suffer from that exhuastion that de-motivates so many! But yeah man you hit the nail on the head. Never go overdrive from underdrive, that is a sure fire plan to failure for most. Obviously there are exceptions where people can go without stopping and exhaustion but, i am not one of them.

anyways good to see you guys posting in here. Best way to accomplish goals is to write them out, make them concrete.