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  1. L

    Image is everything!! or..

    Yes, maybe true, but when making that first impression when meeting a girl for the first time - image is everything!! If a girl doesn't like your image, then she won't even initially respond to you, in my experience!!
  2. L

    Initiating eye contact?

    Ye, I do this, but no girls ever look back This doesn't make me feel good, it makes me feel worse because a girl won't even acknowledge me! Yes but they have to notice that me for this to work - no girls ever do! When there are other people giving them attention, then why would they...
  3. L

    wait for it to happen or make it happen?

    Just like to say that I've been "waiting for it to happen" for 20 years now, I've been with one girl! That was just a girl from work who happened to take a liking for me. How can "waiting for it to happen" ever work?? If I did that, no girl would ever approach me (which they never have) and...
  4. L

    Initiating eye contact?

    I have read many posts and articles on this site about first making eye contact with a girl, seeing if she smiles or whatever, before you approach. Well, here's the problem - anywhere I go, I try to make eye contact with girls, but none of them even look at me. This is everywhere - walking in...
  5. L

    "I'd like to get to know you as friends"???

    so you think she still has an interest then? By the way I told her if she does wanna meet me she should get in touch and I'll consider it. So we'll see if she's bothered!
  6. L

    "I'd like to get to know you as friends"???

    You may have read my post a while ago - here's a little background: I got a girl's number for the first time bout a month ago after grinding and kissing her in a club. She was going home for easter vacation from uni that week, and I didn't have time to meet her before she went. She asked if I'd...
  7. L

    Is this going to be embarassing?

    it depends, if you would have a problem seeing them together, and if it would bother you, you need to tell your friend. There's nothing worse than the thought of one of your ex's with your mate - i think! If you don't still have feelings for this girl you should be ok. It wouldn't be...
  8. L

    First Rejection - But success the same day!!

    This thread contains a lot of different info about my day yesterday, bear with me - it was the most eventful day with girls I've had! With regards to my previous thread I took the advice of the people who replied to my post...
  9. L

    How to get the phone number?? advice please!!

    let's just say she's 13 years older than me and I'm 20 and she's the only woman I've ever been with, is that weird?
  10. L

    How to get the phone number?? advice please!!

    I'm new to this, I have always been the quiet type, but am trying to learn these techniques and tips. Just got out of a 6-month relationship with an older woman, but i've never tried to 'chat up' girls or get phone numbers before. Anyway, I have spoken to this HB (8.5) at uni a couple of...