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  1. L

    COLOSSUS' Iron Journal

    Woah man there some serious numbers man. You could give Brock lesnar a run for his money lol
  2. L

    Hot shower vs Cold shower

    Thanks for all the advice guys, i'll take it into account for all my future washes lol
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    HUGE girl problem!! PLEASE HELP!!

    Don't put the pu55y on a pedestal man, always end with you going crazy and 5hit
  4. L

    Hot shower vs Cold shower

    I'll try that, should be fun :)
  5. L

    Mayweather rant

    IMO pac man would win, plus i like him more as a person, his childlife makes living in 'rough' parts of america seem like going to disneyland
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    Hot shower vs Cold shower

    I play rugby for my school, and just wondered if i have a cold shower will it have any benefit to my muscles? I'm asking this because occasionally i get cramp in my calves.
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    Do Not Lose Faith

    best post in a long time
  8. L

    Tip for High Schoolers!!

    Good post, unless the girl in question is a hb2 with no friends :D
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    Where did I really Go wrong?

    lol them damn females are becoming bigger players than we are:D
  10. L

    Where did I really Go wrong?

    I'd say next her and move on, she doesn't want u as a friend, otherwise she would continue talking to you,IMO mate, best to move on learn from your mistakes eg. not making a move,not getting her number, and just generally missing oppurtunities, however you sound like your getting a decent game...