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  1. D

    Ouch...need some response ideas fellas

    Say: "Why would i care if you had a boyfriend?"
  2. D

    Does this mean I'm facially unnattractive?

    Drop the idea about your face not being good enough. Its hurting your mental being. It is also not real. Ugly guys hook up with and date hot girls ALL the time. Lose that, and start picking up chicks.
  3. D

    Does this mean I'm facially unnattractive?

    If your facial symmetry crap has any cent of worth in it, i would be surprised. I would lose that idea, it is not helping you. It is hurting you. Have you seen ugly men with good looking women? If you say no, you are lying to yourself to be right about this subject. Drop the idea, and start...
  4. D

    its messign up my mindset

    haha ditch that kid, he seems super lame. Don't know why you'd be friends with someone who takes hos before bros. Your prolly better off picking up women without him anyway. Plus, in time more chicks will come!
  5. D

    Makeout buddies only?

    Well i'd say get to the make out stage and just be more sexual. Make her turn you down for trying to go a little further. If she likes you then she won't be offended. But get to make out stage first!
  6. D

    Is is okay to say "do you stil love me" ?

    Nope, you can't ever say that. (Not sarcastic either). Auto-Bltch status imo.
  7. D

    Current Situation (New to boards

    Thanks for the input, yeah there is no way i have been or plan to show her that she has control over me, no possible way lol. I guess i kind of described the situation poorly. Although i might be digging on her, nothing is going to get me down because there is always the next one. Thanks...
  8. D

    Current Situation (New to boards

    Well, while i've been on these boards i've done quite a bit of reading and have seen plenty of different ways to approach things. Although i agree with you, it seems such methods like the gunwitch method are contradictory to making you the prize. So for me i guess its hard to decide which...
  9. D

    Current Situation (New to boards

    Yeah, wouldn't ever ask what to say because for me its all about NOT thinking of what to say before i say it but rather what comes naturally to me. Yeah trial and error works great, but i have a decently big crush on this one... :cool: More feedback would be great.
  10. D

    Current Situation (New to boards

    Hi all, new to the boards. Have been reading the DJ bible for a week or so, have found it almost revolutionary to the way i look at approaching a women haha, anway... I play indoor soccer with a girl that i have a thing for. We had a game yesterday and our oppoosing team didn't show up, so...