its messign up my mindset


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
heres the story, so my friend recently got a car, hes pretty much my ride to uni,its either that or take public transport which sucks where I live, anyways, I just got into this new uni, week 1 I just decided I was goignt o own this place, I started approaching talkign to girls randomly, opening sets etc, I wasnt plannign on goign far just getting the approaches because though I can attract most girls easily Im still stuck in that shyness shell (obviously thats what Im working on atm) and gettign the max social skills I can get thats what Im workign on.

So anyways Ive known my friend since highschool its been prolly 8 years since Ive known him we been good friends for prolly about 3, anyways theres this girl lets call her C, I started talkign to her in my approachign marathon, we hadnt talked much but she was into me, liek there was no ice broken but we had talked tids and bits here and there and she liked me even asked me to be in a 3 ppl proyect with her, I of course included my friend.

My friend is a AFC of proffession, awesome conversator but he lieks to treat the girls as if they own the world and worships them, the guy decided he was goign to start liking her and he did, as hes my ride I leave with him, so basically I have to be stuck there while he tries to romance this girl, hes a great conversationalist but has no game, all hes doign is basically dominating the conversation and it pisses me off because suddenly, hes starting to act liek hes the mack daddy at uni its pretty noticeable hes in a high, and Im cool with that but its really starting to affect my thing with this girl big time specially cause Im that fake it till you make it stage Im actually just trying to stay away from the girl and this guy cause it simply makes me mad, its makign me start to act liek a ****head to the girl too, another particular thing about this, he wants me to go in the backseat of his car when he carries this girl around.

Any thoughts anyone


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
GaryUranga said:
he wants me to go in the backseat of his car when he carries this girl around.
Oh man that **** would piss me off.

While it's terrible to let a girl come between a friendship, you must realize that you and this girl had absolutely nothing together, so any guy - friend or not - has just as much of a right to game her (successfully or unsuccessfully) as you do.

In this particular instance, just play it cool man, let him do his thing who cares?

Theres lots of girls running around.

And start riding the bus if he is making you sit in the back seat. That is pretty disrespectful.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
haha ditch that kid, he seems super lame. Don't know why you'd be friends with someone who takes hos before bros. Your prolly better off picking up women without him anyway. Plus, in time more chicks will come!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
this girl is someone I will be seeing more I found out we have some friends in common I actualy planned on goign for this one, I was thinkign of havign some fun though before I start using the bus more for example

I take the front sit, when he whines (yeah he says crap about it in front of her) I leave and sit in the back with her.

Or just goign for some good teasign on it like I say "here sit in the front" and when shes seatign there Im like "so I want a full report on what the front seat is like"

I could be more of an a-hole and just say "awwwwww look how cute hes happy youre sittign in the front"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
GaryUranga said:
bottom line, I win
Not till you've bedded her there champ.