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  1. T

    What do you actually think of women?

    Yeah, here they can pretty much get to be military officer, despite being weakest of the company. Only special forces held the standards with "gear weights same to everybody" line.
  2. T

    Has this site made you more pessimistic/cynical

    It tries hard. But harder it tries, more I fight back. So much whining, where are all the so-called-alphas?
  3. T

    article: What If Men Stopped Chasing Much-Younger Women?

    To the writer of the article. Dream on.:crackup:
  4. T

    The pressure of dating multiple women

    But the propaganda for oneitis is heavy. Today at gym, I heard song that said straight out "I need you to think me 100% and always be there." No wonder we men turn into wussies.
  5. T

    Is It Emotionally Damaging to be Dating Multiple Women?

    What´s the problem? Women date multiple men.
  6. T

    Do red pillers keep their thoughts under wraps when meeting women?

    Because you did not have problems with erection?:p
  7. T

    Why you should NEVER take chicks "advice"

    Amen to that. And funny how they berate you when you aren´t dating, having wife/children. Illogical much?
  8. T

    No fap challenge: Seriously?!

    If it is placebo or pointless, why the hell do you care? It´s not going to be mainstream now, or never, so don´t fear that you end up in odd minority who like to fap to porn.
  9. T

    Surgeons Hate Weightlifting

    And I hate surgeons, so we are even.:box: Weight lifting is the only thing that fixed my bad back and frozen shoulders. No amount of pilates can do it anymore. Learn to lift correctly and problems are less likely to develop.
  10. T

    wtf just happened? wow.....

    My advice is to buy her huge bouquet of roses, box of chocolate, and cheesy card.:D Then at the prime time, give it to her and confess your undying love for her.:D
  11. T

    Learn karate. Bruce Lee's form is appealing.

    Hate to tell you this, but karate does, absolutely, not give you Bruce´s body. He had it in ye olde weight lifting way, and did use steroids.
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    Declaring War on my Midsection

    That is interesting info, since where I lift they give free coffee. Also I´m trying to give up Pepsi. (My one weakness)
  13. T

    The warrior diet: Thoughts?

    You are talking about Ori Hofflesomething´s Warrior Diet? Can you give a short version about what´s so special about it? Understand that I ask this because of cynisism about everything that has words "Warrior", "Spartan", "Commando", "SEAL/SAS/Delta/Spetsnatz/Tzanhanim/Insert special forces unit...
  14. T

    Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST)

    How long have you been training with kettlebells? First year or two might go just to build the base endurance and strength.