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    New Ab exercises

    Training Utah
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    Losing 9 pounds in 9 days

    Training Utah
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    Need help quitting smoking.......

    Hi speed dawg, Few tips on how to quit smoking: Make a plan to quit smoking and stick with your decision, Buy a saving jar and keep the money you would spend on ciggerates. Give yourself reward by planning for a treat with this money, Keep your teeth clean, Visit your doctor and get support...
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    Bodyweight exercises

    Hi RedSky, I always love to exercise as besides improving health exercise is good for other factors like: Exercise makes you calm and improves your mood, Exercise prevents you from chronic and heart disease, Exercise helps you in reducing and maintaining your weight, Exercise results in...
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    New Ab exercises

    Hi RedSky, Some simple exercise of abs which you can do at home also. Crunch is effective for your upper abs, Knee raise and reverse crunch for your lower abs, Oblique crunch is effective for 6 packs.
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    Losing 9 pounds in 9 days

    Hi Irvin, I know losing weight quickly might be harmful for your health but it can be dangerous for our kidney? I lost 30 lbs in 4 months with regular exercise and proper diet plan.