Losing 9 pounds in 9 days


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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Last week I decided that I wanted to get down to my ideal fatitude before seeing my family over Easter. Using the demo scales at IKEA I noted that I was about nine pounds above that level.

So what to do? I haven't been jogging for a long time, so if I'd start I would get sore muscles and would have to stop. But I have fewer working hours right now, so I decided to start walking last Thursday, and then just keep walking. And walking.

5-6 hours a day: one to work in the morning, one back home, the rest in the evening. I was usually finished around 11 pm. I broke it up into four parts, because I have heard that when you walk (or exercise) for one hour, you keep burning calories half an hour afterward. Which gave me a total of four half-hours of extra calorie-burning each day.

I had just changed to new summer shoes, so I got blisters on my feet from the first day. Several. I got sore calves also - my muscles are more used to riding a bike, not walking. That lasted for five days. And an old ache in my lower back started acting up, and that lasted a week because I didn't give it time to relax and go away. So it was pretty painful.

But I did it; I lost 9 pounds, it is the fastest I have ever lost weight. Pretty fun as a project. Normally I would just go with that extra weight for a long time, losing it gradually over several months. My strength exercises at home don't make me lose weight it seems. This time I wanted to see quick change.

Food: vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs. This was hard, because I am used to eating rice, pasta and potatoes, at least one of these every day. The thing about vegetables is that you can vary them a great deal, even if you don't want to take the time to make a full salad. I had boiled paprika and boiled chopped carrots with salt on for snacks a couple of times.

One bonus: I noticed that it is easy to get rid of snacking and late-evening eating if you have a goal to work toward, and you know you have a chance at real change. Much easier than if you are not working out, because then you think "What the hell, this won't change much anyway." I am feeling much better now - I had allowed my food habits to get too lax. Not anymore.

Overall a sense of freshness, a healthy springtime tan, more disciplined eating habits, and 9 pounds lighter. It's been a pretty good nine days.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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Not to worry, it was just nine pounds. And I lost it through exercise and a non-carb diet, not by starving myself. It was a fun project and a way to rectify some lax habits. Plus, springtime sun. It felt great to be outside that much.


May 2, 2011
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Hi Irvin,
I know losing weight quickly might be harmful for your health but it can be dangerous for our kidney?
I lost 30 lbs in 4 months with regular exercise and proper diet plan.


May 2, 2011
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Amjad said:
Hi Irvin,
I know losing weight quickly might be harmful for your health but it can be dangerous for our kidney?
I lost 30 lbs in 4 months with regular exercise and proper diet plan.
Training Utah


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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thats mostly water weight man(not that this is a bad thing or you don't look and feel better), anyone can shed 10 pounds in a week by eating 0 to 10 carbs for about 5 days straight

I am carb sensitive and can go on a 2 or 3 day binder and add as much as 6 pounds in water weight, my face and stomach look like I have gained 25 pounds, but I can take it right back off in 3 days, just like hollywood celebs do, a big function or somewhere where I want to look my best I eat 0 carbs for the 2 days before


I am strongly agree with your point of view.. The best way to reduce weight loss is that we should always reduce weight slow and steadily. In other case it can be harmful for us..