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  1. E

    People who think it's easy to get girls annoy me

    Haha, I guess it could be true. Doesn't seem like anyone on this forum likes you either, for that matter. Instead of asking that girl, why not take a bootcamp and have an expert figure it out? I'm not affiliated with any company, or selling anything or anything like that, I'm just thinking...
  2. E

    People who think it's easy to get girls annoy me

    I doubt this is literally true for you. It is literally true for me though, but I'm not starting multiple whiny threads.
  3. E

    I can't stand this not being able to get a girl thing

    Sorry to add more negativity to an already negative post, but I have a couple of comments. 1. My life is worse than yours in every way. At least you're meeting girls, and have a social circle and friends. I don't. I can guarantee I am worse with women than you are. So remember that, no matter...
  4. E

    The 7 most common mistakes shy guys make with women

    Hi, I edited the quotation out. The biggest problem for me is getting stuck in the cycles: Feel depressed, and blame it on not having women. That depression turns into lack of self esteem. Project that lack of self esteem into trying to get girls interested. Fail. I've never had any...
  5. E

    The 7 most common mistakes shy guys make with women

    Holy crap, dude. I'm guilty as charged on every single one of these mistakes. The question now is, what to do about it?
  6. E

    I finally did it... I became asexual !

    Well, unless you're jacking off to gay porn, you still look at the pornstars lustfully don't you? Hence, you cannot be asexual. If you want to feel better about yourself, just look at me. I can guarantee I'm worse off with women than you are. Probably worse than you can even comprehend.
  7. E

    hot or not rating accurate?

    Take a look at this: Do you think that rating is accurate?
  8. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    The problem that I have with fake it till you make it is that I can fake it fine, when alone or in a situation that I feel comfortable in. When meeting strangers (I haven't met a hot female stranger in a while), all that just instantly goes away. Guess theres no other way but to keep trying...
  9. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Thanks! I'll watch all these and let you know.
  10. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    I hope that any future threads/posts of mine are more useful/positive than this one.
  11. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Ah, for some reason I thought he was older. Maybe it was some other guy. Yes, I have lurked for some time, which is why the name Caped Crusader is familiar to me.
  12. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    What?! Did you just say lucky? Hhahahahaha. This is a fantastic way of looking at things. It's true, if I can get out of this situation, that'll really be some story to tell.
  13. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    I'm a grad student. Alas, not at the University of Florida or Penn State, but at a much smaller school.
  14. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl seems to cater to an older crowd: 30+. I see that you're 19. Have you used meetup succesfully?
  15. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Thanks for the post. I've read an incredible amount of posts on this and other forums. I know all the theory, the problem is in internalizing it. For example, I know consciously that I should be confident or not supplicate or whatever, but its only an hour later that I realize: "Fvck! I...
  16. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Hahaha I knew someone or the other was going to say this, but it's not true. My greatest fear is that in 10 years I wind up like him.
  17. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    I try to hide the negative thinking whenever possible around other people, but you're probably right: it does show in some ways. When you say I should focus on developing myself, you mean things like working out, getting hobbies, making friends etc? I think I have at least decent body...
  18. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Yea, this is pretty much what I was thinking I should focus on also. The loneliness is pretty bad, even worse in some ways than the lack of sex. Thanks!
  19. E

    Bay Area CA, Don Juan Meet!!!!!

    The Bay Area is a big place. And I'm without a ride ATM, but if you guys pick a place by a Caltrain or BART, I'm down.
  20. E

    I'm 22, have no friends, and can't remember when I made eye contact w/ a girl

    Hi: The title pretty much states it all. I don't mean this to be a whiny post, and as such, I won't be looking backwards, but just imagine that I've lived in the mountains away from all humanity for the past decade. So, my question is, how would you begin to learn pick up, assuming...