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  1. M

    A.P. literature

    I have the AP Lit test tomorrow myself. Funny I saw this post on here. But yea... just make sure you know what novel you're going to write about. If you did a good job on the in class writings you should be fine (hopefully). I do better on the writing than on multiple choice.
  2. M

    Inspirational Quotes

    Hey Docs! You forgot the most important part of the quote, which is Neo's reply: "Because I choose to."
  3. M

    Inspirational Quotes

    "Thus conscience does makes cowards of us all!" -William Shakespeare "Women [like fate] respond more readily to boldness than to cold calculation." -Machiavelli "I think, therefore I am." -Descartes
  4. M

    After a long do you wait?

    Is it reasonable that after a 2 year LTR your ex hooks up with someone around a month or so after the break-up? Would you suspect cheating if this happens? How long do you usually wait? (If you wait at all)
  5. M

    After months... the AFC wants to come back??

    Do you think it's a mistake to try and to be "friends" with her?
  6. M

    Are women are only good for sex?

    I can't speak for the general population, but I'll tell you what I believe and how I came to such a conclusion. First of all, I don't think that all woman are only good for sex (after all, I'm sure many are bad at it). But a girl you're in a relationship with? For the most part, she's good...
  7. M

    After months... the AFC wants to come back??

    I posted on here a while ago about how my girlfriend and I broke up after two years (I'm 18 right now, she's 20) three months ago. Needless to say I was pretty bummed out about it until I found this site and started reading the tips on here and the DJ Bible. I've done pretty well the past few...
  8. M

    ~~ GF Broke Up with me Because Im Leaving For College....~~

    Yo, I'm in the exact same situation... So I just had to put my two cents in. I'm going off to college as well this year in the summer and it's about two hours from here. Sure enough, my girl and I broke up (after two years btw... and yea there were some other issues behind it but this was one...
  9. M

    Walking on eggshells.

    It's funny because I've lately been trying to find the answer to this dilemma myself. As a recovering AFC I must confess that I've always tried to please and befriend people in the past. I wasn't a flatterer or an ass kisser, but I went with the flow most of the time and didn't speak my own...
  10. M

    Great place! What I've learned from it...

    YES!!! I've been unplugged! LOL
  11. M

    Great place! What I've learned from it...

    I'm a newbie here who's recently broken up with this gf. Well, she basically broke up with me. I was with this girl for a very long time (two years) and I must say, though devastated at first, I went through the DJ bible and I am glad the relationship is over. When I tried explaining this to...