After months... the AFC wants to come back??

Mr. Anderson

Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
I posted on here a while ago about how my girlfriend and I broke up after two years (I'm 18 right now, she's 20) three months ago. Needless to say I was pretty bummed out about it until I found this site and started reading the tips on here and the DJ Bible. I've done pretty well the past few months.. until now. I found out my ex-girl might be sleeping with another guy already (which I should expect... but it still bothers me, slightly). I haven't had a relationship since then. She argues that the double-standard of guys breaking up sleeping with other girls are seen as "Cool" but if a girl were to do that she'd be a hoe.

Anyway... I know this shouldn't bother me because we're broken up. I know she has a right to f*** whoever now that we're appart, but it kinda pisses me off that she made me wait so much for US to sleep together (Probably because I was MAJOR AFC BACK THEN) and now she's been with this guy for three months and is probably already doing stuff.

What would you guys suggest to boost my morale? I really don't want this to make me regress into a frustrated dumb@$$ again.

Oh, and another thing: we still talk and try to be friends. Should I just cut all communication with her? Or would that be immature?

Mr. Anderson

Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
Do you think it's a mistake to try and to be "friends" with her?