Great place! What I've learned from it...

Mr. Anderson

Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
I'm a newbie here who's recently broken up with this gf. Well, she basically broke up with me. I was with this girl for a very long time (two years) and I must say, though devastated at first, I went through the DJ bible and I am glad the relationship is over. When I tried explaining this to people they looked at me funny and thought I was masking my emotions with a frail display of happiness; statements like "After two years?! Damn I'd be bummed." were thrown at me all the time (not the best comment). However, after discovering the lessons within I am really happy with the way things turned out.

In retrospect, I was a true AFC and my older woman was a lot more experienced than I so you can imagine how easily manipulated I was. I usually find myself going through posts on here where I laugh and say, "I did that! Damn I was stupid! *LOL*". But I've realized that everything is a learning experience in life. In fact, I am grateful that the hardships in my life have given me the opportunity to excel as a man and mature as one confident in his abilities. I've learned that I and no one else (surely not women) am responsible for my own happiness. From now on, the girl shall always come second. My goals, dreams, interests, hobbies, and friends will come first.

Mr. Anderson

Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
YES!!! I've been unplugged! LOL