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  1. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    hahah thankyou russian.
  2. N

    Bodyweight Exercises

    Re: Re: Bodyweight Exercises Look up a male gymnasts routine. they do VERY little actual weight training though they are extremly strong athletes. I was reading somewhere that this one gynmast coach teaches his athletes how to do over 10 different variations of a simple exercise like a...
  3. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    I do tend to downplay the ****y/aholeness for a bit while I just start talking to a girl though lately I noticed I am letting it fly within the first few minutes of a conversation. Its not that im all that ****y or anything like that because Im deff not, I just dont care if someone dosnt like...
  4. N

    What My Current Workouts Look Like

    yeah i tend to just call them all pullups even if it is technically incorrect. I also prefer chins my self. Try some weighted dips, those are quite fun. And poke around that site a bit, do a search for ABBH edditions 1 and 2, two great lifting regimes.
  5. N

    What My Current Workouts Look Like

    my bad, still holds true though. they are great exercises. Many ppl swear by weighted dips for huge triceps. try out this site, it has many many good articles and random information. t-nation
  6. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    ill totally agree with that. Though I have found in person to be much easier, being KINO and all those things. Just that fact that easily 90% of what a person says is never actually said with words.
  7. N

    What My Current Workouts Look Like

    For the beginnger the best bicep exercises you can do are pullups, the best tricep exercises you can do are dips. Really the most important aspect is nutrition though, youll never get big no matter how much you lift if you dont eat right and enough. If your hitting your chest so hard make sure...
  8. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    As Vov said AIM convos are really the only thing that can be shown on here. Though I am slowly getting better and better at translating all this to in person and getting out there to meet people. I went to a club for like the first time ever a few weeks ago and found it extremly easy to walk...
  9. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    makes sense but Im pretty sure I do the push pull thing all the time, even if its not caught in any of those convos. Just because i have been a smartass for so long and have learned that 95% of the time in oder to make the best joke/insult on someone you have to set it up your self and make...
  10. N

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    Some of the girls I talk to are, some arent. Some are the biggest tramps you can imagine, some are the "goody good girl" to the T. I dont try to get in chicks pants so much as I just try to have fun with the conversations, mess with there heads some. The thing I have come to realize with my...