Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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Well my friend is a DJ, or at least i say was a self taught DJ for the last year or so, but within the last months he went above the usual DJ stuff and got to a whole new level, now im not sure if its the right place to be at but it seems to be working for him, which im quite suprized about

From now on he basically says everything on his mind (not really DJ), and became very ****y

ill show some examples from AIM convo's

Neo is my friend, any other name included is a random chick

Neo: so im talkin this chick into havin me stop by for like 5 mins, have her sneak outside and have sex on the hood of the max (talking to me, then shows the convo)

JeSsIe: well
JeSsIe: i dont like having sex near COLD WHITE SNOW.
JeSsIe: on the hood of yer car
JeSsIe: aint that kinda cold?
Neo: well the car would have been running previously
Neo: so itll be warm
Neo: you wanna get in my pants and you cant deny it!
Neo: well you could deny it, but it would be a lie
JeSsIe: lmao
JeSsIe: yer so cute.
Neo: see, you dont even try to deny it

ill keep posting more convo's with different chicks to give you a better idea, but whatever comments you got i'd like to hear them

he mastered the whole C+F a long time ago tho

Neo: an ill punch you in the ovaries
KiLLACHoPSTi: haha
Neo187H: right in the baby maker
KiLLACHoPSTi: YES gauranteed NO kids!
KiLLACHoPSTi: easier than getting me tubes tied
KiLLACHoPSTi: go for it
Neo: well if your gonna enjoy it
Neo: youll have to pay me
KiLLACHoPSTi: haha
KiLLACHoPSTi: i mean noo..dont...please
Neo: lol
Neo: ok
Neo: i wont\
Neo: im just a nice person like that
KiLLACHoPSTi: ahh boo
KiLLACHoPSTi: thats a damn lie
Neo: im nto nice?
KiLLACHoPSTi: i wouldnt consider u a 'nice person'
KiLLACHoPSTi: ur an ass
Neo: i figured you were just being stupid
KiLLACHoPSTi: oh its only a ploy to keep ur gaurd down mwuhahaaha
Neo: no way
Neo: no ones that good of an actor
KiLLACHoPSTi: haha
KiLLACHoPSTi: *******

XoOhsOcRaZ: ur crazzy
Neo: you love it
XoOhsOcRaZ: of coursee..
Neo: so whats the problem
XoOhsOcRaZ: i have a bf!
Neo: well we both know im better than him
XoOhsOcRaZ: lol
XoOhsOcRaZ: i wouldnt kno
Neo: i love how you dont even try to deny it
XoOhsOcRaZ: lol

i personally think he's becoming way to ****y, but it seems to be working

so what do you like or dont like or whats wrong

FromUnderneath: question......are u like this with everyone??
Neo: am i how?
FromUnderneath: flirty....and just the slightest bit pervish lol
FromUnderneath: cuz I know sum guys are just like that
Neo: hahah most of the time. depends on who im tlakin to an my mood
FromUnderneath: oh thankz lol
Neo: lol so your a lil bit special
Neo: :p
FromUnderneath: just a lil??
Neo: maybe more, im not tellin
FromUnderneath: :-[
Neo: :-X
FromUnderneath: come cute!!! I WANT U TO BE CUTE!!!

then later

FromUnderneath: :-D ok so we're both lucky
FromUnderneath: lol
Neo: nope, still you
Neo: :p
FromUnderneath: HEY!! what did I say b4.....why cant u be cute :-(
FromUnderneath: lol
Neo: lol cuz any guy can be cute
FromUnderneath: but I want u to be cute O:)
Neo: lol
FromUnderneath: instead u like teasing me
FromUnderneath: lol

oh and btw i just found this real funny

FromUnderneath: yea its weird.....I dunno what to talk to him about lol
FromUnderneath: :-X
Neo: be like "i gg to bed"
Neo: and block him
FromUnderneath: I cant do that....I'm not mean lol
Neo: i can!
FromUnderneath: ok...who u gonna block??
Neo i dunno
Neo: im not tlakin to many ppl
Neo: well
Neo: im gonna go to bed...
FromUnderneath: dont u dare!! lol
FromUnderneath: dont block me :-(

He sends me **** like that all the time then we analyze it and **** around with girls predicting what they are going to say, and just messing with them by forcing them to react in a way we predict them to, but he heard about me being on this site and wanted me to post some **** up so you guys can analyze it

i've known him for years, so im not sure if that part above is enough to get an accurate portrait

if more is needed ill post


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
LMAO Neo is a ****y little fvcker....hes got some skills P I M P hes going to get far with that personailty and hes funny...and the i am going to bed line was hilarious


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I don't think anyone cares about words girls type on a keyboard. Did anything result from this? Did your friend actually end up screwing any of these girls? There's your analysis.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Shiftkey
I don't think anyone cares about words girls type on a keyboard. Did anything result from this? Did your friend actually end up screwing any of these girls? There's your analysis.
yep he does get results, im showing the online convo's because those are the items i can show, unlike phone convo's and actuall actions

he gets girls to come over his appartment and cook for him, and whatever other favors he needs

for in detail descirption i can get him to get an account on here

hes my DJ teacher lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
These girls are tramps no doubt. These types will pretty much do anything with anyone if you just bring up sex at the right place and time. No standards required.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by tmpgstx
These girls are tramps no doubt. These types will pretty much do anything with anyone if you just bring up sex at the right place and time. No standards required.
Some of the girls I talk to are, some arent. Some are the biggest tramps you can imagine, some are the "goody good girl" to the T. I dont try to get in chicks pants so much as I just try to have fun with the conversations, mess with there heads some. The thing I have come to realize with my humor/attitude girls open up very quickly to me and that opens up many doors that are otherwise closed. They say I know when to be serious when to joke, though I dont get that to much considering Im never totally serious, never totally joking.

Anyways, not trying to get an ego stroke or anything along those lines but interested in what other ppl have to say, pick it apart a bit.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dementia
It was beginner stuff.

The next level for your would be trying some Push/Pull C+F. They are alot more effective. In my experience they make the girl realize.

1) You are C+F and tease them
2) You are capable of complimenting and they want it more. They want you to give them a compliment without taking it away from them afterwards.
3) It MORE-SO stirrs there emotions and suddenly.

Your comments would only give the first and partially the third effect.

A common Push/pull example.

You:"Thats a really really nice hat!!"
Her:"Thanks" (Feels happy)
You:"I didnt know walmart was having a sale"
Her: (Feels teased)
makes sense but Im pretty sure I do the push pull thing all the time, even if its not caught in any of those convos. Just because i have been a smartass for so long and have learned that 95% of the time in oder to make the best joke/insult on someone you have to set it up your self and make them work into making the conversation go the way you want it to go.

Edit addition: I very rarely give a compliment that isnt a double edged sword, followed by some smart-aleck comment from me. but anyways would be interested if you wanna talk on AIM, my SN is the same as my username on here.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Neo - NICE ****y & FUNNY

Only problem I have is, why are you talking to these girls via IM? Online chatting? C'mon. You've got the skills. Just go out there and do it FOR REAL this time. Actually in PERSON then give us some FRs. I'm just encouraging you to get away from the AIM convos (since every guy uses AIM and why would you want to be like every guy?) and start having in person convos.

Your off to a good start, Neo.



Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
As Vov said AIM convos are really the only thing that can be shown on here. Though I am slowly getting better and better at translating all this to in person and getting out there to meet people. I went to a club for like the first time ever a few weeks ago and found it extremly easy to walk up to ppl and just be a complete ****y SOB to them and have them love it. Prior to that I have had very little experience at meeting random girls at any place other than a party or something where alchohal was likely involved.

Another edit addition...

I have found that ever since I started hitting the gym hard about 6 months ago my confidence has skyrocketed and thereby I have become that much more ****y while caring that much less if someone dislikes what I have to say, theres to many ppl in the world to worry about one. It hasnt been a drastic change of physique since I started going to the gym but just enough to give me that boost I needed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
you've got some good material

It's interesting really, because being c&f online is such a different ball game than doing it in person with someone.

the thing is that doing it online is more nonsense chat. While on the other hand, doing it in real life is usually more dependent on environmental/current situational factors.

But yea i agree with blue. you wont get far with doing this online, because there's still a border between you 2 from really getting to know each other, and kino for that matter. Nothing beats meeting in person, and 2nd to that is the phone.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
ill totally agree with that. Though I have found in person to be much easier, being KINO and all those things. Just that fact that easily 90% of what a person says is never actually said with words.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Neo187H
ill totally agree with that. Though I have found in person to be much easier, being KINO and all those things. Just that fact that easily 90% of what a person says is never actually said with words.
Absolutely. Online messenging is just lacking so much because of this. When I talk with a girl online I try to keep it to a minimum time and setup a meeting face to face. But that time is pretty much spent C&F.

What ScrewIt said: Definately online is a completely different gaming field. Always evolve from IM to person, and make sure to keep it away from IM as much as you can. This way things can progress much faster.

IM is just a place to banter and bull**** and C&F girls. There's no kino from the computer.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
It's ****y but not very funny. Do you find that you get as many "f*** off" responses as well? I'm under the impression that the ones you get away with this sh** with probably already like you, and the ones who are cooler or more conservative will crash and burn.


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by Neo187H
ill totally agree with that. Though I have found in person to be much easier, being KINO and all those things. Just that fact that easily 90% of what a person says is never actually said with words.
...Neo, how do you usually start an online convo? A lot of girls are b|tches enough to block you even before you can go past your 'hello! ^_^'


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
I do tend to downplay the ****y/aholeness for a bit while I just start talking to a girl though lately I noticed I am letting it fly within the first few minutes of a conversation. Its not that im all that ****y or anything like that because Im deff not, I just dont care if someone dosnt like what I have to say and I love figuring out how a person works, pushing there buttons. And the easiest way that I have found to do that is by finding the persons limits right from the start and expanding them every chance I get. Oddly enough I dont get that many **** offs as I think I prob should. But since I tend to figure a person out relativly well rather quickly I can tailor the way I have to say things to there tastes and preferences. I will still say the same thing maybe just a little less blunt and a little more innuendo instead of coming out and saying it.

I have found I can get away with saying MANY things most guys would get smacked for saying, and have people love me for it. On myspace for instance the first thing my profile says is "Im an *******" I figured Id do it just for a prewarning and to have some fun, though I actually have had girls message me and tell me they like it that I have it right there out in the open. And than I have had other girls read that and completly not understand how i could be an *******. Dosnt make sense to me, maybe it makes sense to someone that understands the game better than I.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
ill fix the cencership for ya

his myspace reads "I'm an A-hole" in uncencored way in big bold letters
