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  1. T

    What's up with the forum lately?

    BB not only am I disgusted and ashamed of you all, but on the other hand I'm so amused and entertained by all the filth and lulzy mental fvkery that goes on here I decided to make several recent en core performances. (The mods know I'm a persistent mofo.) I like riling things up here and...
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    What's up with the forum lately?

  3. T

    What's up with the forum lately?

    Backbreaker shouldn't you be drunk typing up another of your my Lil pony diary like soap opera threads about your obsessions with your wives friends relationships? Or how you're jealous of the personal trainer/pizza hut delivery guy who your wives hot friend loves and desperately want to prove...
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    What's up with the forum lately?

    That or a fluorescent leggings wearing, lisping, french poodle walker.
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    What's up with the forum lately?

    Who is this “Jaylan”? A chick? I got a neg rep from this “Jaylan” poster for posting a thread on the man who eats road kill. The only type of person who’d be squeamish enough to actually neg rep a video like that with no reason has to be a chick or a limp-wristed floral arranger who hums...
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    As Men, Why Do We Take This?

    There's tons of them out there. In prisons, Hollywood, gays, young kids etc. Mostly by other men.
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    The Adventures Of Omipotens Maximus Rex: Reports From The Field

    What did ol' Rex expect when he's by himself svcking on a cigar outside on the corner of the "meat packing" district? Seems the f@ggot was sensing IOI's and trying to plow past ol' Rex b!tch sheild and LMR.
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    Do we sell our souls?

    Answer: Delete all your own social networking sites and you won't have worry about not being able to restrain yourself from worrying about what others use them for.
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    Funniest thing you've said post sex

    Told her I was going to post a field report about it on so suave to impress random lunatics on the net.
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    Anti-Feminists Think Rape Victims Deserve It: Profiles by VICE. The comment section of the video is a war zone.
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    What's the lowest you've stooped to try and pick up some T&A?

    I knew a kid at work who invited every girl he saw and didn't know at all yet to his birthday party and heard from a few dudes later on that not one of them showed and thought he was a weirdo for doing it. Kid was also a compulsive liar trying to outdo everyone else for no reason. People felt...
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    What's the lowest you've stooped to try and pick up some T&A?

    What's the lowest you've ever stooped to try and pick up some T&A? Something that you may not be proud of now. Joined some PUA lair? Offered drugs? Try to hit on underage girls at the mall? Did charity work to meet hb's? Went to a third world country? Strip club? Have any of...
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    Ready to lose your lunch? The Man Who Eats Road Kill.

    The most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Possibly worse than people who dumpster dive. This guy’s gotta be insane.
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    It may be a Man's world but...

    Dudes complain that famous, rich, model looking guys have it "easier". Based on vast evidence of what they have to deal with I personally wouldn't be so jealous. A lot of them are marks for gold diggers and career advancers. Those same types will sue them, get pregnant by them etc. and move...
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    Girl winks at me while shaking my hand

    A wink means nothing. A yes to a date and a show up to the date with you does. If you see her next time ask for her number and if she's single, then ask her out. Otherwise don't think about it.
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    It may be a Man's world but...

    26. Act very smart and put on heirs: To convince everyone that you’re disgustingly rich, tell everyone that you went to Yale and Harvard and that your family vacationed in St. Tropez and Palm Beach during your breaks. If they ask you your last name, just make up something that sounds rich...
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    Japan’s unfaithful women share tips on how to cheat without getting caught

    10 Signs That She Is Cheating On You: WARNING!! She Might Be Having An Affair Contrary to what you may believe, you are not the center of the universe. And contrary to what you may believe, women do cheat. But take a breather and settle down because it doesn’t happen often. Will a woman cheat...
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    Japan’s unfaithful women share tips on how to cheat without getting caught

    Tips for Married Women Who Cheat to Not Get Caught So anyway, after our article on married men who want to do the horizontal hula with someone that they are not married to, some women asked what advice we had for women. Just so we don’t get the prudes hunting us down, we must stress that...
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    Japan’s unfaithful women share tips on how to cheat without getting caught

    The Top 8 Ways For a Woman to Have a Successful Affair. My readers should understand, first and foremost, that I am NOT a fan of cheating. I don’t think it’s healthy. I don’t recommend it. And I think that divorce is a better option if you’re having temptations you can’t hold back or do not...
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    Japan’s unfaithful women share tips on how to cheat without getting caught

    Here’s a shocking fact: Despite decades of gender stereotypes insisting that men are disgusting pigs that would gladly hump anything without too much back hair even if they’re already in a relationship, recent studies suggest women are cheating about as much as men (presumably also provided...