It may be a Man's world but...


Sep 4, 2014
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It may be a Man's world but it's a woman's courtroom.

No man is immune. Not even the super wealthy whom get taken by gold diggers every day. Not even unmarried rich men are safe. Hot T&A are well aware how to transfer that wealth and fame to themselves regardless. Don't think because someone is famous and rich they necessarily have it "easier" with women than you do. Because that amount of money, fame and "power" gets used as a springboard for hot looking T&A that trumps the "sought after" man's own fame and money as they are seen as marks. Like Big said: Mo' money Mo' problems.

Knowledge is power. Arm yourselves. If you are a pedestalizing simp without money you'd be an even bigger target with fame, model looks and tons of money unless you have a strong core, great knowledge, yet are humble enough to not let some hot T&A gas your head up while setting you up for the "kill".

It happens in sports, with businessmen, actors etc. every day.

Don't envy rich, famous marks. Use your God given brains.

Do you REALLY still envy rich, famous, wealthy, “model” looking men?

These are the hot T&A they have to deal with regularly (as well as the “victims” court system and transference of wealth):

The So Suave for Gold diggers:

7 Tips For Successful Gold Digging

There are certain women that have “it” and when we say “it” that is an intangible quality that can not be defined; the french call it je ne sais quoi. This group of women can get men to do whatever, pay for trips, cars and even the mortgage. We are not talking about the average girl, beauty has something to do with it– but that is just a small part. Being a phenomenal woman is another component, but it really seems to be more about these woman’s routine.

Today is No Judgement Fridays, so here goes the 7 habits of highly effective gold digging:

1) Spend time by yourself first: This is not for the weak of mind, so you really must feel like a million bucks inside and out. Men, especially rich ones can smell insecurity, so get yourself together.

2) Have Coy Confidence: Wealthy men have loads of confidence so you have to be confident and also play hard to get; never eliminate the chase factor.

3) Don’t Be A Hoe: Rich men like the rare, so if you give it to any and everyone you are cheapening your value.

4) Must Be In the Circle: You must frequent the places where the wealthy go; money attracts money.

5) Keep Your Look Tight: That is a key factor of your job, so recognize it. Gold Diggers are not allowed to have down time.

6) Have the Ability To Size Up Your Man: This is a part of your skill set; you always have to know what it takes to maintain that man emotionally, physically and spiritually. He is your meal ticket so his needs ALWAYS supersede yours.

7) Be Honest: This one may shock you, but honesty is always the best policy. True gold diggers are not liars. They are manipulative by nature, not as a ploy; that’s just who they are and a lot of men have no problem with it.

*Number 6 is especially interesting as most on So Suave seem to want a woman who puts his needs above her own. Be wary of that wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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Sep 4, 2014
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Finding A Sugar Daddy.....Become A Goal Digger

If you want lessons in how to be a successful goal digger, turn to this list of 20+ tips, all designed to get you rich quick! Find yourself a sugar daddy by following this advice.

The Hunt

1. Get your priorities straight: Before unleashing your seduction prowess, make sure you know exactly what you want out of your next relationship. A man worth $10,000, $100,000, $1 million or an international playboy worth $100 million?

2. Make your list: Keep your little black book up to date by researching Forbes’ lists of the richest men, the world’s top hedgefund managers and Saudi princes. Make a list of the athletes that have just signed major contracts. Research sites that shows their annual and past salaries. Remember, this is all public information. Know how much money these men make BEFORE you even approach them.

3. Research. Do research on them. Search profiles to learn what they look like, age, place and date of birth, children, pets, etc. You want to be able to spot him from a mile away.

4. Stay organized: If you get caught dating more than one millionaire at a time, you’ll blow your cover and you’ll never be able to show your face at a major benefit again. Stay organized and avoid double booking. (*Don’t date millionaires in the same area code! Remember their circle/team is small.)

5. Become a stalker: Knowing the habits and schedules of your potential mates will make it easier to seduce them. Find out where they hang. Frequent the popular spots (i.e. restaurants, sporting events, charity events, clubs, lounges, study their businesses, favorite philanthropies, artists, music, etc.) Know popular vacation destinations and know when it’s off season. Google past events or birthdays they have sponsored. History repeats itself. If they sponsored or attended a golf tournament last year, they most likely will do the same this year. Google is a gold digger’s best friend!

6. Set up a fake business or money story to hide behind: No one can accuse you of being a gold digger if you’re already wealthy, can they? If you’re actually quite poor, come up with a story about a dead uncle who left you all of his money or a fake enterprise a la Wedding Crashers to give you a solid cover.

7. Get an invitation: Trying to sneak into a gala or the VIP room without an invite will call unnecessary attention to yourself and make everyone suspect your legitimacy as a rich, important somebody. Step on whoever you can to get a REAL invitation.

8. Get hired: Research shows that half of the millionaire men met their mates at work. Since the majority of them are in finance, investments, media and entertainment, real estate, oil & gas, and sports, start there! Go search the classifieds!

9. Join See if you can join this social networking site that’s reserved for the international jet setting group. You’ll meet new prey and will learn about the hottest parties to attend.

10. Browse Browse profiles of rich men to learn what kind of women they are interested in. Make a list of the most common traits then pretend to possess those traits when you meet a rich man. They will think you’re the woman they have always been looking for.

11. Before you ask someone their name, ask if they’ll buy you a drink: That way, you’ll know straight up if your potential sugar daddy is okay with spending money freely on you.

12. Go to auctions where there is a minimum bidding price: Scrape together the cash or tag along with a rich friend to an auction or fundraiser that requires each party go-er to spend a certain amount on tickets and bids.

13. Attend a charity event: Charity events are likely to be attended by these millionaires or billionaires. Rather than simply attending an event, it may be even better to be a keynote speaker or an organizer!

14. Become well-versed in issues of finance: If you’re only going to be talking with rich men, make sure you are current on the stock market, economy, and anything else high society or money-related.

15. Offer to pay for the tip: Tsk-tsk’ing your date away from paying the tip while you whip out your roll of $5 bills will make you seem generous and independent. If you don’t at least pay for the tip, you risk looking like a mooch.

16. Wear lots of perfume, cologne, jewelry and outrageously fancy clothes: To blend in with the other rich people, of course. Be a class act. Act and dress appropriately. This makes it appear as if you can be seen with him in public. Be careful though. This rule can be a double edged sword. Don’t appear too rich because he may not want to spend money on you.

17. "Forget" to bring your credit card: If all you bring to the bars or to dinner is a few dollars, your date will have to pay for both of you.

18. Only pursue older men: They’re mainly the only ones with real money anyway.

19. Learn to play tennis/golf: Even if you don’t really know how to play tennis or golf, you should still try to hold your own against those rich socialites who were trained by the professionals. Remember, rich people like to play tennis and/or golf.

20. Act very smart: If are smart, great! Rich men like smart/educated women, they do not like dummies. They don’t want to be embarrassed around their rich friends. However, if you are not smart, pretend to be. Discuss what little education you have…but mainly highlight the challenging courses you took. Tell him you got an 'A' even if you didn’t. This shows that you have “some” knowledge.

21. Beg for more money: You’ll need a hefty allowance to shop for clothes, a nice car and lots of presents for yourself. Act needy!

22. Become intoxicated at each party you attend: This sort of behavior is actually encouraged at rich people events, so you’ll fit in quite well.

23. Become friends with other rich men or women…just in case: Even if you’re technically taken, you can still flirt with other rich men just in case something "happens" to your lover.

24. Always desire to own the newest model of everything: Show him that you like to be on the cutting edge by discussing the newest phone, latest clothes and all the best toys no one’s even heard of yet. Research these items so you can school him on how great these items are and why you should have them.

25.Show off your lover’s money: Show off your lover’s success by bragging to everyone how rich you two are.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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Nice read. Thanks. Do you have a guide on how a man can chase wealthy women to gold dig?


Sep 4, 2014
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26. Act very smart and put on heirs: To convince everyone that you’re disgustingly rich, tell everyone that you went to Yale and Harvard and that your family vacationed in St. Tropez and Palm Beach during your breaks. If they ask you your last name, just make up something that sounds rich.

27. Play tennis: Even if you don’t really know how to play tennis, you should still try to hold your own against those rich socialites who were trained by the professionals.

28. Beg for more money: You’ll need a hefty allowance to shop for clothes, a nice car and lots of presents for your generous date.

29. Become intoxicated at each party you attend: This sort of behavior is actually encouraged at rich people events, so you’ll fit in quite well.

30. Spend ridiculous amounts of money everywhere you go: Spending lots of money isn’t just for cars, clothes or vacations. Spend way too much at the grocery store, the gas station and the convenience store to prove to everyone how important you and your partner are.

31. Wear fur and jewelry in the middle of the afternoon: Just in case someone pops by and you need to show off.

32. Become friends with other rich men or women…just in case: Even if you’re technically taken, you can still flirt with Donald Trump and Stavros Niarchos just in case something "happens" to your lover.

33. Know everyone’s financial history backwards and forwards…and repeat it back to them whenever you can: Flatter your new friends by revealing to them how much you know about their bankruptcies, wills, new business ventures, trust funds and stock holdings. They’ll admire your attention to detail.

Getting What You Want, or, Focusing on the Money

Being a gold digger isn’t always easy. If you start to lose focus because sex with a much older man or woman is less appealing than you thought, or if you’re actually bored all day while everyone else is at work, follow this advice to keep you going strong.

34. Only think about money: Even if you’ve realized that you don’t actually love your new spouse or partner, focus on the money to make yourself feel better.

35. Recite "Money can buy you happiness" over and over: This little mantra will keep you focused even when you’re in the depths of despair.

36. Don’t get a job: No matter how bad things get, you can always find another rich lover, but never get a job. You’ll ruin your reputation.

37. Set up an affair for your lover: That way, you can catch him or her red handed, and demand new presents if they expect you to forgive them.

38.Make your lover jealous by flirting with other millionaires: Start a bidding war by flirting with other millionaires or billionaires. You’ll make your lover jealous, encouraging them to spend more money on you so that you’ll stay.

39. Go over your list of ex-boyfriends and girlfriends: If you survived dating other old, crabby men or women, you can make this relationship work too. It’s all worth it in the end.

40. Start stealing cash: Swipe $100 bills whenever you can so that you’ll always have a safety net just in case something happens.

41. Take lots of vacations alone: Ask to go on vacations without your lover so that you can spend all of their money without having to spend any time with them.

42. Visit the country house: Visit each of the country houses to "check on the servants" as a way to take a break from your sugar daddy or sugar mama without having to break up and lose the money.

43. Have a child: If you’re afraid that your lover is about to dump you, get pregnant so that they’ll forever be tied to you financially.

44. Refuse to sign a pre-nup: No matter what.

45. Constantly take on new redecorating projects: Redecorate every room in every house that belongs to your lover, just to keep yourself entertained and to have something to talk about at the club.

46. Go on another diet or exercise plan: If you aren’t happy, go on a more extreme diet or exercise plan to keep you distracted, make others envious of you, and spend more money on gurus, diet pills, gym memberships and spa detox retreats.

47. Pay in cash: If you pay in cash, there’s no record of where you spent your money, so you can tell your lover that you gave it away to a beggar on the street when you really got a dye job.

48. Plan lots of surprise dinners and special nights out for your lover: They will make you look like a caring partner, but you’ll be putting it all on your lover’s tab, of course.
The Break Up
Sometimes gold diggers have to deal with the painful break up of their relationship with the money and the will. Deal with death, divorce and separation by considering these last tips.

49. Hire a lawyer to manage the break up: even if it was just a one night stand.

50. Steal your ex’s Rolodex: That way, you’ll have all of their rich friend’s phone numbers for when you’re ready to rebound.

51. Start dressing even more provocatively than you did before the break up: That way, your ex will want you even more and may want to reconcile. If not, they may feel guilty enough to give you more presents or concessions during a divorce.

52. Don’t get too sentimental: Money and property are essential, so snatch everything up while you still can.

53. Visit Go to this site to move on and meet someone even richer.

54. Barter for long-term settlements: If you’re in the middle of a divorce, keep your eyes on the long-term prizes, like vacation homes, private jets, stocks, and heirloom jewelry.

Your Heroes

Every gold digger needs to have a hero to look up to when times get tough. From Playmates to supermodels, these gold diggers went after what they wanted and got it every time.

55. Holly Madison: Holly Madison is one of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends who appears on the E! reality series The Girls Next Door. According to the show, Madison is Hefner’s principal girlfriend at the moment, though he has had numerous girlfriends over the years. When Madison and Hefner met, Hefner had seven other girlfriends, but after a couple of years of dating, Madison has to compete with only two other "official" girlfriends. Gold diggers can take tips from Holly Madison, who consistently drops hints to Hugh Hefner that she wants to get married, despite his reputation. Persistence is key, ladies.

56. Heidi Klum: Most people know Heidi Klum as one of the sexiest and most successful Victoria’s Secret models of all time, but before her marriage to singer Seal, Heidi Klum was married to Flavio Briatore, who was 23 years her senior. Klum was still pregnant with Briatore’s child when she began dating Seal in 2004. Gold diggers can still take classy lessons from Klum, though, who announced her pregnancy on the same day that Briatore and Fiona Swarovski were caught kissing.

57. Anna Nicole Smith: Though Anna Nicole’s life ended in tragedy, she was the ultimate gold digger and became a celebrity in her own right. After her second husband billionaire J. Howard Marshall, who was 89 years old when he married the 26 year old Playboy model, died, Anna Nicole Smith inherited his wealth. Soon after, she filed for bankruptcy but ultimately became a legend and millionaire in her own right.

58. Heather Mills: Heather Mills is Paul McCartney’s ex-wife and one determined gold digger. During a nasty divorce saga, Mills demanded millions of dollars from McCartney, and according to, she ultimately got $50 million out of the marriage and is now catching the eye of Donald Trump. Not bad for an ex-prostitute.

59. Marla Maples: Marla Maples is best known as the former beauty queen who had an affair with Donald Trump while he was married to Ivana. The two eventually married, had a daughter named Tiffany, and of course divorced. Since then, Maples has appeared on WWF WrestleMania VII and on the TV show The Ex-Wives Club. With a little determination and strategic dating, you too can become as successful as Marla Maples.


Sep 4, 2014
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SmooveMooves said:
Are you serious with the nonsense dude?
Dudes complain that famous, rich, model looking guys have it "easier". Based on vast evidence of what they have to deal with I personally wouldn't be so jealous.

A lot of them are marks for gold diggers and career advancers. Those same types will sue them, get pregnant by them etc. and move on to the next mark. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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What exactly are you trying to convey by posting something like this!?


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Çharismo said:
What exactly are you trying to convey by posting something like this!?
Men value love and women love value. I'll never get married!