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  1. H

    Was indifference the best way to handle this ?

    Okay, it's a girl I acted a ***** with, she put it on a plate , didn't lay then f'd it all up after. You may have seen my posts (pretty pathetic reading )a few months back. Since then I've had a couple of lays, steady plate until I got bored ,being hitting the gym a lot & felt much better...
  2. H

    Did divorce ruin Tiger Woods? Did that trigger his fall from grace?

    Agree with pprf, that & the standard of play is getting ridiculous. The flip side is look at Mcilroy since he ditched his missus, he's taking the game to a whole new level.....
  3. H

    ASAP help

    Yes mate. But she s basically accused me of wife beating. I could do with a comeback before I block her from all social media. Fvck the games .
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    ASAP help

    I feel you but fvck it . Made me look like a prick. I'd rather bury it now ...
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    ASAP help

    Absolutely livid about this....
  6. H

    ASAP help

    Ok , so been to a party tonight. Oneitis is there, as I left she claims I pushed her earlier on (complete bollocks ) she had been making remarks about some girl there earlier (that I'm currently ****ing ). Basically I want to destroy the oneitis over text. I can handle the fall out...
  7. H

    Is this completely f***ked

    Update. It appears to be completely f***ed. Sense IL is obliterated.... What a let down to men.... Ah well time to hit Ibiza !!!
  8. H

    My Battle Between Betaness & Red Pill Thinking

    Cheers for the replies ... What's really got to me is the fact I knew how to play it to develop things but once I made a beta mistake the afc in me completely takes over causing a snowball affect . Instead of reverting back to what I know from a red pill perspective I was blurred by my betaness...
  9. H

    My Battle Between Betaness & Red Pill Thinking

    Apologies (Actually why should I??? haha ) if this comes across as Jibberish but I felt I needed to write it down as a kind of therapy. Having been a sporadic user of these forums for the past 10 months, heavily during crisis, abandoned when I (thought) I was on top, I have learnt more about...
  10. H

    Is this completely f***ked

    Hhmmmmmm. I'd just like to know her current interest level now because I feel though I may have wrecked it. I didn't wish her a good trip.... damn... over-analysing brain....
  11. H

    Is this completely f***ked

    Yeah, can't really do anything at the moment. I'm going away at the weekend until Tuesday so won't see her. Any thoughts from veterans about what I should do / act. Stewing over it right now & don't want to go away with these thoughts.... Thanks in advance
  12. H

    Is this completely f***ked

    Ok, this is a continuation from an earlier post... Areas of BOLD are what I'm getting at. Quick BG: Taken this girl out a couple of times, paid once each., played the indifferent & aloof card all along with minimal contact inbetween. I'm...
  13. H

    Turned down sex. Right Decision?

    Hi all, I'll try & keep this short.......... The first part is about why I turned down a guaranteed s**g, was it the right decision? Or have I played the indifference game all wrong. Background story (I've tried bulletpoint's because the other option would be a load of waffle) -My...
  14. H

    Fapping, Junk Food & Social Media; The three horseman of the male apocalypse

    Quality post. I can relate to most of this. Repped
  15. H

    4th annual Anti AA Competition

    Sign me up. Should be a good motivator