Fapping, Junk Food & Social Media; The three horseman of the male apocalypse


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I had a revelation (no pun intended) a few days ago about this site. All these guys on this site their lack of women, is just a symptom of something else.

Over the last 20-40 years there have been subtle changes that we have just accepted as part of society that should is holding is, is holding you back from being the man you can become. It's why some men "just have it easier" than other men.

The First Horseman: Masturbation

I mean, masturbation has been around since god sent adam and eve to the garden of Eden. I'm sure Adam rubbed a few out from time to time. There is nothing wrong with masturbation per say.

Things changed with the internet. When I was really little if you wanted to watch porn it was some 12 tests of time bull**** you had to do lol, you had to stay up late and hope to catch a piece of titty on some softcore cinimax movie or you had to sit and listen to porn on the blury HBO channel at night. And you had to hope they were showing porn that night lol. And this like, 2000. That wasn't THAT long ago.

Or you had to go metal gear solid and proceed to use covert ops to find your dad's / uncle's porn stash and then you had to wait until everyone was asleep to watch it, and then you had to hope to god it was some good porn. You didn't give a **** what type of porn it was lol, it was titties and *******s and stuff and you were happy.

IN my teens I jacked off, but I mean, not everyday. It was too much work lol. Every once in a while i'd fap to a girl i knew.

All that changed when the internet got popular. I can watch virtually any type of porn right now, within the next 10 seconds, for free. Gang bang porn, interracial porn,t een porn, MILF porn, whatever.

You can draw a direct line in my life from the amount of fapping I did to the amount of cold approaching I did. I cold approached chicks before I even knew what cold approaching was, because as a young teenager that's how I got laid / dates.

AS an adult with the porn boom now you see a classy looking milf somewhere and you run home and type in "milf porn" on your computer. Don't sit here adn tell me you've never done that.

Porn / masturbation has a number of negative side effects

1. the dehumanizing of real life women.
2. Provides ample reason to not talk to real life women
3. The dopeimne rush that is crated by having sex/ masturbating is akin to taking a shot of meth/coke. If you are a chronic masterbator and you start to not jack off cold turkey the effects to your body are verbatim what the withdrawal symptoms from a cocaine addiction (I had both, i'm an expert in this subject)
3. Chronic masturbation can raise your anexity levels and cause a depressive state of mine
4. it makes it impossible to put on muscle mass

5. it can cause insomnia.
6. It can cause brain fog

I'm lucky enough to have lived my first years as a teenager without the internet boom / porn era of the internet. I can only imagine how bad it is for you guys that were teenagers in the 2000's. You grew up being able to watch gang bang videos at the click of a button.

I'm not going to say you should cut out porn or masturbation altogether. A little in moderation is fine. Our parents got this. My dad has like one porno movie. he might watch it if he's with a chick or something. My dad doesn't know about all the free porn out there and my dad probably gets more tail than anyone on this forum.

I would suggest going a prolonged period of time without masturbation or porn and then if you feel the need to incorporate it back in your life, do so at drastically lower levels

The Second Horseman: Junk Food

You're not depressed, you're not bitter, you're not angry, you're just malnutritioned and dehydrated.

I think about the street in which I grew up on as a teeager. Within let's say.. a 3 mile radius there was 1 mc donalds and one KFC. This was the day we moved there in June 1997.

I went by there last year, today there is

1. Taco Bell
2. Subway
3. Some ****ty Mexican restaurant
4. Actually 2 ****ty Mexican restaurants
5. A sports bar
6. A popeye's chicken
7. An ihop
8. A burger king
9. A third ****ty Mexican restaurant
10. A TCBY. This might have been there originally
11. Another pub
12. A wingstop
13. Another burger king
14. A wendy's
15. Another sub way

that's no exaggeration whatsoever.

FOOD. FOOD. FOOD. FOOD. FOOD. My wife who is from right outside London, she told me the first ting she noticed when she got here was the amount of fast food restaurants we have. I mean, they are over there, but nothing like we have it here. We are the fast food kings.

Track what you eat on a daily basis. Do this for a week. You eat like ****. How much water do you drink? not **** with water in it lol. Actual water. I hated water. My mom never made me drink water. The only time I drank water as a kid was at basketball practice.

My wife basically force feed me 10 bottles of water a day and it's like, someone cut on the light switch in my brain for the first time in my life. Did you know your brain is 93% water?

If you aren't drinking 8-10 liters of water a day you're running not running your body efficiently. Do you eat greens? You have to eat leafy greens everyday.

To even have the energy it takes to transform your life, to become the man that women want, to be the guy who can go to the gym and who can make the money to dress stylishly, you have to have fuel. This is your fuel.

I'm not saying you can't ever cheat. We have a son and my son is like **** that i want some chicken nuggets lol. Nuggests and pancakes motherfvcker lol. Preferably the pancaked wrapped around the nuggets (he does this IRL. it's actually pretty good). But the majority of your diet should be looked at as fuel.

Even more so, we talk aall the time, it's the battle cry for men on this forum.. women hit their peak early men age gracefully. Guess what.. IF YOU EAT LIKE **** YOU ARE GOING TO AGE LIKE ****. You only age gracefully if you take care of your body. You aren't going to eat taco bell and whoppers and think you are going to be some mack daddy at 40. You're going to be bald and fat because you have no testosterone lol.

My dad is 54 years old and looks not a day over 40, not a spec of gray hair in his head. He works out 3 days a week, drinks nothing but water, doesn't drink coke at all, and eats a salad everyday. that's all you have to do. Little changes.

no one is telling you that you have to be Mr Olympia and eat nothing but brown rice, but clean it up. cut out the sugars, cut out he processed foods.

The Third Horseman: Social Networking

This really goes with the first one a tad bit. Social networking is another life buffer. Instead of asking a chick out you talk to her on facebook. you like a comment she makes. That's bull****. it takes away the drive you have to go out and actually do ****

there are 3 things that I have against social networking

1. it's a monumental time waster. I see so many guys who say stuff like I don't have time for hobbies i have a busy life. While they are surfing facebook/twitter.

2. Social media in general is femcentric. Guys trip over themselves to pedalize women doesn't matter what it is. Twitter, instagram, facebook. My female friend said something quite stupid on instagram and she got a bunch of likes and comments from dudes that just want to **** her. It creates a god complex in women .

Better stated, porn is to men what social media is to women. What the **** is the use of going on real dates (ugh) when i can just sit her on facebook and post hot pictures of me and have guys tell me how hot i am.

3. Social media is depressing. I don't want to ****ing KNOW who my ex is sucking off lol. I don't want to ****ing now how my crush thinks about another dude. I don't want to know if that dude form my class has boned another girl. **** I'm married and i don't' particularly want to see what my ex's are up to on twitter/ facebook. Oh look another smoking hot girl just hooked up with some dude on the high school football team, that just reinforces everything i think now, women only go for such and such.

the combination of all three of these things are what carries the negative undertones that this site and the manosphere has in general.

You take a bunch of anxiety laced guys whose bodies are filled with all types of toxins and **** from that garbage they eat, with them being dehydrated, depressed becuase they are on Facebook for 30 mins a day seeing hot chicks bang guys that aren't them and that's how you get the current state that men are in today


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
i avoid the first 2, and am very limited on the third. Noticeably improved my life.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
6. It can cause brain fog
That explains why your posts are typically so long, rambling and incoherent. Junk food, masturbation and social media are all things that a man can avoid as a matter of choice. The real "three horsemen of the male apocalypse" are things you cannot control: feminism, mainstream media (which shapes social beliefs) and unjust laws/court system that discriminate against men. I have a lot of sympathy for the guy who gets screwed by the courts and has to pay child support while being unable to see his children. I have very little sympathy for some fat fvck sitting at home all day with a bucket of KFC in one hand and his c0ck in the other.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Bokanovsky said:
That explains why your posts are typically so long, rambling and incoherent. Junk food, masturbation and social media are all things that a man can avoid as a matter of choice. The real "three horsemen of the male apocalypse" are things you cannot control: feminism, mainstream media (which shapes social beliefs) and unjust laws/court system that discriminate against men. I have a lot of sympathy for the guy who gets screwed by the courts and has to pay child support while being unable to see his children. I have very little sympathy for some fat fvck sitting at home all day with a bucket of KFC in one hand and his c0ck in the other.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I stopped when I got up to the part about masturbation affecting muscle gain. There is no science to back that up, and I had no problems making gains in the gym back when I masturbated like a rabid beast.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Agreed with social media but stopping fapping won't automatically get you a hot girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome post dude. Keep this kind of thing up!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Good post BB. Welcome to the generation of instant gratification. Thank god I was a teen in the 90's.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
That explains why your posts are typically so long, rambling and incoherent. Junk food, masturbation and social media are all things that a man can avoid as a matter of choice. The real "three horsemen of the male apocalypse" are things you cannot control: feminism, mainstream media (which shapes social beliefs) and unjust laws/court system that discriminate against men. I have a lot of sympathy for the guy who gets screwed by the courts and has to pay child support while being unable to see his children. I have very little sympathy for some fat fvck sitting at home all day with a bucket of KFC in one hand and his c0ck in the other.
You're right those things do suck, but shouldn't we target what we can control? We all have sympathy for a guy who loses in family court for no good reason. That doesn't mean we shouldn't fix the things we can fix.

Nice visual btw. No KFC for me..


Nov 4, 2010
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Vice said:
Awesome post dude. Keep this kind of thing up!
theres a good boy

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
I love backbreaker's posts. The only thing I disagree on though, is the correlation of masturbation affecting muscle gains. I'm not entirely sure whether or not that's scientifically proven.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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Gray The Prince said:
I love backbreaker's posts. The only thing I disagree on though, is the correlation of masturbation affecting muscle gains. I'm not entirely sure whether or not that's scientifically proven.
I've heard that abstaining can increase testosterone levels for the first 3 or 4 days, and then after that it doesnt have much effect or actually decreases. What i typically do (assuming i dont get laid that week), is go about 5 or so days without, and then get off, and repeat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
backbreaker said:
The First Horseman: Masturbation
I agree, I cut down masturbating to once every 5-7 days and I've been more awake and have generally more energy.

backbreaker said:
The Second Horseman: Junk Food
Okay I'm guilty of this. I love Dortios, Sour gummy worms, Soda, processed food like Taco Bell, and all that. The thing is I drink a ton of water. The first thing I do in the morning is get water, not because I "want" to but because I just feel dehydrated a lot. Plus the taste of water is really delicious for me. Another thing, liquids like soda go through me so easily.If I drink a can of soda I have to use the bathroom within the half hour. When ever there is a drinking fountain nearby I usually take a few gulps.

But then again I workout and jog 5 days a week(25miles'ish a week).

backbreaker said:
The Third Horseman: Social Networking
When I joined this forum I kind of subconsciously stopped browsing sites like facebook. I even cut heavily on texting, I RARELY ever text anymore. Mainly because I realized that it was a waste of time and for some of the reasons you stated above like who my ex was banging or something. Plus most people that I see that post on it are low quality themselves. I recently joined "Twitter" and it's almost the same deal. The only thing different is that I see the more attractive people posting actively rather than the other types. But the amount of woman self absorbing meme's and beta posts are still through the roof on both sites. They get a lot of male attention too which makes me sort of sick. I've seen it a lot more on twitter though.

Overall my life has become a lot more stress-free without the constant admiration of social media. I mean I still browse it every now and then when I'm bored but I don't make much of it. It's kind of hard though since my generation is all about social media and texting.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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Bokanovsky said:
That explains why your posts are typically so long, rambling and incoherent. Junk food, masturbation and social media are all things that a man can avoid as a matter of choice. The real "three horsemen of the male apocalypse" are things you cannot control: feminism, mainstream media (which shapes social beliefs) and unjust laws/court system that discriminate against men. I have a lot of sympathy for the guy who gets screwed by the courts and has to pay child support while being unable to see his children. I have very little sympathy for some fat fvck sitting at home all day with a bucket of KFC in one hand and his c0ck in the other.

i myself, i like to jerk off real hard right before i go workout or practice martial arts, i also get real super high by hitting my vaprizor, this all helps me relax my mind and body for the grueling upcoming sessions

but yeah i do that thing where i see a hot milf or a hot black/asian chick and then i have to go watch that kind of porn and jerk off all over myself

honestly, im going to go rub one out right now to some Jennifer White videos so i can escape to fantasy land


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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As far as masturbation is concerned I can agree with not doing it to porn but I've read too much conflicting information to say that men should only do it sparingly. I wish I could find the link but I remember reading a blog of a bodybuilder who advised that men should masturbate three times a day so there's at least one dude out there who isn't negatively affected by it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Porn is definitely bad for you, studies have shown that. I'm not so sure about masturbation, it sounds to me like it affects different guys differently. For myself, I prefer to keep it to a minimum.

I don't have Facebook, and I don't intend to get it, for various reasons. It does seem like it would be a big time waster. And calling it the equivalent of female porn, that's brilliant. On the other hand though, I could see how it might be a useful tool for dating and expanding your social life, if you used it correctly.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
zekko said:
Porn is definitely bad for you, studies have shown that. I'm not so sure about masturbation, it sounds to me like it affects different guys differently. For myself, I prefer to keep it to a minimum.

I don't have Facebook, and I don't intend to get it, for various reasons. It does seem like it would be a big time waster. And calling it the equivalent of female porn, that's brilliant. On the other hand though, I could see how it might be a useful tool for dating and expanding your social life, if you used it correctly.
After talking about masturbation, you said "on the other hand though..." LOL.