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  1. P

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    In what ways would she make it easier to get closer?
  2. P

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    Yeah I'm not going to date her, but one other thing I forgot to mention is she has never mentioned her boyfriend to me. I just know that she has one, by looking on Facebook
  3. P

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    She's not luring me for her ego, otherwise she would probably be a lot flakier. She just committed to spending her Saturday night with me at the drop of a hat lol, she can't possibly be doing all of this just to boost her ego when she has so many other options. Most likely she doesn't value her...
  4. P

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    Thanks for reading! After analyzing the situation, please read the bold at the bottom and respond accordingly based on your experiences. Background So guys, I've been spending a lot of time at the gym recently, and as a result I tend to socialize a lot there. Couple weeks ago, I noticed this...
  5. P

    How do I become the prize?

    By improving yourself. Work out, groom yourself well, dress well, become great at something you love.
  6. P

    So Suave acts like women control them.

    In response to Zekko, you could also argue that ultimately improving yourself is just a paraphrase of becoming someone else so that women/people/society will like you. Sometimes the way you are is just objectively bad. Like the guy who stays home and jerks off to porn all day and never works...
  7. P

    Girls and their options

    ^That's what I think. They're going to have to open up to you at some point if they genuinely find you interesting. Looking at their phones is just a passive way to say "**** off"
  8. P

    Need a Mentor/Coach, Will Pay

    Hey guys, if you know of any legit coaches, let me know. Also, if YOU are an experienced, well rounded and personable guy who believes he is capable of teaching/coaching on real life situations and issues, PM me with your qualifications. Someone who has had a lot of social experience and is...
  9. P

    How do I respond to this?

    Dude, you are crazy, and this girl is crazy.
  10. P

    Why dont people believe me when I tell them Im a virgin

    Why are you posting this? So people will say something like, "you seem too cool to be a virgin?" This is such an obvious "fishing for reassurance/compliments" thread that it's ridiculous.
  11. P

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    I do see that, is there a general strategy or guideline when trying to "flip the script" or "control the frame?" I like the examples you gave, but I don't know how to come up with stuff like that on the fly
  12. P

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    How exactly do I "control the frame and make my presence known?" I mean it all came down to me not knowing what the **** to say, and the girls showing more interest in the new guy.
  13. P

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    I am searching for some good AMOG destroyers, but can't find many that I can actually see myself using. He didn't really aggressively AMOG me, he just came in and talked to the women while ignoring me. It was all non verbal.
  14. P

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    Alright, well she added me and responded "hahah well now you know!" she did it probably after she woke up this morning. That's pretty much her just being nice though. I mean she's kind of obliged to answer me, I haven't done anything to warrant complete non response. I'm pretty sure that I am...
  15. P

    Improving Verbal game

    Yes, instead of asking questions, make statements For example: Instead of saying, where are you from? Say... you look like a New York kind of girl. Also cold read. Assume things about her, and she'll either correct you, ask you why you think that, or you'll be correct. Example: "Hey, I bet...
  16. P

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    So today I pushed myself WAY out of my comfort zone. I went to a party completely uninvited (though I was with a few friends, one of which was invited.) It was hosted at these sorority girls' house. I knew I'd be able to slip by and nobody would kick me out or anything. It was an 90's theme...