HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for reading! After analyzing the situation, please read the bold at the bottom and respond accordingly based on your experiences.


So guys, I've been spending a lot of time at the gym recently, and as a result I tend to socialize a lot there.

Couple weeks ago, I noticed this girl back from high school (we're both at the same college). In over a year of being here, I haven't talked to her once. However we made eye contact walking past each other and I opened with "you go to this gym???" and just smiled really wide. She responded really receptively, and I just moved on.

I went and did my workout, and after walked right up to her with kind of a dumb smile on and she said "whats up!!!"

We end up talking for a good 40 mins straight about random bull**** right there in front of the stair step machine she's on. A-class conversation, just laughing on both ends constantly and never a pause the entire time. I get her # about 20 minutes in. I don't even really have to think about what to say. She makes subtle hints at how I look better than I used to (I was kinda chubby back when I knew her in HS, and now I'm moderately fit and a lot leaner). I would take that as an IOI lol, she ends up talking about how she lives really close to where I do on campus. So we walk back to my apartment, and on the way I mention some workout supplements I'm taking.

Idk who initiated it, but I think I offered to let her try some, and at some point she asked if it was ok if she came up and got some. She comes up into my apt and we chill in my room for about 45 mins and I give her a sample of my preworkout to try. I also gave her some cheap food and stuff.

Somehow we end up going grocery shopping right then and there at like 11:30PM and we're just ****ing around, joking and flirting around as usual. She compliments my car and stuff on the way. She also mentions how she "wants to see" when I get even more fit. "I want to see... I'll be like... are you single? Hahaha just kidding" - what she said

The entire interaction she's constantly apologizing for no reason, and saying how she's a retard about certain things, basically supplicating hardcore and qualifying herself, probably because she was feeling nervous around me. I don't elicit this strong of a reaction from women most of the time, but when I do, it's very noticeable.

It took me a good week for the logistics to work out to chill with her again, but I invited her to work out and she was totally down for it. At the end I invited her to my fraternity's classy banquet style party this weekend. ("Can you drop your plans this Saturday?" She said yes instantly. It's a dress-up kind of event, where the guys will be in suits and the girls will be in dresses. There's also gonna be a ton of drinking/dancing going on.

She was supposed to go to her friend's house but instead she came to my apt again (for protein lol) and kind of lost track of time and ended up staying for half an hour or so. She then said she REALLY had to leave, gave me a death grip hug and left.

So far I've only done a really small amount of kino, and qualified the **** out of her constantly and broken rapport a whole bunch. I'm pretty sure there's a solid amount of attraction given the interest level signs and IOIs. She was actually nervous for a bit the second time she worked out with me (so was I though kind of!) To put it in some perspective, when I walked in the gym, she was sitting with this other dude. I was like damn it, **** test? Really?

But when I walked up, she instantly jumped up and said, "Alex!!!!" and then told the other guy she had to go. He kept trying to hit on her every time he passed by but she just kind of politely responded each time and their interactions weren't long at all. There were like three or four guys hitting on her at the gym while I was there. One guy tried to AMOG me by trying to correct my form when I was teaching her how to squat. I just didn't really mess with it, didn't really care enough. Actually befriended the AMOG in the end lol.

I was the only guy at the gym that was "on that level" with her. REALLY nice to be on the other side of that fence!

So that's where I am right now, we're going to this fancy party this weekend, and she's my date. But here's the funny part... she has a boyfriend in another nearby city. And so far I haven't done anything really explicitly aggressive. She could technically say she hasn't done anything to cheat on her boyfriend so far. I'm pretty afraid to push it past things that could be construed as innocent fun. Like I haven't had any sustained touch type kino. I haven't made out with her or held her hand or anything that is overtly sexual.

This event is pretty ridiculous. Last time I brought a girl to this event, she broke up with her boyfriend THAT night. Girls have an amazing time, and you're just in this insane frame where you're this classy ****ing BEAST of a guy taking her to this badass event where she gets to dress up and feel awesome.

What should be my plan of action for the night given what's happened so far in this interaction? Would you guys agree that there is a really high interest level right now? Should I just go for it and escalate hardcore even though I know she has a bf? I feel slightly guilty just for getting her this attracted. I'm just really afraid of doing something that "crosses the line" right now. The worst thing would be if somehow I'm misinterpreting things and she just seems me as a fun friend, and rejects my attempt to escalate to sex. Am I just being stupid? Part of me can't believe that a girl with a long term boyfriend could be this OK with overtly cheating on him. Especially around people that go to the same school!

Anyone have tips for how to escalate to close in this situation? There should be dancing. I can't dance for ****, but if we're both drunk and I dance with her it should help the process.

Since I'm not dating this girl or anything, I'd also like advice on meeting some of the other women at this event (there will be some really hot ones at the event for sure). How can I go about getting to know them without pissing off my date or coming off as sleazy (most of them will have dates with them haha, not that they'd ever sleep with them though)


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
It looks to me that you two are making pretty good chemistry. But don't overlook things too quick, many bytches do this for attention. They lure you into believing that they are interested for their own ego and once you show them how you feel emotionally they get scared off and go back with their boyfriend in the nearby city. Just try not to concentrate on her so much and make her your main priority, there are plenty of women out there besides her. When you saw her talking to that other guy in the gym don't panic with those beta traits, act like you don't give a shyt and definitely don’t show that you’re jealous when other dudes try to hit on her.

You’re a man never be afraid of showing your sexuality but do It in a smart way and keep it balanced, you want be sexual but not be overly-sexual. In my experiences if she is flirting with you it can be one of Three things 1) Her boyfriend is most likely not doing his job on keep her satisfied 2) She luring you for her own ego 3) She probably likes you... Go to the event dance and have fun with her. Make her feel comfortable around you show her how much fun you can be. Have a couple of drinks with her. Enough to where you can drive back home, after the event is over invite her over to your place. Be confident and do what you got to do to set the mood, put a movie or something and start of easy by flirting with her then get her hot and things will start escalating.. One thing always leads to another and you could end up bangin’ her. If you fail to get in her pants it's alright because you tried and it's better than not trying.. and move on she isn’t the only chick that exists.


“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” :cool:


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
She's not luring me for her ego, otherwise she would probably be a lot flakier. She just committed to spending her Saturday night with me at the drop of a hat lol, she can't possibly be doing all of this just to boost her ego when she has so many other options.

Most likely she doesn't value her relationship that much, or she wouldn't be showing this high of interest levels and such overt IOIs. Like coming to my apt alone a couple of times and agreeing to be my date to this event. There are a ton of guys interested in her, but she's spending her weekend with me. That must mean SOMETHING... right?

Her boyfriend is pretty AFC from what I can tell. Probably explains why she's more attracted to my fun, don't give a **** vibe. At least in the moment.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not saying she's doing it for ego, I just mentioned that a lot chicks do do that. Just Don't overthink things to much. If she's committed to spending her weekend with you then there you go. Try to make it happen, be smart and take charge of the situation.


Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
It's not your fault the other dude is going out with a slvt. If she offers it, take it. If you don't know the guy, you owe him nothing except pity that he chose to be with such a low-class bytch.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Good grief, are we REALLY going to start giving advice on how to bang someone else's girl?

Have some self-respect, man. Real talk, if she was already your girl and she was doing the stuff with someone else that she's now doing to you while you were dating her - and found out about it - you'd feel some kind of way about it. In fact, if you WERE to end up dating her, she probably WOULD end up doing the same thing again. She's untrustworthy.

At the very least, I'd be telling her "Y'know what? I'd love to take you out sometime - if you and your BF don't work out, hit me up." I don't care how much interest she showed, she's not currently available. If BF is in another city, she's probably missing the attention and contact he gave her, and is happy to get it elsewhere.

However, I find that most long-distance relationships don't usually work out. Even still, until the tie with him is officially cut, the only advice I'd give is to back off. Who knows, it might make her get rid of the other dude faster.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
there is nothing to consider. she wants to **** you and wants to do so quite baldly. i don't see how you can possibly **** this up. i really don't.

just don't date her lol. if you want to get your rocks off do your thing but never date a girl who is that cavalier about cheating.

just take her, start getting real touchy wtih her, at some point start nibbling on her neck, and it's game on.

the first aggressive /hard to the basket move you make with her she will fall like a house of cards. just do something bold, take her and put your tounge down her throat, do something. she's done.

just pretend the other guy doesn't exsist beucase i assure you at this point in her mind, he doesn't lol. keep being fun, flirthy, don't over think it. go and have fun.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Has she mentioned her boyfriend to you or do you just know about him? My advice would be to go to the event and just focus on having fun with her, talk to other girls but make sure you come back to your date to dance or whatever. Up the kino, and suggest that you guys go back to your place afterwards or something to just "chill" or suggest that she crash there so she doesnt have to drive after she's been drinking. This should give you a pretty good oppurtunity. If all your looking for is a lay then saddle up, but be weary if you find yourself dating this girl because you know she doesn't have a problem cheating. Maybe she just needs a good d!cking, who knows.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah I'm not going to date her, but one other thing I forgot to mention is she has never mentioned her boyfriend to me. I just know that she has one, by looking on Facebook


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
^ She wants it dude, just have fun with her at the dance or whatever. The fact that she hasn't mentioned her BF pretty much guarantees that the is down to bone.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
If she's that interested, she'll make it easy for you to get closer and she won't confuse you.

The premise is that we already know that your princess is in another castle. If she stops you from bringing her to your castle, she's an attention wh0re.

Make a move and you'll see where you stand. This is the only true way to know. Judge nismo's verdict.

Case closed. Stop overanalyzing. :nono:


Shockwavedave said:
Gotta a boyfriend, in most cases, this is an avoid situation
In all cases, it's an avoid situation.

This is a very common incident with me, I seem to attract women in committed relationships.

I put them down as a AW's and whilst I will remain friendly with them, I wouldn't dare going anywhere near them and I never fall into the trap of becoming interested in them.

I made that mistake once, never again!