[Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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So today I pushed myself WAY out of my comfort zone. I went to a party completely uninvited (though I was with a few friends, one of which was invited.) It was hosted at these sorority girls' house. I knew I'd be able to slip by and nobody would kick me out or anything. It was an 90's theme party but I decided to just wear my usual stuff. I had a nice jacket and a dress shirt with nice jeans and sneakers on. (I have my grooming on lock.)

To top things off, 90% of the guys there were in the other top competing fraternity. They constantly talk massive **** about us, and they are kind of beating us this semester in terms of girls. We have a rivalry. They are known as the most sexually aggressive and douchey frat on campus (though hey, they get laid more of course!)

They didn't **** with me or my friends, mostly because we're all tall/big and don't look like chodes. Also, sorority girls threw the party, not them, so they didn't have the authority to kick us out.

Anyways, first thing after stepping in the door (I nearly turned around and left before we knocked) I scanned the crowd looking for somebody. I decided "**** it, I'm going to act like a boss and just try my best, even though the odds are against me".

The first person I noticed was a girl I was tight with at the beginning of last year. The last interaction I had with her was asking her to our formal, and I got rejected (softly, and with an excuse, but it was obvious BS). She also just barely said hello to me last party I saw her at. Despite this, I guess she decided to make things not awkward by greeting me REALLY enthusiastically. She gave me a hug and a huge smile and exclaimed, "I haven't seen you... in like a year!" I shouldn't have, but I brought up how I thought I'd seen her for like two seconds at our bid day party. She just said "uhhhh I dunno" and etc until I just saved it by saying "eh, actually I can't remember."

Her boyfriend was standing behind her like a plant the entire time. She honestly drags him around like a little puppy. He's a skinny, pretty looking kid who never has much to say. The guy is classic AFC, and drives across the country just to spend time with her.

At some point it's just so ridiculous to me that he's standing there not saying a word, so I shake his hand and he finally introduces himself. I don't think I should have done this. He just went back to staying quiet and staring blankly ahead.

Later on after roaming around and going to the kitchen, I grabbed a drink. This same friend was with the hottest new freshman girl so I re-opened. She immediately introduced herself, vibing intense insecurity of course as a new girl to the scene. It was really loud and she couldn't hear what I was saying. Either I didn't say my name or I didn't say it loud enough. I know this because she asked me what my name was after I said nice to meet you. The friend told me she was a new member (which I already knew of course) and I just nodded.

They asked girl's plant boyfriend to take a picture for them, and he complied of course. I shouted, "let's make a more awesome version of the picture where I'm in it". She couldn't hear me, and I repeated it again though with less enthusiasm/confidence. She said, "no, because you're not dressed for the 90s!" This was terrible for me of course, since I just got rejected by her in front of the new girl. (She would have gone with whatever initial girl said).

I just played it cool and said, hmm, what's 80s? And they started giving me examples from what they were wearing. They mentioned cargo shorts, and I said I had long ago tossed out and burned mine, which they thought was funny. Throughout the interaction, I threw around a few things like "oh, so you're not supposed to dress like that every day? (in response to them pointing out guys that were dressed in ridiculous clothing. only funny because I was dressed well.)" I then said, "ok then, what can I do with what I'm wearing right now? Girl tells me to flip my collar (as she's saying this, she reaches and maneuvers it for me) and tuck in my shirt. I comply but it's obvious I don't really give a ****. I shouldn't have jumped through her hoops, but it allowed me to continue the interaction in a reasonable manner.

At this point, this dude barges into my set and completely AMOGS me. He has a super high energy delivery and is wearing a sleeveless shirt which shows off a decent, but not really big/built figure. He sees me as the threat because he smiles and shakes the plant's hand, and then shakes mine without even looking at me. He actually intentionally gets my name wrong and then locks me out. Initial girl automatically responds with enthusiasm saying "what he's wearing is perfect!" and I'm pretty much blown out of the set as she catches up with him. I slowly start body rocking and showing increasing disinterest with my body language and turn around... to my friends... who unfortunately are unintentionally locking me out of their circle. It was just a bad exit/DLV.

Less than ten minutes later I exited the party, not seeing anyone else I could really interact with. The ratio there was ****ing terrible, like literally 5:1. My friends left minutes later.

I figured I'd try to do SOMETHING with the fact that I'd met the new freshman and been introduced by someone she could trust. I never see her on campus so I don't think I'll have a good opportunity to try again in person. I FR'ed her on facebook accompanied with this message:

LOL you've been on my suggested friends constantly for WEEKS, and I was just like... (incorrect pronunciation of name) who is this person??? ITS []! mystery solved

I figured a high energy and light hearted message would be way better than saying something like nice to meet you or w/e.

There's a good chance she'll accept and respond, being an insecure new freshman who doesn't really know anyone. Is this even salvageable?

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
You went in hard and showed your worth, but it looked like a lost cause because she already lost interest in you. She came up and greeted you enthusiastically just to avoid awkwardness, but as soon as you talk to continue the convo, she seemed to get awkward right there. And the guy AMOGing, that was just inital excitement for the girls. Time provided (15 mins), that effect on them will fade, I'm thinking you left the party too soon, but with ratios that bad you were probably better off going to another spot.

The girl on FB might accept your FR. More likely than not. I don't know about getting anything out of it, though. You just met her and kind of... left. Didn't see much rapport building based on what you wrote.

P.S. You don't HAVE to be high energy to attract women, being cool and laid back works too. It should be based on YOUR mood, if you try to be high energy and exciting when you feel like going to bed, they will smell the fake-ness off you.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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Alright, well she added me and responded "hahah well now you know!" she did it probably after she woke up this morning.

That's pretty much her just being nice though. I mean she's kind of obliged to answer me, I haven't done anything to warrant complete non response.

I'm pretty sure that I am the one that made the interaction awkward (ish) anyways.

Also I know what you mean by them being able to tell if you're really feeling that energy or not. More often than not, I prefer to be kind of laid back. But how do I keep interest while being low energy and chill?

This girl no doubt is getting hit on constantly by all kinds of guys, 24/7. She's a hot, new, impressionable, compliant freshman who doesn't know what to think of anyone yet. EVERYBODY is trying. The older girls are jealous because she's hotter than basically all of them.

How do I beat them all? I don't even care that much about this girl in particular. I just want general advice on getting the best women.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
You did good by shaking the plant bf's hand, why don't you think so?
But then you let that guy AMOG you, BIIIIIG MISTAKE.

We are mammals at our base insticnt, that's the truth, we are animals. If you watch documentaries about bears or whatever, you see that the Males fight amongst each other for the right to be the Alpha. And its the alpha that gets to fvck all the chicks.

Now, we have all our social conventions and civilisation layered on top of our base animal instinct, but when dealing with a primal emotional response like "attraction", its an animal response, it works exactly the same as it does in the wild.

You will literally be amazed with how the reactions of chicks changes when you demonstrate alpha dominance other other men in a confrontational situation. I was. I was always raised to think that women shun aggression and violence, and condemn men who act dominantly as "neanderthals".

But no! actually, its not like that. Women like to think they are like that, but actually, its really amazing to see that, at least on a base, primal level, they are turned on by demonstrations of dominance.

Its happened to me bro where one guy was being all aggressive, not to me, to another guy, but in my general sphere of personal space, in a crowded bar. So I just swung my elbow around, hitting him in shoulder and the head, back and forth a couple of times, while pretending I was just holding my drink to my mouth for a sip and swivelling around.

Well, he got really p1ssed off, and started threatening me like he was going to attack me, so I pretended like he just wanted to introduce himself to me and I nonchalantly offered to shake his hand and ask his name. That made him really frustrated, and so he tried to tell me to "walk away", which I found genuinely preposterous, and I burst out laughing in his face. He was boiling with rage, but my total demeanor of absolute composure and cold-blooded, amused mastery threw him, and he stormed off.

Well, unbenkonwst to me, there had been a chick seated down right beside me watching the whole thing, and when the dude stormed off I sat down, and this chick just opened me with some random opener, and started making out with me in like 30 seconds. Less than 30 seconds! I barely even pulled a move on her, she just wanted me on a primal level after witnessing my demonstration of dominance over another man in a confrontational situation.

Now, I never knew it worked like that, but it absolutely does! Had you been able to AMOG that idiot dressed in 90's attire in front of that hot impressionable young freshman chick, she would have felt a powerful surge of primal attraction for you. But instead, she felt it for that other dude. Now, any attempt of yours to seduce her will come across as being very creepy. Even your fb invite will seem "creepy" to her. Had you displayed dominance over that other guy, instead of being "creepy", it would be exciting for her to receive a fb invite from you.

Moral of the story: never let yourself get AMOG'd. Well, I mean, I guess its better to get AMOG'd than to get an assault charge against you or get into trouble with the law I suppose. But in general, remember that we are animals at our most base levels of functionality and feeling, and the alpha bear always gets to pound the prime pvsssy.

Alphaness is first and foremost a physical property in my opinion. But that's a topic for another post I guess....


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
Keep doing what you are doing, you can only learn and get better through experience. I'm just like you and I can say that you were a bit outcome dependent and shouldn't have cared about what the chick said about you not wearing 90's stuff. Also, AMOG's can be awful so learn some AMOG destroyers for the next time around


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
I am searching for some good AMOG destroyers, but can't find many that I can actually see myself using.

He didn't really aggressively AMOG me, he just came in and talked to the women while ignoring me. It was all non verbal.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
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PersistenceIsKey said:
Also I know what you mean by them being able to tell if you're really feeling that energy or not. More often than not, I prefer to be kind of laid back. But how do I keep interest while being low energy and chill?
Well basic signs of interest such as proximity, eye contact, and kino. Now showing high amounts of energy is usually for getting women to know you exist. The calm, cool, collected way of getting women's attention (at least my tactic) is to go around the venue and just slip in quick jokes on girls there. It's not big and loud, but it gets them to notice you as a funny yet cool guy. Warms 'em up a bit before you go in for the kill.

d!ckmojo said:
Moral of the story: never let yourself get AMOG'd. Well, I mean, I guess its better to get AMOG'd than to get an assault charge against you or get into trouble with the law I suppose. But in general, remember that we are animals at our most base levels of functionality and feeling, and the alpha bear always gets to pound the prime pvsssy.
As much as I really hate to compete with other men for women, this is true. Women are drawn toward the men who own the territory(party). However, this doesn't mean you should start near fist fights with guys just to prove your "alphaness," all it takes is you to make your presence known. Instead of being a man-plant, tell them that you know the 90's culture beyond clothes, then challenge the "alpha" to a breakdancing contest, lol! The fact is that you did not just SIT THERE and LET the "alpha" control the frame. Too many people are confusing being "alpha" with being overly aggressive.

The point I'm making is that you are not an alpha just by threatening someone with your violence, it's about being able to control the frame and making your presence known. Any beta male can throw a fist.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
How exactly do I "control the frame and make my presence known?"

I mean it all came down to me not knowing what the **** to say, and the girls showing more interest in the new guy.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Well, yeah... Coming up with things to say requires wit and experience. If I was in that situation, I probably would've said:

"What makes this guy more 90's than me? Because of his clothes!? I knew how to do the Carlton before most of you knew algebra!"

But, that is my style, you got to come up with your own general comeback to an AMOG. Generally speaking, you are being somewhat "alpha" just by walking inside of their circle (break that damn lock open!) with one hand up in the "stop" gesture, not even saying one thing. A man-plant wouldn't do that.

Sorry if the phrase "controlling the frame" sounds weird, but think of it as having a conversation. You are controlling the conversation based on what topics you talk about, the references you use when you reply, and your tone of voice when you speak. If you and your gf are talking about how much time you spend playing video games, you can either say:

1. "Ok, I will play less games." :(
2. "I gotta have my me time for ****s sake." :box:
3. "Wow, babe, you always seem to get horny during game time. Just keep it warm for when I'm done." ;)

The first one simply complies with her making you look like a beta. The second one is very aggressive. You might feel like an alpha male, but that will backfire when she dumps you a week later saying that things just "don't work out". But notice how the third one CHANGES the scope of the conversation and now you have your hands on the wheel. Controlling the frame means knowing how to find ways of turning the tables to your advantage.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
I do see that, is there a general strategy or guideline when trying to "flip the script" or "control the frame?" I like the examples you gave, but I don't know how to come up with stuff like that on the fly


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
PersistenceIsKey said:
I am searching for some good AMOG destroyers, but can't find many that I can actually see myself using.

He didn't really aggressively AMOG me, he just came in and talked to the women while ignoring me. It was all non verbal.
The best AMOG destroyer is being big, muscular and not afraid to get in a confrontation because you have no fear of what the other dude could do to you.

In fact, if you are sitting down, in most cases just the act of standing up and giving the other guy a hard staredown will be enough for them to back down, apologize and walk away...the same way a beta wolf looks at the ground and grovels in front of the alpha as they stare at them, pleading for mercy...they usually get a quick nip behind the ear or on their face and then tuck tail and run away...

Same general principal. Guys that look at me know my 50" chest and wide, thick upper back and shoulders didn't get that way from sitting on the couch watching "Friends" re-runs on TV...it got that way through a lot of blood, sweat, tears and vomiting at the gym...and lots of muscle soreness for days and days afterwards that literally made it hard to walk or move...they respect that...I don't have to say a word, they respect it inherently...