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  1. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Yeah, just thought about that, she most likely, just like me, will be spending time with her family. I can go through 3 weeks no problem as I'll be in London celebrating Xmas and New Years. I can just tell her as an excuse that I need to get some revision done for an exam coming up or...
  2. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    That's exactly what I DON'T want to do. That'll jeopardize it all. Look honestly, if you think I'm doing it wrong then don't bother replying to this thread any more.
  3. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    I would never think of saying such things to her if she ever does talk to me again. What I want is a new relationship with her ... no bringing back anything from the past - ANYTHING. I'm starting to gain more muscle, I'm getting some new clothes over the Xmas holidays and I'll be focusing a...
  4. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Wait so she was prepared to ditch all her so-called "girl friends" from here at University to do something better?! .... no. Although it's still unclear why she didn't go I would beg to differ.
  5. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Oh I am going to the gym, I've started this strick 3-4 meals a day regime to getting bigger and beastlier! I am checking and ****ing other girls in the mean time ... I'm not totally hooked onto her like many of the answerers feel I am. I don't really care about what she does with her...
  6. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Really? All her friends were going. Why not go?! I didn't particularly want to go because she was going in the first place ... I',m clearly not over her ... so I think there's a chance she feels the same way.
  7. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    A little update: Had a great night last night besides as so called "friend" used a deodorant spray with a lighter and burned half my face with it and then spraying half the remainder of the spray into my face .... he got what he deserved any way. But more to the point ... today there was this...
  8. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Not really mate. If I told her "think about it" walked out of the room and went absolutely NC on her ass it doesn't. Hell me going NC means I care more for myself. Don't think reading some junkie's web page is going to help :crackup:
  9. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Had this deep conversation with a friend of mine earlier on this evening. We were initially talking about this Christmas dinner/film event on Saturday and somehow the conversation went to my Ex GF ... He went on to say that he went to this social event, which my ex goes to too, and he...
  10. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    OK I GET IT ... her "official explanation" "doesn't mean sh!t" ... I'm not saying this is the true reason for her breaking up with me. The true reason is because I was a d!ck to her, overreacted far too easily, in bad moods constantly. I've "fixed" those issues thanks to these weeks of No...
  11. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    OK I GET IT ... her "official explanation" "doesn't mean sh!t" ... I'm not saying this is the true reason for her breaking up with me. The true reason is because I was a d!ck to her, overreacted far too easily, in bad moods constantly. I've "fixed" those issues thanks to these weeks of No...
  12. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    See now this is where it comes to it being my fault for the break up. I know relationships are 2 sided, meaning that some of the blame is on her too. I OVERREACTED to her "banter" ... it was just a silly remark that I blew out of proportion. I've been bullied for most of my life and being...
  13. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Why do I want her back? Because I've finally come to realise how stupid I was, how I overreacted to her remarks ... she was only teasing. In all honesty, I can come across as a pretty sensitive guy, but this is mainly due to the bullying I had withstood back in school, by family and...
  14. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    P.S when did I tell her to "think about it" lol I went up to her room because she wanted "a talk" - knew what was coming because I've been in these situations before. She told me she wanted a "break" (i.e a break up) and I asked why, etc ... I may have said things on the verge of...
  15. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    OK let me get things straight with someone who obviously doesn't know much about women, or puts them all in his stereotype locker room. Not all girls will find someone else to replace me/you ... why would a girl be looking for another guy when she's already got one giving her great sex (she's...
  16. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Not going to work ... to be able to get her drunk I would have to buy her drinks ... to be able to buy her drinks I need to be on speaking terms with her ... which I'm not, not surprisingly since I'm on *No Contact* with her. Last time she got drunk she got mad at me for being in her vicinity...
  17. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Right so according to you guys there's no way back in this "relationship". I don't think she's had any guys since breaking up with her ex 4 months ago. My friends didn't understand why she would break up with me because "she wasn't ready for a relationship" they said it was a joke of an...
  18. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Anyone? Would be much appreciated. Meanwhile I'll go **** an 8 :rock:
  19. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    1. Check 2. Check Going ghost? Check ... I've done all three of them. But a few questions remain that I'm waiting to be answered: Why 1) make me meet her parents 2) make things official 3) say things like " I never really say this to anyone but I really, really like you"???? AND...
  20. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Already banged a btch, made her *** and everything ;) 2/3s of the way to date another girl, she'll text me tomorrow. How can I make her hear or see me with/****ing other women?! Just want to rub it in her btch face .... I'm ready for a relationship, she isn't ... so she better come back...