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  1. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    Lol, that's the best response I've heard so far. Yeah, I overreacted :/
  2. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    Not even my own mother, or aunt, or sister, or :crackup:
  3. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    Aye sir ... I ****ed up, I over reacted. I didn't get emotional though, so don't worry about that.
  4. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    Yeah I realise now I should've brushed it off and joked with her ... kind of stupid, I know. But it's just a joke, right?
  5. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    The ' I'm joking ' part, or the ' Is this your way of stopping me breaking up with you '. It'd be nice if you could be clearer :)
  6. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    So, what I'm getting, is that I'm blowing this ****e out of proportion (as per usual :crackup: ) ... I really need to teach myself not to over react like a chemistry experiment gone wrong - ****. Any advice you can give to take our relationship back on track? Thanks.
  7. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    See that's it! My GF and I always tease each other, because it's fun, because we get off to it, because it turns us both on - weird huh? But the fact that we had an argument a week ago, that things are starting to clear up well and she drops this "break up" joke ... it's not too kind on the...
  8. D

    Wth, was this a joke or serious?

    I don't if my GF was serious or not we had a phone call yesterday, and I let her know that I got her a minion she then goes "Is that to try and stop me from breaking up with you?" ... I said "No" and she went "I'm only joking" I don't know what to think. The thing that's...
  9. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    a) She was. b) No **** she likes me.
  10. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    Aren't we all in one way or another? Well she certainly does want to f*ck me PUAHAHAHAHA You guys are missing IMPORTANT points in my post ... This girl and I would be in a relationship if it wasn't for the distance. And we fck a lot when we do see each other. And it's not just fckig...
  11. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    OK just take that idea of long-term relationship OUT OF YOUR HEAD. Never did I mention that I want to be in Long Distance or a Long Term with her. We BOTH agreed on this, that FOR THE MOMENT it would be too hard because of academics, lack of intimacy, lack of interaction, trust issues, and...
  12. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    And how the f**k can I expect her to do that at the young age of 18 when she's already at University in her country?! RIIIIIGHTTTT .... so she spends 3,5 years touching only one guy *ME*, invites me to her city for 5 nights (3 nights we ****ed), just to "satisfy" her ego. ROFLMFAO, I don't...
  13. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    I thought I told you that I didn't want this stupid Long Distance Relationship in the first place? And seriously sort out your language, I don't understand how "b*tches" go for you in the first place.
  14. D

    Should I really care about this girl any more?

    We've known each other for 3,5 years and it was intense Chemistry from the beginning. I never wanted to get to this stage of emotions with her because, like she rightfully says "I'm not ready for a long distance relationship". However it's been very weird lately. She contacted me 3 weeks...
  15. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    -The relationship we had was short but very intense ... at that's what scared her away. Hence if I leave it for any longer she will have definitely moved on by then. If I go through with this she could say no, but at least I came off as the bigger man, showed confidence and gave it a try...
  16. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    I've decided to take on a whole new method which can swing both ways, but regardless I'll be content: I'm going to ask her if we can have a quick chat some time soon over a cup of coffee or something, nothing too forward, just casual talk. If she says fine or whatever I'm just going to tell...
  17. D

    Ex GF broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship yet"?

    Her friend did ask me if I was "over her" a week back ... I didn't think much into this.