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  1. J

    The farting waitress

    Omfg this thread has really made my day all those stories, oh man my stomach hurts so bad from laughing :crackup: But on the serious part even if I just cant stop laughing, like MooseGod said, all girls fart and I mean ALL maybe just some you never hear them. I thought it was pretty gross...
  2. J

    Successful Approach

    Sorry for the late response even tho with almost 100 views and 2 replies only I think no one cares but anyways. We went out on Friday like I said, and well it went pretty damn good, we danced tho I don't really like dancing but still, I had fun, and well before the night ended I end up...
  3. J

    Successful Approach

    Thx for the replies, yeah it felt pretty good that it actually worked out well. But anyways, I'm going out tonight with them 3, since they told me that they where just gonna stay home for today so I was like let's go out!!! :D :rockon: I'll post here how it goes when I come back so...
  4. J

    Successful Approach

    Hey there guys, Well I just wanted to post this since I feel proud about it, anyways yeah I know in my last thread I said I was after a certain girl however since I haven't seen her yet since she's out of town I've been working on approaching different women out there to boost my confidence up...
  5. J

    Talking to very old friend, need some advice

    Yeah you are right man, thx :rockon:
  6. J

    Talking to very old friend, need some advice

    Thx for the replies guys But I was thinking, what if I just like get back in touch with her thru like msn, and then pop out in that encounter. Because even if we are old friends I think just "appearing" would be kinda strange, don't you think?
  7. J

    Talking to very old friend, need some advice

    Hi, Ok I know the title sounds very weird but the thing is that I stopped talking to this gorgeous girl like 3 years ago ever since we went to different schools, we used to be friends but well she went to some school and I went to a complete different one, changed mail over the years and...
  8. J

    Anybody know a short funny joke I can send by text?

    omfg rofl dude you made me laugh so hard, because I actually imagine like someone saying that to a girl :crackup:
  9. J

    Clubs: How to control alcohol to keep state...

    Don't really see a problem here I agree with dav22 could use that water "trick" or just follow the alcohol rule which is 1 drink per hour and you shouldn't get drunk, not get tired and sober at least that works for me. Just take it slow man, don't even see anything wrong if you don't drink at...
  10. J

    How the fcuk do I get over so many rejections?

    Dude honestly I'm very new at all of this, but I don't think height has to do THAT much about it, not saying that I'm very successful with the ladies but the few approaches I've made haven't come out that bad, and I'm 6'8'' which actually does represent a problem since where I live let's say at...
  11. J


    un poco viejo el thread pero pues aqui anda uno del DF
  12. J

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    Thanks yeah I think that would work very well also since it's not like I see her every single day so yeah if I just like go out a lot more and concentrate on other stuff and of course other girls, and stop seeing her without just being rude, that could help. Wont hurt whatsoever to actually...
  13. J

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    Nah, wouldn't just tell her that again, certainly not in that way again :P So what you guys suggest is just like try to kiss her or something like that? And for the other question well I'm not sure if she would be jealous, since I don't spend that much time with other girls, however for...
  14. J

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    Well yeah that is true, I might as well just go ahead and make a move and see what happens. I did told her once and she was only like thank you for being honest but not right now. But I might just go ahead and make it perfectly clear and see what happens. Thanks for the advice :)
  15. J

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    Hi, Well I'm new to this forum so I hope this goes here. Anyways my name is Jonathan, and the thing is that I've had "one-itis" with this girl for almost 3 years now (which happens to be my best friend) and it has only accomplish one thing sunk me even deeper into relationships basically...