How the fcuk do I get over so many rejections?


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I am hopeless and I am afraid that I will never get a gf. I have never had one. Only casual dating.
4. I am 28...and I still hit on 18-19 y.o..that's the age I like.
At 28 you can't expect it to be easy to make an 18-19 y.o. into a GF. Not saying there's anything wrong with it or that it isn't done ocassionally, but girls that young aren't looking, and aren't usually good candidates, to be BF/GF especially with a guy 10 years older. I'd have a hard time believ ing you could tell an 18 year old girl you're 28 and she not think you're too old and think it's weird. Girls under about 25 like a guy to be her same age or within 5 years of age at least. It sucks but age and looks are a big factor and a big hurdle to overcome whether or not some want to believe it or not.

I think if you want something longterm it'd help to meet girls 21up.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Tell us more details. It's hard to pinpoint the problem. Are you really serious about the numbers of approaches?

Post a pic. Let us see what your typical appearance is.

Who are you going after? Random women?

What are your interests? These are often a hook.

Most women are already in some relationship already. You can't expect them to ditch just because you are you.

You do have to get lucky in a sense but there are a lot of single women out there and lots of women in relationships that are dissatisfied.

Your biggest problem is probably the problem almost every guy has: YOU THINK YOU CAN READ MINDS. You are taking rejection as a rejection of YOU. In fact, they might find you attractive but are too dissed or busy or afraid to do anything about it. Never tie your concept of yourself to their behavior.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Yapper said:
Holy Moses. You make chasing tail sound like a gym workout routine. Enough sets and your biceps will be bulging through your small T.
Listen, buddy, there's no way you can go 225 approaches and only get 3 numbers and not be either just horrendous looking or doing something horribly wrong.

Its actually similiar in concept (enough sets won't have your "biceps bulging through your T" though). As Tyler says in foundations, you decide what days you'll be going out, and how many women you'll be approaching ahead of time, then stick to it.

Viking your obviously not meeting enough women and haven't gone through just a basic learning phase of going out for a period of time and doing mass approaches. As a bare min if you promised to go out for 2nights a week and talk to 10 women a night for 6months, you would really thank yourself.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
200 Approaches and you didnt get to actually get laid not once....

i am literally wordless

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Viking25 said:
...I approached around 225 girls in 3 months and had almost zero results...
Stop keeping a fvcking running tally! Your effort is best used by learning from each interaction and making appropriate adjustments. What exactly have you learned? What is it that makes you so successful online that you can carry over?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
My advice is good advice especially if it's given to a guy with hundreds of rejections. The numbers don't lie in this situation.

Anybody who comes to this site will have trouble giving off the right vibe I can tell you that.

He might as well do something that will work for him rather then bothering girls everytime he sees them on the street.

He should just start with getting girls through friends. Then he can mabye try talking up strangers.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright dude u did 225 approaches and failed, but u kept going u got to respect that part of u and ur asking how u get over that u were doing pretty good on 224 approaches. This was 4 years ago though and i expect u can not analyse it really anymore, so i think u need to start off with a clean start and start approaching women. Try new things if something isn't working, do not continue to do it, u r suppose to learn from ur failures not repeat them. I would reccomend teasing her, i can not think of one convo with a woman that had any love interest that i didn't tease her.

I respect the guy who had what it takes to do 225 approaches and failed more than this guy who only does one a month. I think u have been given pretty good advice from everyone, so also try some of the things they told u and Best of luck on ur new start.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
wutangfinancial said:
I'm 5'8 and I get rejected because I'm short ALL the time,even by girls that think I'm really cute.
That's strange because I'm 5'6 and while that is short, it's never been a problem for me. That's why I always find it humorous that chicks I've met in the past who were "taller" than me were still interested.

I simply can't believe that a guy who is 5'8 has trouble because of his height. That's not even short really, it's average. 6'0 is the beginning of tall...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm 5'8 and I get rejected because I'm short ALL the time,even by girls that think I'm really cute.
How do you know it's specifically because of your height? Do they actually tell you?


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Dude honestly I'm very new at all of this, but I don't think height has to do THAT much about it, not saying that I'm very successful with the ladies but the few approaches I've made haven't come out that bad, and I'm 6'8'' which actually does represent a problem since where I live let's say at least 80% of the girls are between 5' and 5'5''
So cant really give advice on how to approach except to be confident in the way you look (physically) because well you cant change your height and well you gotta learn to be comfortable with it, that's my best advice for you.

Also everyone out there correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it wouldn't hurt to use that as an advantage like to make a "joke" about it if the girl is taller than you, not really make fun of that, just make something funny out of it. Well I think that could work also but then again I could be terrible wrong.

Anyways good luck