Successful Approach


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Hey there guys,

Well I just wanted to post this since I feel proud about it, anyways yeah I know in my last thread I said I was after a certain girl however since I haven't seen her yet since she's out of town I've been working on approaching different women out there to boost my confidence up.

So today I decided to test my luck and approached a set of 3 Finnish girls (HB7, HB9, HB7.5) more or less, since I saw one of them kinda staring at me. Btw this is in Mexico they're foreign students, anyways I grabbed my balls and walked to them and used a "cheesy" opener maybe even "dumb" but it worked =P

Me: "Hi, I couldn't help noticing you girls are speaking in another language, and I wonder what it was." (This was in English of course since I heard them talking with a teacher in English like 2 days ago).
They: "Hey, yeah we are Finnish, you know where it is?"
Me: "Awesome, yeah my sister is going there on January to study a semester" (Which is true)
They: "Ahh cool..."
*There was kind of an awkward silence here since I didn't knew what else to say*
Me: "So what are you girls studying?"
They: "We came here for 2 semesters for the Marketing career"
Me: "Sweet, so how are you liking Mexico so far? Is it treating you alright or the rumors are showing up?" (Trying to be a bit funny since I know a lot of people say Mexico is terrible)
They: *Laugh* "No, is being alright so far, some strange people but it's a very cool place"
The girl that was staring at me: "Yeah and it has some cute people too"
*I kinda blushed because well I thought it was a very obvious hint from her*
Me: "Hehehe, yeah well it's a cool place to live once you get used to"
*At this point I decided to go for it all*
Me: "But yeah Mexico does has some really cool people, but when it comes to beauty I think we come loosing before you"
*They all blush a lot, and you can easily see that since they are blond =P*
They: "Awww thank you"
*And one give me a kiss in the cheek*(I turn all red as well)
*At this point I realize I don't even know their names*
Me: "I just realized I never really introduced myself, I'm sorry, my name is Jonathan"
They: "Oh, yeah you're right"
*They all introduce them selves* (just in case anyone is curious names where: Katriina, Tiia and Meri)
Me: "Wow those are cool names never heard them before, they are really nice"
They: "Thank you"
They: "Hey we gotta go to class, sorry, it was very nice talking with you"
Me: "Yeah same, take care"
*Then I think man!!! ask for their numbers/emails*
Me: "Hey I would like to talk with you girls again, can we meet somewhere?"
HB9(girl staring at me): "Oh sure, here this is my cellphone while being in Mexico, and this is my email, and my friends emails"
They: "Ok cya around take care, bye"
*Walk away*

I know freaking long post but yeah I felt proud never ever done something like that in my life and have barely any practice so I think it went alright, some feedback would be really appreciated.

EDIT: Oh and in case you are wondering how I knew how to spell their names I asked them over msn a few hours ago


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
Very nice approach. Sounds like they all like you. Should lead to something or at the very least it'll make you look good in front of other girls.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
a successful approach leave a feeling like no other. it's incredible how so many people on here look for answers to approach anxiety in hypnosis, books, recordings, etc....

my confidence shot through the roof the first time i had an honest to God conversation with a cold approach. Even a simple one.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Thx for the replies, yeah it felt pretty good that it actually worked out well.

But anyways, I'm going out tonight with them 3, since they told me that they where just gonna stay home for today so I was like let's go out!!! :D :rockon:

I'll post here how it goes when I come back so probably tomorrow. :D


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry for the late response even tho with almost 100 views and 2 replies only I think no one cares but anyways.

We went out on Friday like I said, and well it went pretty damn good, we danced tho I don't really like dancing but still, I had fun, and well before the night ended I end up kissing the one I liked and liked me the most (the HB9) for a very long time, and even if it took me some time to get that kiss I think it was worth it, man she was a good kisser and also well I gotta admit I haven't kissed anyone in 2 years so it was pretty damn awesome.