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  1. E

    I tried to make a LTR work and I sunk into an old trap

    Out of the rut. For now. Her ex pulled some dumb move to incite a fight between me and the girl. The battling ended with me ready to kick her to the curb and her saying that she "doesn't want to lose me." So...I'll see if I can pull something worthwhile out of the situation...or just kick...
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    I tried to make a LTR work and I sunk into an old trap

    Logically...I know this. I tried to do it once and failed miserably. So...what then? Just start ignoring her texts/calls/IMs?
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    I tried to make a LTR work and I sunk into an old trap

    I'm being too nice. I met this girl well over a year ago but didn't start flirting with her until ~6 weeks ago. I flirted with her over the span of the weekend, we made out, then later in the week we had sex, then a few more times and so on. I decided that I enjoyed who she was as a...
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    Initial anxiety with people

    I am a confident person. I have some experience, probably less than average for my age, but I know how to talk to people and I'm generally good at getting people to open up to me. I've had people call me social and charismatic, even had friends be jealous of my skills socially. However, all...
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    Something tricky: Dealing with language barriers

    Kino makes sense. But have you ever tried to speak a language you weren't very good at and get your point across to someone, while being able to receive theirs? It's not easy. I've tried it, and often end up getting frustrated after going over the basics with people - where I'm from, what I...
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    Something tricky: Dealing with language barriers

    If you are in her country, and neither of you speak one language or the other fluently, is it still possible to pick a girl up? Say you speak enough to hold a basic conversation, or she understands enough that you can simplify things. How about if she can understand the words you say, but...
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    On top of that, I was never that satisfied with the physical aspect of our relationship. She's a virgin and I was really slow with her, but we still never made it to sex.
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    I've thought about it, but it's a bad idea. That's why we broke up in the first place. Neither of us want a long distance relationship. I don't have the time and the money to drive and see her more than once a month, she doesn't have a car. With the costs of other forms of transportation...
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    It's not something worth thinking about, dwelling on, or something that should influence my decisions. Suddenly believing that she's out sleeping around now, just because the possibility is there, won't effect my life in a good way. So I just don't think about it at all.
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    I've been avoiding this state of mind because it'll only make me jealous and suspicious.
  11. E

    Do you guys Peacock?

    It works for Mystery. It works for some people. A lot of people on here are looking for the "best" way to get girls and there is no true "best" method. Maybe you spend $500 on clothing and gadgets for one outfit and it works great for you, gives you confidence, and helps you work. Maybe...
  12. E

    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    That's true. If I just keep mingling and planting seeds in various places, eventually something will come of it that I don't want to turn down.
  13. E

    Would you/have you had sex with a girl that your friend had previously had sex with?

    Not exes, just former hookups/**** buddies/one night stands. The thought of it just grosses me out for some reason. What I usually do is simply never ask about a girl's past - however, I still seem to find out if they've had sex with this guy. It's to the point now where I'm suspicious of...
  14. E

    Would you/have you had sex with a girl that your friend had previously had sex with?

    Surprisingly, this has come up a couple times in my life. Frankly, it weirds me out. I live in a very small town and I'm friends with someone who's spent the past several years sleeping with half of the women in it. So far I've turned down three girls almost specifically because he's had sex...
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    Myspace reply

    no, you just came off as kinda creepy. move on.
  16. E

    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    I get so close to pulling the trigger sometimes though, and then I just never do it. Turns out the girl I described in the first post went out and called my friend instantly after I turned her down and went and had sex with him instead. Right now I'm working on expanding my social circle and...
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    I've still been thinking on this. The best idea I can come up with for why it's happening is that I fear success - it means that I have to accept that my one-itis girl is no longer mine. I see that what I'm doing is working, get nervous, and stop. How do I get over this?
  18. E

    I've got little "confidence"

    When it comes to listening to advice about women, you should only trust straight men, maybe lesbian women, and women that are at least 30 years old. Women DO want a man. They don't want a little puppy dog. They don't want the puppy that follows them around, begging for acceptance. By the...
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    I tried to break my one-itis last night and failed

    I broke up with this girl a little while ago, and I'm still really hung up on her. I broke up with her because I didn't want a long distance relationship at this point in my life, which was where our relationship was headed. I'm a 21 year old college student, why should I be with someone that...
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    Avoid overwhelming women with your need to see/talk to them

    Okay, I may have worded myself wrong. A little bit of chatting is okay. "Oh hey, what's up, where are you right now, what are you doing later tonight..." but a good rule is that your phone conversations shouldn't be going beyond 5 minutes if you've only recently met the girl. Also, girls that...