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  1. B

    Should I confront her?

    I dunno man, I kinda disagree, cuz this aint Queensland Australia. This is Texas, we have more people in this state than the entire country of Australia. Online dating is very different here compared to the small population you have to choose from. Online dating in Austin Texas is supposedly...
  2. B

    Should I confront her?

    That is pretty much how I feel. Online dating is good, in practice, but never really amounts to much. I was caught up in how super hot she was. She is bangin hot, but obviously a mixed up individual. I wish her luck, I think she will need it. Lives at home, teenage son, engaged overnight. Haha...
  3. B

    Should I confront her?

    yeah, Im not a fan of women with children. Unfortunately, when you hit 30+, most women your age have children. I kinda agree with the guy above, about going after younger girls. Only thing is, me and younger girls dont get along very well. Im old school as hell.
  4. B

    Should I confront her?

    I hear alot of what youre saying and agree. Online dating is very strange. I dont prefer it at all. Young girls really put me off though, its rare I find a younger girls I really like and can relate with. Now that Im 31, younger girls are definitely easier to find. Another problem I have is that...
  5. B

    older dominican woman at my job got me confused

    Just ask her out. If she says yes, she likes you. If she says no, give her the cold shoulder from there on out.
  6. B

    Should I confront her?

    I disagree. It seems I can attract them easily. I think my attraction skills are fine. It's just playing along with them that I dont do too well at. I dont play well with others. For example, instead of brushing this off, Id rather go tell her off. I just operate different than most people...
  7. B

    Should I confront her?

    reply Yo, this site is the bomb and thank all of you who took the time to respond. I really appreciate it and was overwhelmed with the responses. You could be correct. I've never claimed to be a hall of famer, lol. She approached me online. We met on a dating app on facebook. I sent her my...
  8. B

    Should I confront her?

    It's a rule of mine not to kiss on the first date. I normally dont break that rule. I'll have sex on the second date, but not the first. If a girl makes out with me on the first date, she is a tramp in my opinion, and not worth any effort or time. I very easily could have kissed her when I...
  9. B

    Should I confront her?

    yes I agree. But I feel like she didnt have to "face the music" at all, like she just walked over me. That never sits right with me, I always fight for what I believe to be right. I wouldnt mind explaining to her that what she did was messed up. I think she needs to hear it and deserves to hear...
  10. B

    Should I confront her?

    well, I am usually "that person" who speaks their mind, not holding back. if I did confront her, I would be nice about it, but let her know that she's cold hearted.
  11. B

    Should I confront her?

    It wasnt "posh". It was California Pizza Kitchen, which I kinda hate, haha. She apparently loves it though. I would have totally kissed her on a REAL date. This was more like "hey im getting off work, lets grab a bite to eat and talk about going on a real date" type of meeting. I dont want to...
  12. B

    Should I confront her?

    At the beginning of this month (June) a HB8 contacted me online, very interested in me. At first I thought it was a scam because it was too good to be true (she is way too hot to be online dating like that lol). She insisted I add her on Facebook. I was hesitant, as I dont normally add people I...
  13. B

    Cooking for a girl..

    Cooking always impresses HBs, but if you do it too well, you'll be stuck doing ALL the cooking in the future.
  14. B

    How do you get a girl to come over?

    just ask her if you can come over. if she likes you, she'll say yes.
  15. B

    waiting for date?

    Just ask her if she is going to make it or not. No need to talk about nudity, lol.