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  1. W

    Where do you get touched?

    It's crazy how its OK for a girl to touch your chest or squeeze your arms in passing conversation (clearly they are doing it becasue they are attracted to it). i view this the same as me grabbing a tit during conversation ...which im pretty sure wouldnt go over so well.
  2. W

    Dancing onto women...

    On spring break I had the most success getting girls that were already dancing. Make eye contact, then instead of just begining the grinding take them by the hand and pull them to you while looking in their eyes. Once she gives you her hand game with them what you please. I find away...
  3. W

    I feel like sharing.

    you said something about working the front door?...are you a bouncer?
  4. W

    Where do you get touched?

    I'm just curious as to weather or not body type has any bearing on where a girl will touch you. I'm a pretty muscular guy and Ive noticed that if a girl touches me during conversation she'll grab my arms and not like touch them but kinda squeeze as if she's feeling me up. Also, I find that they...
  5. W

    What's my next move?

    I went out with a girl last week to dinner, it was fun and when we were parting ways she said "we have to do this again sometime." Well, I havent called or contacted her in over a week. what should I do, should i call her to meet again? or would a txt be ok?
  6. W

    Contacts me after a month?

    yeah beleive me that ran threw my head too. but when i met her i didnt do a damn thing for her. no free drinks, no free entry, nothing to even give the impression that i would do sh*t for her. I just thought it was an interesting situation never happend to me before and wanted u guys' take on...
  7. W

    Contacts me after a month?

    yeah it does come across as that way...i prob shouldnt have brought up that whole letting her in for free thing.
  8. W

    Contacts me after a month?

    I work at a bar so occasionally I have girls approach me. About a month ago a really hot one comes up and is all over me all night. She gives me her number and makes me promise to call, and after a few days I do. She says she'll call me back later to make plans for the weekend, well she never...
  9. W

    Girls approaching guys

    I've had girls approach me, but thats usually just because Im a bouncer, but its happend when im not on the job also. What I find though is even though they approach you doesnt mean a whole lot. I had a girl approach me and was all over me then flaked out. Chances are if they approached you they...
  10. W

    DJ terminology

    thanks a lot
  11. W

    DJ terminology

    Im realtively new and for the most part have picked up on the lingo in this forum, but would one someone mind posting a Dj dictionary? For example I can't figure out for the life of me what AFC means, and I'm guessing HB means Hot Babe?...Hot B!tch?... Thanks
  12. W

    Anyone here a bouncer?...need help

    Never actually beaten anyone up, and Im not anxious to do it. So far I've only broken up a girl fight and half of a fight between guys. Nothing really interesting so far. I have girls walk by and touch me and sh#t or look at me all night, but i don't pursue them becasue they are either drunk or...
  13. W

    Anyone here a bouncer?...need help

    haha actually im black...but there's no way for you to tell that over the internet.
  14. W

    Anyone here a bouncer?...need help

    yeah, im still kind of im pretty sure it would be fun to bring a girl in the back room to get my d*ck wet, but I have absolutly no idea how to progress so quick with a girl...she'd pretty much have to intiate everything. Id be happy just to get to know them, but the girl who gave me...
  15. W

    Anyone here a bouncer?...need help

    As, Ive already said in my previous post, Im a bouncer. This may seem like a sweet deal in the getting ladies arena, but it's a gift and a curse. When I talk to girls while Im working I always question myself as to their they really think Im all that hot? or just want a favor? One...
  16. W

    Have I screwed it up?

    yeah, ive wondered what to do next time i see her in there. it prob wont be for a while cause shes in the guard and going to hawaii or something. i dont want to be outright mean to her, even though it is completly within my power to do it. i figure i'll just not do any favors for her.
  17. W

    Have I screwed it up?

    You guys are right. I wish I had discovered this site before this. I've only been a bouncer for a little over a month. I've never had much much experiance in dating and all these games. So to go from getting pretty much no girls to having the hottest of the hot approach me is still taking some...
  18. W

    Have I screwed it up?

    She was just so hot. I'm pissed at myself for falling for her sh*t i guess. And Im also pissed at her. Why would she be all over me one night begging me for attention then suddendly change her mind? When Im at work I pride myself on taking girls like her down a peg. Anyway, I was hoping that she...
  19. W

    Have I screwed it up?

    haha yeah. i know all about the wanting free sh*t...which is why i generally pay no attention to the sl*ts that are in the place. but it seemd like she was generally attracted to me i dunno...there are 4 other bouncers in the place and i came in as part of the later shift so the place was...
  20. W

    Have I screwed it up?

    I'm new to the site and finally decided to join and seek some friendly advice. I am a bouncer at a bar on a college campus so I get my fair share of girls hitting on me. Usually they are drunk so I just dismiss them and go about doing my job. But last week there was a really hot girl who came...