Contacts me after a month?


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I work at a bar so occasionally I have girls approach me. About a month ago a really hot one comes up and is all over me all night. She gives me her number and makes me promise to call, and after a few days I do. She says she'll call me back later to make plans for the weekend, well she never calls. So I pretty much dismiss her. I mean it bothered me of course, she is hot, but I stopped stressing over it and just pretty much wrote her out of my life.

The other day I get a text from her saying "hey stranger" as if I'm the one who blew her off haha. I wasn't going to respond but I figured, why the fvck not...So i texted her the next day:

Me: Hey whats up
Her: nothin much u?...sorry i never called you back ive been super busy.
Me: no prob...i was at work last nite (my reason for not txting her right back)
Me: do you even rememebr txing me last night? (i figured she was just drunk)
Her: Of course
Me: haha alright. we'll let me know when u guys are in town again maybe i'll let you in for free : )
Her: we're comin tonight and sat!
Me: Ahh! so thats what you want me for!
Her: dont know what we're doin yet.
Me: alright we'll im not workin 2night but if ur around give me a call.
Her: okey dokey.

She didnt call me that night nor Sat. I was just wondering why she would even contact me after such a long hiatus. She appologized for her actions even though i didnt bring it up that she went a month without returning my call. Is it possible that she has genuine interest in me? I know shes in the guard and was gone for that whole month. Does this seem kinda weird to you guys? Any advice on what to do with this situation?


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
yeah it does come across as that way...i prob shouldnt have brought up that whole letting her in for free thing.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Sadly to say your just another guy that she is attempting to use to get what she wants because she's hot. She is so used to she knew that night she first met you"hmmm this guy is a bartender which means extra perks for me, time to flirt and show him fake interest" Time goes on and she's back in town and what do you know she has your number to use you. Lesson learned with hot chicks you have to be a real challenge.


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
yeah beleive me that ran threw my head too. but when i met her i didnt do a damn thing for her. no free drinks, no free entry, nothing to even give the impression that i would do sh*t for her. I just thought it was an interesting situation never happend to me before and wanted u guys' take on going out with a diff. girl tomorrow so its no big deal.