Anyone here a bouncer?...need help


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
As, Ive already said in my previous post, Im a bouncer. This may seem like a sweet deal in the getting ladies arena, but it's a gift and a curse. When I talk to girls while Im working I always question myself as to their they really think Im all that hot? or just want a favor? One good thing about being a bouncer is I pretty much have to do nothing, the girls just come up to me...Ive only been working for a month now; so I really dont have any interesting stories besides one girl giving me her number (without me asking)... only to have her not return my calls. My question is: is anyone on this forum a bouncer? and if so, what are any tips you have on actually successfully hooking up with girls you meet on the job?


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
I've been a bouncer for nearly a year now in a few different clubs. You seem like me in morals and such, but it seems like you're not sure what you're even looking for. The answer to your question is that they want both. The ideas work on each other- your overall desirability is bumped wayyy up because of your appeal that comes with the job.

So don't think about it as one or the other. My game works the best off of getting numbers and dating, but only because I have more experience in it. I followed the bootcamp over and over trying to boost numbers when I was in high school. Decide what you want first. If you want to take these hoes in the back room and shag that shyt or a quick blow, check out this-

You won't find too many classy girls while working in the clubs, but every now and then a gem comes by. Chances are there will still be something difficult about her (like I just learned from a bartender of 7 months), but you just gotta have fun man. Roll with whatever, and always grab a number if a woman won't put out and move on.


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
yeah, im still kind of im pretty sure it would be fun to bring a girl in the back room to get my d*ck wet, but I have absolutly no idea how to progress so quick with a girl...she'd pretty much have to intiate everything. Id be happy just to get to know them, but the girl who gave me her number was seriously all over me that night....then i call her a few days later and she tottaly flakes out on me and never calls me back. It seriously amazed me how quickly she turned face on me...I NEVER approached her...I NEVER asked for her number...she presented me with all of this, and was completly all over me; and then when i finally try to holla back she sketches out haha. This in all honesty put a dent in my ego...I guess it makes me feel that she was attracted to the shirt that says "STAFF" on the back and not me. The moment I called her on the phone I became just another random douche bag and not the hot muscular bouncer who can keep dudes off of her and get her drinks (which i didnt even do for her)....I know i'll recoup though...plenty more out there.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Something like that shouldn't hurt your ego. Bouncers are about power and control. She saw right through you to the sensative little guy.

Women in clubs are enveloped by alcohol, and chances are when you are approached they're 80% not like themselves. It's a great perk.

By the way your reply sounds, you didn't read the article I linked. Your game is based on a bunch of stereotypes that has has been taught to you by your parents, school, mass media, and especially church if you've gone, all telling you what they think to be a "good guy."

A sociologist named Cooley once wrote a theory that says, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE- you are only what people percieve you as. You really need to put some time into reading the articles that are in the "DJ Bible" posted on this website. Don't believe me? Check out how big of a chump you sound like:

"im still kind of torn" --- she beat up your pu$$y instead of vice versa
"im pretty sure it would be fun" --- VERY SURE IT WOULD BE FUN
"she'd pretty much have to intiate" --- Never. You initiate even after your knees are trembling until you stop wanting a mind fukc and actually want a FUKCFUKC!
"It seriously amazed me how quickly she turned face on me" - None of us are.
"holla back" --- dude you're white
"dent in my ego" ---- nothing dents your ego
"random douche bag" ---- did you just put yourself down man? *slap*
"plenty more out there" --- The only thing you said that was right, but you need to SELL THAT SHYT. Not repeat your parents.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Sexual said:
Never say never, always say always.

I always hated that, instead of i never liked that. If you force yourself to stop saying things a certain way, or to conform to a certain style you begin to speak the way people want you to speak, instead of the way people hate hearing you speak.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
whichonespink said:
As, Ive already said in my previous post, Im a bouncer. This may seem like a sweet deal in the getting ladies arena, but it's a gift and a curse. When I talk to girls while Im working I always question myself as to their they really think Im all that hot? or just want a favor? One good thing about being a bouncer is I pretty much have to do nothing, the girls just come up to me...Ive only been working for a month now; so I really dont have any interesting stories besides one girl giving me her number (without me asking)... only to have her not return my calls. My question is: is anyone on this forum a bouncer? and if so, what are any tips you have on actually successfully hooking up with girls you meet on the job?
Sure you have interesting stories. How many drunk people have you beat up?


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
haha actually im black...but there's no way for you to tell that over the internet.


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
snowdog said:
Sure you have interesting stories. How many drunk people have you beat up?
Never actually beaten anyone up, and Im not anxious to do it. So far I've only broken up a girl fight and half of a fight between guys. Nothing really interesting so far. I have girls walk by and touch me and sh#t or look at me all night, but i don't pursue them becasue they are either drunk or not attractive in my one yet was some girl handed me a 5 dollar bill cause she said i was a "good host" haha.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
I am a cop and I'm sure there are similarities between being a bouncer and a cop; that quest for the man of the moment with all the power...

I've went in to bars to break up bar squabbles and had drink women grind on me and damn near rape me in uniform right then and there for all to see! SUMMARY: just drunk and showing off to friends and wanting some excitement and potential danger (if I decide to haul her ass to jail, which I wouldn't).. Believe me, this gets LOTs of attention and it takes some guts on her part!

I listen for women who say things like "you better not pull me over tonight when I speed through town". SUMMARY: Oh look at me I am so cool I know a cop now.

While in uniform I prefer the women who make conversation to me without referring to me as a cop, without referring to them breaking the law, without referring to my gun or handcuffs, without kissing my ass, and who just talk to me like I am just another person they happen to have came in contact with tonight. Those are the ones who I might just exchange digits with while on duty. I have exchanged digits in uniform many times, but on this "extra" filter basis. But NO, I have never banged a random chick or gotton a BJ while on duty or anywhere in any police property or vehicle. I never would unless it was my exclusive girlfriend or wife, then it might be kinda fun! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
He summed it up better for a guy like you. Whereas I'm more aggressive, cops are putting more on the line. I see the cops in the clubs I work at and get a kick out of seeing them enjoy themselves, because all we get are designated shirts and they have all the whole arsenal of power. I carried around a baton when weapon fights would break out, but a REALLY bad one came up at the front door and buddy almost got hit from behind with a broken bottle- i yanked it out and a cop ran up at the same time, almost pulled his pistol on me, lol. Sucks you can't protect yourself in clubs, because they're not always around. Club cops do always help us out and are on our side though.

Seems like you don't really want to learn how to handle the kind of girl you asked about (drunk slut that wants you for status reasons), so I'll let you listen to pouysie boys like Bonez.

Good luck.