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  1. R

    I still have a problem when it comes to relationships!

    thats crazy man... My problem is just meeting them and getting to the first kiss Once I get to the the first kiss Im usually in Remember once the girl likes you to keep up the C+ F ... keep up the teasing... all the stuff that got her attracted to you in the first place. Public...
  2. R

    Yet another Field Reportt

    ok first off... Its an HB 6 but its def. a good confidence booster. Next thing is that you didnt "command her" . You asked her when are you free? This shows that whenever she is free ... that you will be free. " Do you wanna get together sometime?" try " Lets get together sometime."...
  3. R

    At Frat Party: Openers/Key Lines

    frat parties are a bunch of drunk chicks anyway.. there are 2 types of frat parties one with dancing and the one's without the parties with dancing like here at rutgers are easy as hell to pick up chicks cuz all you do is start dancing with them without dancing... just say sumthing...
  4. R

    Field Report for just starting again

    I was thinking the same exact thing. Good idea about the social proof thanks for the advice
  5. R

    Field Report for just starting again

    Okay... college student field report I have been approaching a bunch of chicks lately. First chick I meet her in class... chat her up about the class.... get a number close ... get her #. call her up 4 days later and she doesent awnser. Hb8 I see her in class the next week and talk to...
  6. R

    My BIGGEST problem is FAILURE!

    I thought u lived in COLORADO?
  7. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    So whats wrong with me is that I want to join the military and serve the country? Are you some like radical leftist that hates the military or something?
  8. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    I came on here to get help with women. Not to be mocked on my career choices. If you want to discuss this with me do it through pm's
  9. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    wow phoenix... that was a comment I took personally. I am going to the army because I feel a need to serve the country and help out with the war. Now I know the stereotype of people joining the army is the ****bags who cant do anything else, but thats not true at all. There are people...
  10. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    I think the above two posters hit the nail on the head. I see the women who go for these guys and say If thats what they want then frick them. And use that as an excuse to not approach or pursue them. I need to get rid of this attitude and these posts are really helping. This...
  11. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    I made this post as a rant/ convo starter. To point out that you can have alot going for you but still not have woman sorrounding you. ( or is it surrounding) When I wrote out my original post I looked at it and got a confidence boost and realized ... hey ! I do have alot going for me, I...
  12. R

    I think this is all BS !!

    I want to start off by saying that these are my opinions and mine alone. Everyone on this site talks about the "alpha male" getting all the chicks. I think this one is laughable. Lets put it in perspective here. Taking me for example. I am 5'9... athletic body. 170 lbs. Good-...