Field Report for just starting again


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Okay... college student field report

I have been approaching a bunch of chicks lately.

First chick I meet her in class... chat her up about the class.... get a number close ... get her #. call her up 4 days later and she doesent awnser. Hb8

I see her in class the next week and talk to her... she totally blows me off and starts flirting with some other dude hardcore. NExt.

Another chick in algebra class
Next class I sit next to her on the bus and tell her I need help in math and I want her to tutor me for the exam the next day. She agrees we have good convo and she laughs. I call her up and she flakes making up bull**** about her having a floor meeting.

I see her again in class today and we talk again on the bus. It was pretty awkward cuz she blew me off the night before and I asked her how her floor meeting wuz and she got really flustered. We talk a little bit and eventually she sits in a different seat then me on the bus. I get off at my stop and wave goodbye. I figure next. Hb7

I met another HB9 with a Hb9 twin at the bus stop. SHe started chatting me up. I was about to ask her number but she went back on the bus because it was not her stop.

It sux because I feel awkward in class now because I got rejected by the two girls and it seems like they really dont want to talk to me when I come in the class. Maybe they also feel awkward?

Any advice? I must be doing something wrong with either my approaches. I always get the #. but never the date.

I have a few prospects on myspace so I will let everyone know how that goes.

I know its not gonna happen overnight so Im going to keep trying until I figure out how to do it right.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
I personally don't recommend aggressively going after the chicks in your classes with a sense of purpose. It makes for all sorts of bad situations. Think about it.

the typical DJ approach is MUCH better when you approach girls that you don't see every day, and in different environment.

However, in class, i recommend that you just act like a cool guy to be around, make her laugh, intrigue her, etc.. No rush, you should be getting all the numbers on the street, right? Just go slow with the girl from class, if you feel some chemistry go for it when the time is right.. Otherwise no need to create akward situations in class.

Plus if you befriend the chick in class, you can use her for social proof later on, plus she can introduce you to her other friends outside of class, and those are sorta fair game as far as im concerned since you are not like in daily contact with them

It kinda goes with the "never **** where you eat" principle.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
I was thinking the same exact thing.

Good idea about the social proof

thanks for the advice


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah there was some girl in my psyc class that I talked too every class, planning to ask her out, but thought if it went bad I would have to sit next to her the rest of the year .Now we just joke around and are friends.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
hey rswarren
I used to have that same problem. My problem was, I gave them nothing to look foward too. Don't just get the number and bail unless her interest level is already really high. Take some time to make her laugh, tease her, and establish rapport. Also, as NorPacWolf and some of the older heads will tell you, you should date close BEFORE you number close.

I have to go but we should continue this conversation some other time. Meet me at __________, okay
(she okays.)
Great! Let me get your number in case I need to cancel.

I hope that helps, it helped for me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
ps I'ma college student too so I know how it is