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  1. P

    Which LINUX OS is the best?

    I'm going to help my dad repair this piece of crap computer with 4.3 GB of space built into it.. yep it's old.. as for processor, who knows what it is, it just sucks. Which LINUX OS is the easiest to install and why? Gentoo Slackware Ubuntu I'd like to not waste too much time (only in town...
  2. P

    Crashing A Frat Party...At 25!

    haha rock on man!
  3. P

    My Analysis-- what you think?

    I don't pretend to know what I'm doing with the psychology.. havent started the grad program yet. as for hella? didn't even know I put that in there-- old party vocab I guess! I'll make sure to take your advice but I'm guessing I won't be going out with that chick.. too much pressure and dating...
  4. P

    Date Report

    shes not from there-- but asian.. too many don juaners out there..
  5. P

    Date Report

    hmm -- well there is always next time I suppose.. I'm just trying to get the action before I get back to Taiwan.. I dont believe in the asian conservative thing that much but I will take that to mind.. thanks for your help
  6. P

    Your success stories- fill us Juan's in...

    ok I had a huge success the other week. sex in a national park over a log on the second date. it wasnt even in such a private area. a ten for coolness a 0 for smartness.. thank god we werent caught... plus my pumas got covered in creek mud! why cant all girls just be like this.. would make our...
  7. P

    When To Buy Her Drink?

    I do not buy-- dont care if they kissed me or not.. now after I got to second base and I can see things progressing to sex.. then I guess I would buy a drink to help lubricate the process
  8. P

    Date Report

    Been out in the field lately, Got one F close which would make it my first hispanic chick I ever been with (the lame part is I'm like 8 years behind my friends in terms of hispanics.. well the non AFCs) but I got the f close on the saturday after I met her.. Now on the other hand HB...
  9. P

    My Analysis-- what you think?

    Here is an update: since that day 8/25 she hasn't called me up again.. busy doing something I suppose. I have been dating 2 other girls. One is HB mexico and the other is HB burma.. HB mexico put out hella fast.. suprised me hb burma.. bout to post about her..
  10. P

    asian guys who prefer to date/marry non asian girls-why and how come

    it's fun to try a different flavor.. I'm mixed Chinese/American... but I can leverage my multiracialness to make myself some sort of exotic specimen to the kinky latinas.. just as an ABC can be the exotic guy that a latina could be looking for instead of the usual latino guy. there is no way to...
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    I tend to meet a lot of nice girls.. for the most part I have met 5 or 6 girls that I could have wifed if I was some farmboy hick with dreams of pre age 25 marriage.. there are a lot of good ones out there....I'm thinking 20% are good who will respect u, but that is with help from this website...
  12. P

    Another example of a wh0re: Jessica Alba

    as for gangbanging.. um.. just half? nowadays girls are freaky.. candle dripping and golden showers are so 1997..
  13. P

    Taipei Wingmen

    Going to be in Taipei. You to? Lets wing!
  14. P

    My Analysis-- what you think?

    Some thoughts and questions I have about the game. First off if you are one of the extremely handsome guys out there your game can entirely consist of using your looks and bluntly asking girls to go home with u from the club.. no matter how much a girl likes you.. if that guy is drop dead hot to...